Mother’s Day


Sunday, May 12, 2013 – 10:30 A.M.


Prelude: Sharon Van Der Heide, organist

Call to Worship

*God’s Greeting

*Songs of Praise:

“Lord, Reign in Me”

“For the Beauty of the Earth” ~ Blue Hymnal #793:1,3,5


Litany for Mother’s Day

Leader: Today is Mother’s Day. We are happy to celebrate this day with our mothers, and we hope that each of us can make it a special day for our moms. We know that God has chosen a special person in our lives to be our mother. Today we also think of the many mothers who have gone to be with our Lord and we remember them well.

Mothers: We know that God has chosen us to be mothers to our children. He has placed children in our care so that not only do we take care of their physical needs, but to also guide their spiritual walk with the Lord. We are responsible to teach our children about God, His world, and about His love.

All: We thank our mothers for taking care of our physical needs, and for teaching us with their words and actions about who God is, what He has made and how He loves each of us.

Mothers: Being a mother is a hard job. We try our best, but there are sometimes that we don’t live up to the perfect standard. Forgive us for the times when we were not there for you when you needed us. Forgive us when we fail to show God’s love.

All: Our mothers mean so much to us. Forgive us when we don’t appreciate all that they do for us. Help us to encourage them in all they do.

Leader: Thank you, Heavenly Father, for your perfect love and gift, Jesus Christ. Help us with the power of your Holy Spirit, to love and respect each other. Thank you for our families and for our mothers both past and present. Forgive our failures and give us endurance, courage, and hope to continue to be the loving sons, daughters, and parents that you want us to be. Father, help us to be more like you. Amen.

Ministry of Music: “The Blessing of a Mother’s Love” ~ Girl’s Chorus


Profession of Faith of Kyle and Michelle Laauwe

Baptism of Briana Rose Laauwe

Ministry of Music: “Child of God” video ~ by Kathryn Scott

Congregational Prayer


Scripture: 2 Chronicles 6:34~42 (pp. 683); 2 Chronicles 7:11~22 (pp.684)

Sermon: “Remember Who You Are” ~ Pastor Chris Pedersen


*Song: “If My Peoples Hearts are Humbled” ~ Blue Hymnal #805



Offerings: 1st: Cedar Hill Ministries; 2nd: Building Fund

Offertory Prayer


*Parting Blessing

*Parting Praise: “Our God Reigns” ~ Blue Hymnal #372:1&2


*You are invited to stand.

In reverence and respect to God,

Kindly turn off all cell phones and electronic devices during the worship service. Thank you.
Sermon Notes:

The Chronicler retells the history of Israel

The same story from another angle

Questions of God’s People

+God-- is there a future for us?

+Are you still interested in us…even now?

+Even after things have gone so badly?

+God: are we still your chosen people?

+Or have we messed it up forever? Caused you to turn your back on us for good?

God’s Message

+If only you will come back. If only you will turn to me.

+If only you humble yourselves, pray, seek my face, and turn from your sin, then I will hear you…and I will forgive.

*Remember Who You are…Remember your baptism…

Welcome to Sunday Worship at Cedar Hill CRC. We are glad you are here with us this morning. If you are a visitor, please see the back of the bulletin for information about our church. Please fill out a Visitor Card found in the pew and place it in the offering plate or leave it at the Welcome Center.


May 12 ~ 10:30 A.M.: Today is Mother’s Day, and we give praise and thanks to God for our mothers, grandmothers, and all godly women who have been examples to us and have influenced our lives for the better. We have the privilege of witnessing the baptism of Briana Rose Laauwe and the public professions of faith of Kyle & Michelle Laauwe.

6 P.M.: Joint worship with our sister churches at Covenant CRC.

May 19 ~ 10:30 A.M.: Pentecost Sunday. Pastor Chris will give a message on Ezra, “What to Build First?”

6 P.M.: Joint worship with our sister churches here at Cedar Hill. We will welcome Rev. Joel VandeWerken from Sussex CRC to our pulpit.


