Oral Presentation: Family (Level: Beginner)

Create a display of your family tree, either on cardboard/paper or in powerpoint. It must include at least three generations (e.g., you, your parents, your grandparents). You may write simple information on your display about each family member, such as name, age, place of residence, but no complete sentences. You will need to introduce your family to me in complete German sentences. If your family tree is very complex, you may simplify it, but you should use as many different family members as possible. You must use at least 10 different family relationship words (e.g., mother, father, parents, son, daughter, brother, sister, brother-in-law, aunt, uncle, cousin etc.). You should be able to talk about your family for at least 3 minutes in German by yourself.

Beispiel: Das ist meine Mutter. Sie ist vierzig Jahre alt. Sie heißt Pauline. Sie wohnt in Hamburg. Ihr Mann heißt Fabian. Er ist mein Vater. etc.

At the end of your presentation, you will need to answer some basic questions in German (e.g., Is your mother or your father older? Where does XY live? Does XY have children etc.).

Total points possible for the oral presentation: ______

Oral Presentation: Mein Zimmer (Level: Beginner)

Take 1-3 pictures of your room, either here at school or at home. Try to get as much detail into the picture as possible because it will make it easier for you to talk about it. Bring the picture(s), either on your computer or as a printout. Your pictures may NOT have any notes on them. Tell me about your room. What kind of furniture items do you have? How are they (expensive, comfortable, old etc.)? What do you like/dislike about your room? You are expected to talk by yourself for at least 2 minutes without any notes. However, I do NOT want a memorized presentation!

Beispiel: Das ist mein Zimmer. Es ist nicht sehr groß. Es hat . . . etc.

After your presentation, I will ask you a few simple questions in German (e.g. How many pictures do you have? What color is your lamp? etc.).

Total points possible for the oral presentation: ______

Oral Presentation: Meine Lieblingsferien (Level: Beginner)

Tell me about your favorite vacation. Use the present perfect tense and/or the simple past of “sein”/”haben”.

Questions you may want to address: Wann waren diese Ferien? Wohin sind Sie gefahren? Mit wem haben Sie Ferien gemacht? Sind Sie mit dem Auto gefahren oder geflogen? Was haben Sie gemacht? Wo haben Sie übernachtet (in einem Hotel, bei Freunden/Verwandten etc.)? Wie lange sind Sie geblieben? Was hat Ihnen gefallen/nicht gefallen?

Supplementary materials you may bring along:

1. Up to 5 pictures of your vacation destination and/or hotel (hardcopy or computer/cell phone).

2. One note card with prompts. No complete sentences.

The better prepared you are, the easier it will be for you to come up with things to talk about! Make sure you know the past participles (and auxiliaries) of verbs you plan to use! You are expected to talk by yourself in German for at least 5 minutes. After your presentation, I will ask you a few simple questions relating to your vacation in German.

Total points possible for the oral presentation: ______

Oral Presentation: Mein Traumhaus (Level: Beginner)

For your oral presentation, you are expected to talk for at least 4 minutes about the topic “Mein Traumhaus.”

Questions you may want to address: What does the house of your dreams look like? What kinds of rooms does it have? Where is it located? What does the yard look like? Does your house have any special rooms/features?

Supplementary materials you should have (in digital form or hard copy):

1. An overall picture of your dream home. You may draw it yourself, cut out or print out a picture, build a model etc.

2. A floor plan for each level. Explain which rooms are there and what one would do/find in each room. You may label your rooms and basic items, but you may not write complete sentences on your floor plan or picture.

I do NOT want a memorized presentation. You can use your supplementary materials to guide you along. You are also required to answer a few simple questions in German, following your presentation.

Total points possible for the oral presentation: ______

Oral Presentation: Mein Restaurant (Level: Beginner)

You want to convince me to come and eat at your restaurant. Do a sales pitch for why I or people in general should eat at your restaurant.

Questions you may want to address: Where is your restaurant located? What kind of cuisine/food does it have? When is it open/closed? How many tables does it have? What kinds of special attractions does it have (e.g., Biergarten, Kegelbahn, Spielplatz etc.). Why should people eat there?

