Elena Marie Andresen, Ph.D., F.A.C.E.

Oregon Health & Science University, Portland State University School of Public Health Initiative

email: Office 503-494-2275Updated9-3-14


B.A., Interdisciplinary, University of Washington, Seattle, 1977.

M.A., History, University of Washington, Seattle, 1979.

Ph.D., Epidemiology, University of Washington, Seattle, 1991.


University of Washington: 1981-1984. Research Asst./Supervisor; Depts. Health Services, Medicine.

King County Emergency Medical Services (Seattle): 1984-1986.Research Manager.

University of Washington:1986-1991.Teaching Asst./Assoc., Dept. Epidemiology. Research Asst./Assoc., CDC Center for Health Promotion in Older Adults, Dept. Health Services.

Veterans Administration Medical Center, Seattle: 1988-1991.Predoctoral Fellow, Health Services Research & Development Field Program.

University of Western Australia, Perth: 1989. Lecturer; epidemiology.

University of Rochester School of Medicine: 1991-1996. Asst. Professor, Dept. Community & Preventive Medicine.

Saint Louis University School of Public Health:1996-2004. Assoc. to Professor (tenured 1999). Division Director, Epidemiology.

Rehabilitation Outcomes Research Center, VAMC: 2004-2007. Research Health Scientist, Gainesville Florida.

University of Florida College of Public Health & Health Professions, Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics: 2004 –7-2011. Professor & Founding Chair (7/2006-3/2010). Professor, Department of Epidemiology, Colleges of Medicine; and Public Health & Health Professions (3/2010-7/2011).

Oregon Health & Science University, Portland:7/2011-4/2014. Chief, Disability & Health Research Group, Institute on Development & Disability, Professor, Department of Public Health & Preventive Medicine, School of Medicine.

National University of Singapore: 9/2011-10/2011. Visiting Professor; Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health.

Portland State University, School of Community Health. Courtesy Faculty, 11/2012-present.

Oregon State University, College of Public Health & Human Sciences, School of Biological & Population Sciences. Courtesy faculty. 5/2013-present.

Oregon Health & Science University, Portland State University. School of Public Health Initiative. Interim Dean, 5/2014 to present.


Languages (other than native English). Spanish: Fluent non-native speaker.French: Basic first level college preparation. Turkish, Portuguese, Italian: social traveler’s basics.

Management Development Program, Harvard Graduate School of Education, June 14th – 26th 2009.

HONORS & AWARDS(selected)

1988; Matrix Table Award for Campus Achievement, Women in Communications, Inc.

1988, 1989, 1990; Predoctoral Fellowship, Seattle VAMC HSR&D.

1989; Sigma Xi GrantsinAid award.

1989; Secretary's Prize for Innovations in Health Promotion & Disease Prevention, DHHS.

1990; Student Workshop, Society for Epidemiologic Research, Snowbird, Utah.

1995; Alumni Award for Excellence in Graduate Education, University of Rochester.

2000; Honorary Member, Pi Theta Epsilon, OT Honor Society (Beta Gamma Chapter).

2010; Member Delta Omega Honorary Society in Public Health (Beta Upsilon Chapter).

2011: Allan Meyers Award, American Public Health Association Disability Section.

2013: Chair’s Award for Excellence in Service, Department of Public Health & Preventive Medicine, Oregon Health & Science University.


Advisory Group: Missouri Patient Care Review Foundation (state PRO), 1996-2003.

Member: Saint Louis University Institutional Review Board; 2002 -04.

Member: North FL/South GA Veterans Hospital Research & Development Committee, 2005-07.

Member: Institute on Aging /Pepper Center Executive Committees, University of Florida; 2005-11.

College Representative: CTSI Steering & Planning Committee, University of Florida; 2008-10.

Chair: Tenure & Promotion Committee, College of Public Health & Health Professions; University of Florida; 2010-11.

Member: Promotion & Tenure Committee, Department of Public Health & Community Medicine, Oregon Health & Science University; 2012-present.

Member, Steering Committee: Portland State University; Oregon Health & Science University Collaborative School of Public Health; 2012-2014.

Member, Oregon Public Health Association Board; 2012-2014.

Chair: Oregon Alzheimer’s Association Workgroup on data & Alzheimer’s. 2012-2014.