This Week – May 12, 2013

OFFERINGS: 1st: Cedar Hill Ministries, 2nd: Building Fund

GREETERS: Welcome Team #2

USHERS: Harold Post, Ted Faber, Bill Heerema

NURSERY: Infant: Karen Borduin, Diane Monterisi

Toddler: Mandi Post, Vanessa Veenstra

CH. CHURCH: Sara Heerema/Raegan Heerema, Kathryn Post

JR. CHURCH: Katie Den Hollander/Laura & Dana Carey

Next Week – May 19, 2013

OFFERINGS: 1st: Cedar Hill Ministries, 2nd: CRWM; 3rd: Benevolence, PM: GEMS

GREETERS: Welcome Team #3

USHERS: AM: Walter Shurminsky, Robert Dykstra, John Borduin, Sr.

PM: Bill Bushman, Sally Haven, Henry Van Heemst

NURSERY: Infant: Jamie Rinaldi, Jessica Faber

Toddler: Kristen Borduin, Chanel Borduin

CH. CHURCH: Alyssa Shurminsky/Caitlin Shurminsky, Greta Botbyl

JR. CHURCH: Denise Post/Rebecca Martin



Pastor Chris will be leading the chapel at the Christian Health Care Center today at 2 PM. All are welcome to attend!

Sign up for a date with Pastor Chris & Kim! They would like to get to know you—and for you to get to know them. Monday mornings and Tuesday evenings are available. Call the office to choose your day and time.


Next Sunday, May 19, the elders will be available to serve communion to the homebound. Contact Pete Steensma, Bill Peters, Pastor Chris, or the church office if you are interested.

Household Groups: The Household Group numbers that are assigned to each Elder and Deacon are now indicated on the back of the bulletin. The list is also located on the wall by the mailboxes in the narthex.


There is NO Sunday School today on Mother’s Day. Next Sunday, May 19 is our final session for the year.


If you would like to help the Faber family as Ellen recovers from surgery, a hot, home-cooked meal is much appreciated. Visit to gift the Faber family with a delicious meal. Last name: Faber, password: ellenfaber.



Coffee Break will meet this Tuesday, May 14, for their last session of this season. At 9:45 AM sharp, we will view the video of Rev. Eppinga’s (Cabbages & Kings) retirement program to the people of his church. He tells the story of his life in a comical video titled, “From LaCradle to LaGrave.” A light lunch will follow. All are invited! Call Anna Jean 201-444-3850 or Judy 973-427-5177 today if you can attend.


Join us for a meaningful time of prayer this Wednesday at 6:15 AM in the Youth Room. Bring your own coffee.


The Scholarship Team will be sponsoring a Blue Moon Day on Wednesday, May 22. Mark your calendars for an opportunity to support our scholarship fund—and spread the word to your friends and neighbors!


Healing the Children NJ desperately seeks host families to open their home and give love to a needy child from another country while receiving medical care that they cannot get in their own country. This is a great way to show the love of Jesus to a hurting world. For more info, call Faye Dyksen at 973-427-0534.


The Helping Hands for Jorge Beefsteak Dinner has been postponed for this year due to overloaded schedules of those who plan it. It will be held in May of 2014. A letter detailing this will be mailed in the near future. Thank you for all of your support over the past years! If you would like to make a donation at this time to “Helping Hands for Jorge”, it would be appreciated. It can be placed in church mailbox #54 or mailed to Rich Garibell, 11 Belair Drive, Fairfield, NJ 07004.


On Saturday, May 18th, the ECMS 8th graders are hosting a fundraiser at Let’s Yo in Franklin Lakes from 11 AM ~ 11 PM, in the Market Basket shopping mall. 10% of all sales made with a voucher (you need to have the voucher available at the welcome center) will offset the cost of their upcoming trip to Philadelphia and Gettysburg. Stop by and enjoy a delicious frozen yogurt & toppings—and give a voucher to your friends and family. Thank you--your contribution to this cause is greatly appreciated!


LINC: (High School):

Join us on tonight from 6 ~ 8:30 PM at Faith Community’s Barn. Join for dinner, games, worship, and conversation.

