Orchard Hills School PTA

General Business Meeting

Meeting Minutes

January 18, 2018

The meeting was called to order at 7:06 followed by the pledge of allegiance. A motion to accept the December minutes was made by LoriSeluga and Melissa Crowley seconded the motion. The minutes were accepted.

Principal’s Report: Dr. Dudley was not present but Melissa Crowley read the minutes that he sent in: January 24is an early dismissal day. The flu is upon us, and we have been doing extra cleaning around the school. The board of Education has approved the budget. The final increase is 1.76%. The budget still needs to go before the finance committee. The buddy bench is $800 for the bench and $200 for installation. Avotefor the order and installation took place. All were in favor. The buddy bench will be ordered.

Treasurer report:The ending balance is $22, 241.31. There was a discussion about how much funding PTA is spending on curricular needs. Do teachers go through the regular budget request first? Perhaps administration can be more transparent about is being requested to the BOE and what isn’t being approved by the BOE. Also, the Milford Educational Foundation mini grants were discussed. Maybe Dr. Dudley can have them review the mini-grant process with teachers at a faculty meeting.

Membership Report: Not present

Volunteer Report:Getting volunteers for the dance and potential family fun night.

Website Update: Status quo

President’s Report:

Old Business:

Lori brought up that we inadvertently forgot to do something for faculty, staff and custodians for holidays. We will make a note for next year. We will also give some small new year’s gifts to the secretary, greeter and three custodians.

Updates on Fundraisers: KasiaDobkowski- clothing drive and a Pops Fundraising night. She will get us a date for both soon. Other restaurant fundraisers are Chipoltle, Texas Roadhouse and Chili’s. Melissa Crowley is looking into an event at Two Roads.

Update on Fun Run: It will be April 13th with the theme, ‘Color Fun Run.’ Each grade will have a color of the rainbow and wear those colors. February 16th will be a spirit day - bring in a dollar and wear the color of your grade for spirit. March 9th will be a pep rally to explain the upcoming event to the children and how they can get pledge money. It will be done during the school day during their specials. We may have a spirit week of April 9th leading up to the event. The student council could assist us with ideas for that. PTA is getting donated prizes (some experiential ones as well, i.e., lunch with a teacher) for fundraising incentives. Classroom participation was also discussed. For example, extra recess, classroom playground equipment and pajama day. We will have Ritas or frozen pops as a treat for the participants after the Fun Run.

Lauren Davi will send out email to 5th grade parents about 5th grade fundraisers for specific events.

Sweetheart Dance – Februrary 9th. 7-9. Co-Chairs are Adam DeYoung & Lauren Davi.

There was a discussion about having a Talent Show instead of Idol, so other talents are represented. A decision for ‘Orchard Hills Has Talent’ on April 27thwas made.

Lori Selega will chair Turn Off TV Week. Lauren Davi discussed making it more ‘in house’ i.e., Paint Night, LEGO night, Board Game Night etc

Family Fun Night – AnthonyMeglio will chair and is coming up with a date.

Julie Spetrinomade a motion to adjourn and Lauren Davi seconded. Meeting adjourned.