Member: OHSU University Committee on Academic Reviews 2013-2014.

Member: OHSU Institute on Development & Disability, Promotion and Tenure Committee. July 2013-ongoing.

Member: OHSU OCTRI (Clinical & Translational Science) Internal Advisory Board. October 2013-May 2014.

Reviewer: BIRCH Pilot Awards proposals (OHSU-PSU initiative). July 2014.


American Association on Health & Disability.

American College of Epidemiology (elected Fellow 2007).

American Public Health Association (Epidemiology & Disability sections).

Oregon Public Health Association (Epidemiology/Biostatistics & Disability sections. Board member).

Association of Prevention, Teaching, & Research.

International Society for Quality of Life Research (Director, Mentoring Subcommittee).

Society for Epidemiologic Research.


IOM; Member, Committee “Agenda for Health Outcomes Research for Elderly People” 1996. Member, Committee “Disability in America,” 2005-06.

External reviewer, “Committee to Evaluate Measures of Health Benefits for Environmental, Health, & Safety Regulation,” 2005. Expert presentation to Committee on “Medical Evaluation of Veterans for Disability Compensation” 2006.

CDC;Chair, NCBDDD Intervention Grant Reviews, 6-2006; Chair, Elimination of Health Disparities through Translational Research Panel, 7-2008; Member Translational Research Panel, 7-2009; Dissertation Reviews, 2007.

Member:Healthy People with Disabilities 2010 workgroup, Atlanta. 2000-03.

Member: Expert Panel on Health Related Quality of Life (NCCDPHP) April 29th, 2008. Member, Steering Committee Developing CDC HRQOL Program Curricular Materials (2008-09).

Member: Social Determinants of Health Expert Panel (NCCDPHP) May 20th-21st, 2008.

Expert Review: Public Health Measures of Wellbeing. Coordinating Center Health Promotion (2008). Member: Healthy People 2020 Disability Work group; HP 2020 Health-Related Quality of Life Well-Being Workgroup, 2009; Leaders Engaged on Alzheimer’s Disease (LEAD; BRFSS strategy) 2009-10. “Kingston” Workgroup on surveillance for developmental disabilities (9- 2009) & Moderator, “Definitional Issues & Methodology – Options & Recommendations,” 2-2010.

AHRQ: Reviewer, Small grants, 1997. Health Care Research Training study section, 1998-03; ad hoc member; CER & K-12 T-32 programs, 3-2010. T32 grants, 2008. Healthcare Quality & Effectiveness Research study section, 6-2008.

HRSA: Expert - Subcommittee on Populations; Rockville, MD. 2000.

Society for Epidemiologic Research (SER): Faculty, Annual meeting. 2000.

COnsensus-based Standards for the selection of health Measurement Instruments (COSMIN) Delphi Panel Member 2006-2009 (

AHRQ/NRHCHDR/NIDRR: CAHPSR for people with mobility impairment. 2001; 2005.

AHRQ/NRHCHDR/NIDRR; Status of Disability Health Services Research. 2001.

AHRQ: Member, Developing Quality of Care Measures for People with Disabilities, 4-2010.

AHRQ/USPSTF: Member, Technical Expert Panel, Prevention in Older Adults team. 3-2011.

NSF. Methodology, Measurement, & Statistics Program grant review, 11-2008.

NIH: NIA program grant reviews; 2001, 2008-2010. ERRA grant reviews “Building sustainable community-linked infrastructure to enable health science research,” 2010. Reviewer (special emphasis section) “Pregnancy in women with disabilities.” 1-2012; 6-2012; 2-2013; 5-2013; 12-2013.

NIDRR: Member, Long-Range Plan Steering Committee. 2003-04.

PCORI: Member, Study Sections. 2/2012, 10/2012, 5/2014.

ASTHO: Member, Caregiving Systematic Review Expert Panel, January 27th, April 28th, 2014.

AUCD: Member, Public Health Advisory Group, February 25th, 2014.

Editorial Board: Journals of Gerontology: Social Sciences. 1998-2001.

Editorial Board: Disability & Health Journal. 2007-2014.

Associate Editor: Quality of Life Research. 2009-2014(cumulative portfolio 226 manuscripts).


Introduction to Epidemiology;first level graduate courses.