LinC Hike: On Saturday, May 18, from 10 AM ~ 4 PM, be at Cedar Hill to join for a hike around Ramapo Lake. This is free! Bring a bag lunch and wear comfortable shoes for hiking. Don’t forget to use bug spray before you come. RSVP TODAY to Denise at 862-221-2014.

HEIRBORNE: (7th & 8th Grades):

Join us this Friday, May 17th from 6:15 ~ 10:30 PM as we will be going to the Castle! The cost is $25, which includes go-karts, mini-golf, laser tag, roller skating, and more. RSVP to Denise at 862-221-2014.

Join us on Wednesday, May 22nd from 7 ~ 9 PM at Cedar Hill for a regular meeting.

Go M.A.D: (5th & 6th Grades):


‘Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus

“Trust in Him at all times, O people; pour out your hearts to Him, for God is our refuge…You, O God, are strong…You, O Lord, are loving.” Psalm 62:8, 11-12

May 12, 2013


Congratulations to Jill (Schuurman) and Jason Formicola on the birth of their daughter, Grace Noelle, born on Thursday, May 9. Congratulations also to grandparents, Hank and Lois Schuurman.


Neal Bushoven completed physical therapy at the Christian Health Care Center and has returned home to the Holland Home. Pray for strength and healing.

Ellen Faber underwent surgery on Tuesday, May 7. Pray for Ellen as she recovers, for strength and healing.

Marie Meenan remains at the Valley Hospital following successful abdominal surgery. Pray for healing and a complete recovery.

Pray for our expecting moms and their families: Keith & Mandi Post (7/31/13), Pablo & Laura Laauwe (10/15/13); pray for good health for these women and their babies.


We extend our sincere Christian sympathy to the family of Henry G. Van Dyke, a former member of Bethel and Cedar Hill Churches, who passed away on April 30 in Holland, Michigan. If you wish to contact the family, their address is Beverly Van Dyke, 291 Danby Court, Holland, Michigan 49423. We pray that God will comfort and sustain this family as well as all those who mourn the loss of loved ones.


Kassie Borduin Pete Borduin Gert Troast


Doris Dyk Rachel Smith

Don Kreil Tena Stavinga

Huberta Smith Jim & Grace Van Wieren

Burden God with what burdens you.

Pray for Mission Outreach


Local Church Plants – Home Missions – World Missions

Classis Hudson & Hackensack Church Plants: This week, we pray for New Horizons Church in Paterson and Pastor Marco Avila. Also, pray for Grace Community Chapel of South Brunswick and Pastor Jae Park.

The Luke Society: Pray for Dr. Felix and Bertha Aldave in Trujillo. Pray for health and strength to care for the poor—both physically and spiritually.

CRWM: Preparing for Pentecost. Next Sunday is Pentecost Sunday, a time to celebrate the Holy Spirit. On the first Pentecost, through the gift of speaking in tongues, God made clear His desire to extend the Good News to all people. As you prepare for Pentecost, please consider gifting CRWM so that God’s Word may continue to be shared worldwide.

Free Webinar: On Thursday, May 30, join us at 1:30 PM, when Peter Schuurman will present “Hemorrhaging Faith: Reflecting on Why Young Adults Leave the Church.” This webinar introduces some of the sobering statistics about youth staying, leaving, and returning to church in Canada. It asks questions about why these trends are happening and what can be done to inspire our youth to carry on the tradition of serving Jesus Christ through the church and into His world. To register, visit

World Missions: Serve is Asia: Christian Reformed World Missions’ 2013 Asia Vacation Bible School team still has openings. Sign up now to teach VBS to elementary-aged children from July 11~28. For more information, contact Lisa Sochacki at or visit

PRAYER LINES ~ During the week, call 201-652-4277, ext. 2, which is updated each Friday afternoon with the latest on our congregational needs. You can also to check our denominational prayer requests: 888-CRC-PRAY or


May, 2013

The Council met in regular session on May 6, 2013. At this meeting, the members dealt with the following issues: