Orange Tree Property Owners Association
Meeting Minutes
September 16, 2014
- Call to order at 7 pm by Dick Widmer
- Board members present were Dick Widmer, Tony Aguerrevere, Mike Coggin, and Jim McBrinn. Carlos Barrios was absent. Several residents were also present.
- Reviewed meeting minutes for August 26th and September 4th meetings and approved both unanimously.
- The Clementine gate crash was discussed and Dick asked Tony to ask Sirleyann to provide all contact information she has for the offending company.
- Drafts of Lighthouse Management’s contract for managing our association were discussed and Dick made a motion for approval of the wording as revised by Dan Langley, our attorney. Mike seconded it and the motion was passed unanimously.
- Tony discussed the transition of our property owner’s management from Homeowner and Condominium Association Professionals to Lighthouse Management. He will be meeting with Shirleyann on Monday 22nd for the transfer of all records and information.
- Mike presented financial information. He stated that if the remainder of 2014 tracks along budget lines, we may just break even for 2014.
- Mike also reported that property leans have been sent to 7 properties. This list started out to be 13 properties but was paired down using payment plans and negotiations with homeowners. $1500 was also eliminated from the list after finding notes from previous board members that stated previous negotiations.
- It was motioned by Mike to accept a payment plan for lot 163 of $100 per month beginning October 8th 2014 until paid in full. Next years dues and attorney fees will be added to the account at the appropriate times. Tony seconded the motion and the motion was passed unanimously.
- For lot 1A, it was motioned by Dick to recognize 4 years of dues payments that were made before they were officially members of the association. By accepting this negotiation, a) lot 1A will be up to date with their dues and b) will keep their dues and assessment up to date in the future. Jim seconded the motion. Those in favor of the motion were Dick, Jim, and Mike. Tony was Against the motion. The motion passed.
- Mike addressed the board and residents with a response to Shirleyann’s resignation letter, which was read into the August 26th minutes and mailed to most residents. He said it was from the point of view of the association’s residing treasurer. A copy is attached.
- Architectural Reviews were presented for 2 projects and approved. The 1st for lot 137 for window replacement and new siding. The 2nd for lot 2 for new home construction. A hardy welcome was made to the new residents and thanks to both for getting the approvals before work commenced.
- Under New Business it was announced that our new management company. Lighthouse Management will start officially managing our association onOctober 1st, 2014.
- A motion was made by Dick and Seconded by Tony to allow Lynn Hogle to spend approximately $51 for replacement letters for our notification board near the front gates. The motion passed unanimously.
- The next regular board meeting is October 14th 2014 at 7pm
- Adjournment motioned by Dick second by Jim was unanimous at 8:30