Epidemiologic Methods; graduate courses in advanced methods & analysis.

Measurement in Epidemiology; graduate course in statistical & field data methods.

Disability Epidemiology/ Disability & Public Health; graduate courses, methods & analysis.

Introduction to Public Health/Public Health Concepts: Undergraduate courses.

Methodologies in Evaluation of Health Services: Graduate course.

Principles of Clinical Medicine: Medical school first year course. Small group facilitator.

Interprofessional Education (IPE). Small Group Facilitator. Series required for all OHSU clinical students with a goal of building a safer and more effective patient-centered and community-oriented health care system (Sessions 3 [Ethics] & 4 [Error]).

Scholars’ Roundtable: monthly seminar series, University of Florida Clinical & Translational Sciences (CTSI), VA GRECC, & the Older Americans Independence (Pepper) Center.

Writing for & targeting peer-review journals for research & scholarship.Professional developmentseminaravailable at

Review & critical appraisal skills for peer-reviewed journals. Professional development seminar available at


Postdoctoral & Junior Faculty (current)

Bridgett Rahim-Williams, PhD. Senior Research Fellow, NIH. National Institute on Minority Health & Health Disparities, Bethesda, MD (mentor).

Ana R Quiñones, PhD. Assistant Professor, Department of Public Health & Preventive Medicine, Oregon Health & Science University; Health Research Scientist, Evidence-based Synthesis Program, Portland Veterans Affairs Medical Center (mentor).

Corey L Nagel, PhD, BSN/MS, MPH. Assistant Professor, School of Nursing, Oregon Health & Science University (mentor),

PhD Graduates (recent)

Michael Cannell, MPH, PhD. Epidemiology; Department of Epidemiology, College of Public Health & Health Professions, University of Florida (Committee member). “Frequency & effects of physical, verbal, & sexual abuse in older adults” December 2013
Robert Fitzgerald, MPH, PhD. Epidemiology; School of Public Health, Saint Louis University, St. Louis, FL (Committee Member) “EEG & decision making in pediatric epilepsy.” Saint Louis University, 2012
Stacey Giroux, PhD. Committee member. “Cultural & social correlates of overweight & obesity in upstate New York.” Department of Anthropology, University of Florida, 2012
Dhiman Bhadra, PhD. Committee member. “Bayesian semi-parametric regression & related applications.” Department of Statistics, University of Florida, 2010
Mohan Krishnan, PhD. Committee member. “Depression, disease knowledge, & epilepsy adherence” Department of Clinical & Health Psychology, University of Florida, 2009



DHHS/ADD: “The University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities.” PI K Humphries, PhD. Investigator 5% (current) 5-10% 7/11-6/15. Current year total $535,000.

CDC: “Oregon Office on Disability & Health.” PI EM Andresen, PhD, 10%.7/01/12-6/30/15.Total $900,000.

US Maternal & Child Health Bureau: PI M Hartzell (Mentor E Andresen) “Comparison of CSHCHN non-CSHCHN using PRAMS PRAMS 2”. Graduate Student Epidemiology Program, 2014.

OCTRI Catalyst Award (OHSU CTSI): PI W Horner-Johnson. “Reproductive Health of Women with Disabilities Initiative”. 7/2014-6/2015. Total $98,836 direct. Investigator (2%).

Past (selected)

VA, HSR&D: "Rochester Area HSR&D Project" PI J Howard, MD, Canandaigua VAMC. Personal involvement 12.5%. Total award $132,000/2 years (199294).

NINDS, NIH: "Tourette's Syndrome in a Special Education Population" PI R Kurlan, MD (U Rochester). Personal involvement 4%; Year 1$ 469,373 direct (1993-96).

CDC: “Prevention Research Center: Race/Ethnic differences in Disability among Women in the National Determinants Study” PI R Brownson, Ph.D. Personal involvement 5%/1 year.

CDC: “Validation of Survey Measures of Self-Reported Health & Functional Status for Persons with Disabilities” PI E Andresen, PhD. Personal involvement 25/20%. Total $200,000/2 years.

MODOH: “Disability Epidemiology & Health Project” PI E Andresen, Ph.D. Personal involvement 20%. 1 year award $45,000.

CDC: “Conference on Disability Outcomes Research” PI E Andresen, PhD. Personal involvement 5%-10% Award $30,000 direct 9/99-1/01.

CDC: “Evaluation & Dissemination of CDC’s BRFSS HRQoL Measures BRFSS” PI E Andresen, PhD. Personal involvement 10%-15%; Award $99,038 direct 9/99-4//01.

RWJ: “Pediatric Approach to Hospice Support-FOOTPRINTS” PI S Toce, MD. Personal involvement 10% for 3.3 years to 3/02. Total direct award $448,435.

World Bank: “A Study of National Burden of Disease & Cost-Effectiveness of Essential Health Services” (Turkey) PI A Kisa, PhD (Başkent University). Direct award $1,600,000. Personal involvement 18%; 3/02 to 5/03; Subcontract $27,632.

CDC/ASPH: “Evaluating preference weighted measures among persons with disability.” PI E Andresen, PhD. Personal involvement 15%, direct award $183,890;11//01 to 10/03.

NIDRR: “Disability Statistics Rehabilitation Research & Training Center” PI M LaPlante, PhD (UCSF). Personal involvement 10% for 4 years, total direct award $700,000/year to 11/03.

CDC: “Prevention Research Center”; Director R Brownson, Ph.D. Personal involvement 8% for 5.5 years (to 12/04), Director, Methods Core.

NCI/NIH: “Cancer Education & Research Center” PI M Kreuter, PhD. Personal involvement (Methods Core director) 25% (11-03 to12-04).

AHRQ: “Race & Outcomes in Work-Related Back Injuries.” PI R Tait, PhD. Personal involvement 10%, direct award $824,952 (10/03-1/05).

DVA Supplemental QLP Stroke: "Pilot Project: Informal Caregivers of Veterans Post Stroke." PI M Rittman, PhD. Award $50,000 (5/05 - 10/05). Personal involvement 8%.

Rosalynn Carter Institute for Caregiving: “Rosalynn Carter Caregiving Project.” PI E Andresen, PhD. Award direct $12,691 (6/05-11/05). Personal involvement 6%.

DVA HSR&D: “Caregiving of Veterans with Stroke.” Co-PI M Rittman, PhD & E Andresen, PhD. Personal involvement 16%, 4/06-3/08. Award $302,991.

CDC/ATPM: “The Public Health of Caregiving.” PI E Andresen, PhD. Personal involvement 10%, 9/30/04-9/29-07. Award $394,049, direct.

CDC/TKY Integration Services: “Development of state capacity to conduct caregiver surveillance.” PI E Andresen, PhD. Personal involvement 9%, 10/06 to 9/07. Award $127,726 direct.

Komen Foundation: “Elucidating the barriers & facilitators to breast cancer screening: gaining perspectives of women with disabilities & their health care providers.” PI E Lopez, PhD. Personal involvement 6%, 5/06 to 4/08. Award $184,990 direct.

DVA HSR&D (STP): “The Impact of OEF/OIF Veterans Mental Health on Caregivers” PI J Hayes, Ph.D. (Kansas City VAMC) Personal involvement 15%, 04/08- 08/08.Award $78,760 direct (brief report at

Florida DD Council/Agency for Persons with Disability: “Survey & Analysis of the Waiver Waitlist” PI E Andresen, Ph.D. Personal involvement 18%, 2/08-8/08. Award $72,551 direct.

CDC/NCCDPHP. “Caregiving of Persons with Cognitive Impairment.” PI E Andresen, PhD. Personal Involvement 2%, 10/06 to 9/07. Award $13,652 direct.

Florida DD Council: “Florida Office on Disability & Health Annual Meeting Support” Director E Andresen, PhD. 0% support 2009 Award $4,841 total.

NIDRR: “RRTC: Health & Wellness.” PI G Krahn, PhD (Oregon HSC). Personal involvement ~2%, 10/04-9/09. Subcontract $49,501 5 years.

Florida DD Council: “Florida Office on Disability & Health Web-based Health Care Proxy Survey” PI E Andresen, PhD. Personal involvement 2% 1/5/09-6/30/10Award $14,476 total.

CDC/NCCDPHP: “BRFSS States’ Caregiving Report.” PI E Andresen, PhD. Personal Involvement 1%, 6/1/09 to 5/31/2010. Award $10,000total.

Alzheimer’s Association: “2009 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System State Reports on Caregiving.” PI E Andresen, PhD. Personal involvement 5%. 6/15/10-9/15/10. Award $9,916 total.

NIA/NIH: “Pepper Center for Older Americans (University of Florida).” PI M Pahor, MD. Role: Director, Research Career Development Core. 10% (2007-2011).

DVA RR&D (SDP): “Pain & emotional disorders in veterans with & without polytrauma.” PI M Clark, PhD. (Tampa VAMC) Co-investigator 4% 07/01/08-9/30/11. Award $894,900 direct (UF subcontract $20,103).

NIH/NIA: “Medicare payment changes & falls in hospitals.” PI R Shorr, MD (University of Florida). Co-investigator 25%, 9/30/09-8/31/11. Award $1,573,741 total.

NIA/NIH: “Physical Frailty in Urban African Americans.” PI D Miller, MD (Indiana University). Co-investigator 10% for 12 years to 4/12.$2,750,000 (last 5-year cyle)

CDC: “Florida Office on Disability & Health.” Director E Andresen, PhD. Project 7/1/07-3/31/12 Award $1,767,670 total.

CDC: “Oregon Office on Disability & Health.” Director A Weaver. Role: Epidemiology & Training, 10%. Project 7/1/07-6/31/12 Year 5 award $550,000 (18 months).

NIDRR: “DRRP on health disparities & disabilities.” PI C Drum, JD (U New Hampshire). Expert Advisory Panel 4.5-7.5%, 10/1/08-9/30/12 UF/OHSU subcontract $71,500.

Alzheimer’s Association: “2010 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System State Reports on Caregiving.” PI E Andresen, PhD 5%. 3/15/12-6/15/12. Total $12,713.

DVA RR&D (SDP): “Pain & emotional disorders in veterans with & without polytrauma.” PI M Clark, PhD. (Tampa VAMC) Co-investigator 1/3/12- 1/2/13 total IPA to OHSU $6,700.

NIDCD/NIH: “Collaborative Applied Research Supplement (Patient-Centered Research).” PI M Fried-Oken, PhD. Investigator 2% 7/1/12-6/30/13. Total $40,000

Alzheimer’s Association (CDC subcontract): “2011 and 2012 BRFSS Caregiver Reports.” PI EM Andresen 3%7/15/13-12/31/13. $5,599.

OHSU Faculty Innovation Fund pre-award grant. “Preventive care use for people with disabilities: Effects of CCO implementation”. Biostatistical support, January, 2014 ($3,200)

NIH/NICHHD: “Quantitation of Oral-Motor Function in Infants.” PI R Rogers, MD. Investigator 10% 1/1/13-7/31/14. Total grant $1,754,786 from 9/24/10-7/31/14.

NCI/NIH: “Activating Rural Clinics & Women with Disabilities to Improve Cancer Screening (R21).” PI D Buckley, MD, MPH. 3/1/12-4/30/14. Total $275,000 direct. Role: Investigator (2%).


NIDCD: “Patient-centered outcomes for brain-computer interface implementation.” R01. Multiple PI. M Fried-Oken, PhD; EM Andresen, PhD. 30% 5 years. $2,769,000 direct.


Peer Reviewed Articles(* community/agency authors; student/trainee authors in italics)

1.Cummins RO, Eisenberg ME, Moore JE, *Hearne TR, Andresen E, et al. Automatic external defibrillators: clinical, training, psychological & public health issues. Ann Emerg Med 1985; 14: 755760. PMID: 4025971

2.Moore J, Eisenberg ME, Andresen E, et al. Home placement of automatic external defibrillators among survivors of ventricular fibrillation. Ann Emerg Med 1986; 15: 811812. PMID: 3729103

3.*Pierce J, *Wendt R, Andresen EM, et al. Automatic external defibrillators: lay person use in the home. J Emerg Med Serv 1986 March: 5860.