Supplementary materials you should have (in digital form or hard copy):

1.  An original menu in German (i.e., one that YOU created) that shows food/beverages and prices.

2.  A picture of your restaurant (optional, but it might help).

I do NOT want a memorized presentation. You can use your supplementary materials to guide you along, but just reading off the menu is not acceptable. You are expected to talk by yourself in German for at least 4 minutes. After your presentation, I will ask you a few simple questions relating to your restaurant in German.

Total points possible for the oral presentation: ______

Oral Presentation: Stellenbewerbung (Level: Intermediate)

You are applying for a specific job (a “wanted” ad is attached), so treat this as your “Vorstellungsgespräch”. You are expected to present appropriate job application materials and to “sell” yourself as the perfect candidate for the position.

The following minimum documents are required as “Bewerbungsunterlagen”:

1.  Schulzeugnis (an example of a German report card is attached)

2.  Lebenslauf

These should fit the job that you are applying for, not necessarily your own personal situation.

You may want to create some supporting documents (e.g., a letter of recommendation from your German professor, in German) to document specific qualifications or job experience you have for this position.

You will be expected to discuss your qualifications (“Ausbildung”), previous work experience (“Arbeitserfahrung”), your particular strengths, and your interests/motivation for this job.

The interview will last 5-10 minutes. You may prepare ONE note card (front and back) to help you with specific items you want to present. You will also be able to use your “Bewerbungsunterlagen” as prompts. You may NOT read off a complete presentation. You must be able to answer some basic questions relating to your qualifications or the job in German.

Make me want to hire you for Blue Wings Airline!

Total points possible for the oral presentation: ______

Suchen Sie eine neue Herausforderung?
Wir suchen fur unsere Airbus Flotte
die mit viel Freude und Einsatz unsere Gäste an Bord betreuen.
Unsere Anforderungen
·  Abgeschlossene Berufsausbildung aus dem Dienstleistungsbereich (von Vorteil), gerne auch aus der Gastronomie, Hotelfach, Kranken- und Altenpflege
·  Dienstleistungsbereitschaft, Teamfähigkeit und Flexibilität
·  Mindestgröße 1,65 m
·  Fließendes Deutsch und Englisch (gerne auch andere Fremdsprachen wie Russisch)
·  Wohnort in einer Entfernung von 50 km vom Flughafen Düsseldorf entfernt
·  Führerschein (PKW)
·  Computer / E-Mail / Mobiltelefon
·  Gültiger Reisepass / gültige Aufenthaltserlaubnis / Visum
·  Flugtauglichkeit muss gegeben sein (keine gesundheitlichen Einschränkungen)
·  Beschäftigungsverhältnis - VOLLZEIT
Nach einer 5- bis 6-wöchigen Schulung zum / zur Flugbegleiter/in (Airbus A-320 / A 321) werden wir Sie auf unseren Charterflügen innerhalb Europas, in die Türkei und auf den Linienflügen nach Russland einsetzen. Neben netten Kollegen bieten wir gute Karrierechancen und ein angenehmes Arbeitsklima.
Sehr gute Verdienstmöglichkeiten. Für Flugbegleiter/innen liegt das monatliche Bruttogehalt, zum Beispiel bei 90 geflogenen Blockstunden, bei Euro 2.125,-
Lehrgangstermine: Juni / Juli / August / September / Oktober und November 2008
Bitte beachten Sie, dass für die Ausbildung von jedem angenommenen Bewerber Euro 500,- für die entstehenden Ausbildungskosten beansprucht werden müssen.
Haben wir Ihr Interesse geweckt? Dann freuen wir uns auf Ihre Bewerbung! Bitte senden Sie Ihre vollständigen Bewerbungsunterlagen mit einem aktuellen Pass- und Ganzkörperfoto an:
Blue Wings AG
Cabin Crew Department
Airport Dusseldorf
Terminal A, 5.OG
40474 Dusseldorf Germany

Tel.: +49 211 42168063
www.bluewings.com / /