August 27, 2017
Order of Services
~Morning Worship~
Prelude Accompanist
Call to Worship “Christ Is All I need” Choir
Hymn (Congregation) "The Church’s One Foundation" p. 350
Welcome/Morning Prayer Tommy Pye
Offertory Hymn (Congregation) "Victory In Jesus" p. 426
Doxology p. 253
Offertory Prayer Ushers
Offertory Accompanist
Special Music Forever Changed
“Glory To His Name Medley“ Choir
”Your Grace Finds Me”
Message Pastor Jerry Broughton
Invitation Hymn (Congregation) "Lord, I’m Coming Home" p. 309
Postlude Accompanist
~Please join us in the gymnasium for Lunch~
Forever Changed has answered God’s calling to use their talents to share the life-changing message of Jesus Christ through Southern Gospel Music.
Based out of Lexington, SC the group was formed in 2010 with a vision to present the message through song with a harmonic blend that will inspire, encourage and lead lost souls to Christ.
We extend our love and heartfelt sympathy to the family of William Schoen, husband of Brittany and Son-In-Law of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Conyers.
The beautiful alter flowers are placed in our sanctuary today in honor of Judy Merritt’s 75th birthday by her loving husband, Herman Merritt.
Dear Church family,
I will never forget your kindness. Many thanks to you for all the prayers that was offered to God during my illness. Also, thanks for the many cards I received.
Love In Christ,
Shelvy Sturkie
Dear Christian friends,
Thank you so much for all the good wishes, encouragement, visits, calls, cards and words of love during my hospital stay and home care-and all the powerful prayers that were said on my behalf. Christian friends and my wonderful family mean everything to me. The Lord carried me through.
~Sarah Connell
Monday, September 11th at 11:00am
with singer, Joyce Wagster
~Please bring a covered dish~
Our Youth are organizing for their October 7th Yard Sale. Please bring your unwanted items during September. Contact Susie Amerson (803-667-0131).
Contact Denise Mitchell
Special Homecoming Service, 9:30am
~No PM Services~
Prayer Meeting, 6:30pm
Children’s and Youth Activities, 6:30pm
Choir Practice, 7:30pm
September 11th Roadrunners, 11:00am
September 11th Church Council Meeting, 6:30pm
September 13th Deacon’s Meeting
September 17th Church Conference
September 29th Food Distribution, 11:00am-1:00pm
September 30th Upward Basketball & Cheer
Registration 9:00am-1:00pm
Megan Langley, Today!
Judy Merritt, Today!
Courtney Jumpp, 28th
Vivian Rish, 29th
Weekly Report
Undesignated Funds…………..…….…....$2,889.01
Designated Funds………….…. ….……...$ 10.00
Total Received……………….….…….…..$2,899.01
Online Contributions may be made by following the link to:
See one of the ushers
if you would like a Hearing Aid Headset
Our Staff
Rev. Jerry Broughton, Interim Pastor
Mrs. Ronda Connell , Choir Director
Mrs. Joyce Baldwin, Pianist
Mrs. Wanda Nichols, Secretary
Our Deacons
Chris Roland 240-4843
Jimmy Watford 673-3536
Herman Merritt 528-1088
Derwood Roland 530-4017
Ray Sawyer 794-4303
This Month Ushers
Johnny Gillis Chris Roland
George Sturkie Jimmy Watford
Prayer Requests
Carol Baggly
Hazon Black Family
Gray Chaney
Ronda & Choir
Diane Connell
Sarah Connell
Charles Conyers
Jerry & Bessie Conyers
Tommy & Shirley Cotton
Claudia Dotson
Country & Troops
Johnny & Neta Foster
Yvonne Frost
GreysonPalyok & family
Jimmy Gunter
Joe Owens
Hall Family
Ron Hook
Bobby Moore
Becky Nix
Cheryl Paton
Barbara Raines
Derwood & Betty Roland
Lisa Roland
Brittany Schoen
Vince Stack
George & Shelvy Sturkie
School teachers & students
The Lost
Jimmy & Judy Watford
Marsha Watson
Carroll Wise
Virginia Wise
If you would like to send a card to Mr. Carroll Wise,
you may do so at the following address:
Mr. Carroll Wise
Mainstay Suites, Rm 306
400 McGrath Darby Blvd.
Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464
Congaree Baptist Church
~Welcome Visitors~
101 Pine Ridge Drive
West Columbia, SC 29172
Office Hours
9:00am – 2:00pm
Email address