Fourth Grade

Grading Scale, Procedures, and Homework

100 point scale 4 point scale

A- 93-100(4)

B- 85-92(3)

C- 73-84(2)

D- 65-72(1)

F- 0-64(0)


  • Above is the fourth grade grading scale thatis used on your child’s report card. These grades will be used to portray your child’s level of mastery of content taught in class.
  • Students who are not happy withtheir grades will have the opportunity to retake or redo their work in effort to improve their understanding of concepts and skills. Students scoring below 70 (2) will be permitted to correct, retake, or redo their work. This practice allows students an opportunity to reach mastery of the skills or concepts taught.
  • All open response questions, projects, and some class work will be scored using the 4 point scale. Students not scoring a “4” will be permitted to correct their response until they score a “4”. Again, we want students to understand the material being taught and to experience high quality work. We will always go over the correct response together, analyze student responses, and discuss student questions prior to the students making corrections.
  • My goal is to help students learn, not to let them fail. I believe all students can learn and learn at high levels when provided the right tools. I will do everything I can to help every child be successful and achieve at high levels.
  • I want grades to be an accurate representation of what the students know and are able to do according to the standards. Therefore, when you see a grade on a paper, test, quiz, project, etc. you will know how well the students understand or do not understand a concept- not in relation to others, but measured against the standard.


  • The purpose of homework is to practice/reinforce skills taught in class. I do not expect the students to complete an assignment over content that has not been taught. I strive to keep homework between 35-45 minutes, including 20 minutes of nightly reading. There are times, though, that this will vary more or less, depending on the unit of study or the time of year. Please help me at home by making homework a priority and reinforcing good work habits at home.
  • Homework will often be graded in class and be used as a teaching tool.
  • While homework is important in practicing the skills being learned, the grades given for homework will only account for 30% of the child’s overall grade. The student’s grade will be based on assessments (tests, quizzes, open response questions, projects, etc) of the standards the students are expected to know and be able to do. These grades will account for 70% of the child’s grade.