' MyRideHome
' ReplaceThisWithYourName
' 2012-mm-dd Created.
Option Explicit On
Option Strict On
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
Imports System
Module MyRideHome
Sub Main()
' Declarations
Const TOLERANCE As Integer = 6' ± the number of seconds to ignore
' when comparing times. If TOLERANCE
' is 6, 120 would be considered equal
' to any value between 114 and 126.
' The file channel numbers and names of the two input files.
Const ROUTE_1_CHANNEL As Integer = 1
Const ROUTE_1_FILE As String = "Route1.txt"
Const ROUTE_2_CHANNEL As Integer = 2
Const ROUTE_2_FILE As String = "Route2.txt"
' The format mask for the output. Arguments:
' 0: The route number (1 or 2).
' 1: The number of times that that route is superior (less than
'TOLERANCE seconds than the other route)
' 2: Excluding equal times, the percentage of comparisons in which
'that route is superior.
Const OUTPUT_MASK As String = "Route {0:D} wins {1:D} times ({2:P})."
Const TOLERANCE_MASK As String = "With a tolerance of {0:D0} seconds,"
' Arrays containing all the times for each route.
' Each array will hold up to a high water mark of data.
Dim route1(500) As Integer
Dim route1HighWaterMark As Integer
Dim route2(500) As Integer
Dim route2HighWaterMark As Integer
' The counts of wins. This is what the whole app is about.
Dim rte1BeatsRte2 As Integer = 0
Dim rte2BeatsRte1 As Integer = 0
' The calculated difference between a time pair.
' Indices into the two arrays.
' The calculated number of non-equal time pairs.
Dim d As Integer
Dim r1, r2 As Integer
Dim total As Integer
' Initialization
' Open the first route file for input, call the procedure that
' loads its array, then close it.
' Open the second route file for input, call the procedure that
' loads its array, then close it.
' Calculation
' The outer loop indexes into the first array's data.
For ***
' The inner loop indexes into the second array's data.
For ***
' Calculate the difference between the two times.
' If that difference is not within the tolerance then
' we don't have an "equals" situation. So, ...
If ***
' ... if the time on the 1st route is greater than
' the 2nd route's, then...
If ***
' increment the number of times the 2nd route wins
' otherwise increment the number of times the 1st wins
End If
End If
' Output
' Calculate the total as the sum of the numbers of wins for each route.
' Using the mask, display the tolerance
' Using the mask, display the 1st route's channel,
' its number of wins, and its percentage of wins.
' Using the mask, display the 2nd route's channel,
' its number of wins, and its percentage of wins.
End Sub ' Main()
' A sub procedure, called LoadArray, that reads data from an open channel,
' stores that data in the next location of the array, and increments the
' high water mark.
' The sub procedure receives the following parameters:
' First, an integer parameter, channel, to hold a copy of the channel number.
' Second, a parameter, times(), to hold the address of an integer array
'of times.
' Third, an integer parameter, highWaterMark, to hold the address of
'that array's high water mark.
Sub ***
' Declarations
' Initialization
Dim t As String = String.Empty ' to input data from file
' Initialize the high water mark parameter to -1 meaning there's
' no data in the array.
' Calculation
' Loop through the data file while its end hasn't been reached.
Do ***
' Input data from the channel into the string variable "t".
' Increment the array's high water mark.
' Convert the string to an integer, and store it in the
' array at the high water mark.
End Sub ' LoadArray()
End Module