4.Eisenberg MS, Moore J, Cummins RO, Andresen E, et al. Use of automatic external defibrillator in homes of survivors of outofhospital ventricular fibrillation. Am J Cardiol 1989; 63: 443446.PMID: 2916429

5.Carter WB, McKenna M, Martin MM, Andresen EM. Health education: special issues for older adults. Patient Ed Counseling 1989; 13: 117131. PMID: 10318208

6.Andresen EM, Carter WB, Perrin EB. Community based surveillance of acute ischemic heart disease: one-time mailed questionnaires from physicians useful? Epidemiology 1993; 4: 8285. PMID: 8420588

7.Shore RE, Hildreth N, Dvoretsky P, Pasternak B, Andresen E. Benign thyroid adenomas among persons Xirradiated in infancy for enlarged thymus glands. Rad Res 1993; 134: 217223. PMID: 8488255

8.Shore RE, Hildreth N, Dvoretsky P, Andresen E, et al. Thyroid cancer among persons given Xray treatment in infancy for enlarged thymus glands. Am J Epidemiol 1993; 137: 10681080. PMID: 8317436

9.Andresen EM, Lee JAH, Pecoraro RE, et al. Underreporting of diabetes on death certificates, King County, Washington. Am J Public Health 1993; 83: 10211024. PMID: 8328597

10.Andresen EM, Malmgren JA, Carter WB, Patrick DL. Screening for depression in well older adults: evaluation of a shortform of the CESD. Am J Prev Med 1994; 4: 7784. PMID: 8037935

11.Andresen EM, Patrick DL, Carter WB, Malmgren JA. Comparing the performance of health status measures for healthy older adults. J Am Geriatrics Soc 1995; 43: 10301034. PMID: 7657920

12.Gumbiner B, Andresen EM, *Hearne FT, et al. Metabolic risk factors for cardiovascular disease in a working population: a retrospective cohort study. J Clin Epidemiol 1996; 49: 267271. PMID: 8676172

13.Andresen EM, Bowley N, Rothenberg BM, et al. Testretest performance of a mailed version of the 36-item Short-form Health Survey among older adults. Med Care 1996; 34: 1165-1170. PMID: 8962582

14.Andresen EM,Rothenberg BM, Panzer R, et al. Selecting a generic measure of health-related quality-of-life for use among older adults. Eval Health Profes 1998; 21: 244-264. PMID: 10183346

15.Nanda U, Andresen EM. Health-related quality-of-life: A guide for the health professional. Eval Health Profes 1998; 21: 179-215. PMID: 10183344

16.Andresen EM, Rothenberg BM, Kaplan RM. Performance of a self-administered version of the Quality of Well-Being questionnaire among older adults. Med Care 1998; 36: 1349-1360. PMID: 9749658

17.Hedberg VA, Klein JD, Andresen E. Health counseling in adolescent preventive visits: Effectiveness, current practices, & quality measurement. J Adolesc Health 1998; 23: 344-353. PMID: 9870328

18.Andresen EM, *Prince-Caldwell A, Akinci F, et al. The Missouri Disability & Health Project. Am J Prev Med 1999; 16(3S): 63-71. PMID: 10198682

19.Andresen EM, Gravitt GW, Aydelotte ME, Podgorski CA. Limitations of the SF-36 in a sample of nursing home residents. Age Aging 1999; 28: 562-566. PMID: 10604509

20.Andresen EM, Fouts BS, Romeis JC, Brownson CA. Performance of health-related quality-of-life instruments in a spinal cord injured population. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1999; 80: 877-884. PMID: 10453762

21.Andresen EM, Brownson RC. Disability & health status: Ethnic differences among women in the United States. J Epidemiol Comm Health 2000; 54: 200-206. PMID: 10746114

22.Howard C, Howard F, Lawrence R, Andresen E, et al. Office prenatal formula advertising & its effect on breast-feeding patterns. Obstet Gynecol 2000; 95: 296-303. PMID: 10674597

23.Andresen EM, Fitch CA, McLendon P, Meyers A. Reliability & validity of disability questions for U.S. Census 2000. Am J Public Health 2000; 90: 1297-1299. PMID: 10937013

24.Andresen EM,* Lollar D, Meyers AR. Disability outcomes research. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2000; 81 (12 s 2): S1-S4.

25.Meyers AR, Andresen EM. Enabling our instruments: accommodation, universal design, & assured access to participation in research. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2000; 81(12 s 2): S5-S9. PMID: 11128904

26.Andresen EM. Criteria for assessing the tools of disability outcomes research. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2000; 81(12 s 2): S15-S20. PMID: 11128900