Name:______9-3-2014 Hour:______
English 9 “Tech Day”
The purpose of our technology-focused day is to insure that you have access to all the technological resources you will be using in all classes throughout this school year. Your teacher will review how to access each of the following resources; when directed to do so, please demonstrate your ability to locate these resources.
You will be writing each of your “log-in” names and passwords on a notecard that I will keep on file. Only I will see this, but it will help in the future when you forget your log-in or password (trust me—freshmen forget ALL THE TIME!!!) To earn credit for this assignment, you MUST SUBMIT THIS NOTECARD!
____ Log onto the network .
- Your Log-in User name is: firstname.lastname (same as last year).
- Your password has been reset to: hello123# (you will be prompted to change your password…note that it must contain letters, numbers, and a character)…be sure to record carefully.
____Record this on your notecard!
____ English 9 Folder Creation – all of your work should be saved into your English 9 folder which lives in your home director. Click the folder icon at the bottom of the computer and click on your name (it will appear as firstname.last name). Once there, right mouse click to create a “new folder” or select the new folder icon at the top of the page. Create an “English 9” folder. Within that folder create a folder titled “Unit 1 Coming of Age.”
____ Teacher Webpage – My webpage will always have links to assignments, handouts, upcoming projects, and important due dates or deadlines. Learn how to check it often and know which sections to look at for specific deadlines and due dates.
____ Teacher Webpage Assignment Board – On my webpage you will find a valuable handout about reading different types of text. Open up the link titled “Literary vs. Informational Reading. Once you have it opened, save it to your English 9 folder that you have created. DO NOT save it into your “Unit 1Coming of Age” folder.
____ G-mail (gmail address = ). Access via district homepage (click on “Students” then Google Apps). Password same as last year (should be the same as your general log in password). To demonstrate your ability to use G-mail, please generate an e-mail to your teacher addressing the following:
1) What are you most looking forward to this year in English?
2) What are you perhaps concerned about (even dreading)?
3) In a single sentence, describe yourself and what makes you unique (in other words, help me get to know you).
____Record your e-mail log-in and password on your notecard!!!
____ Skyward Access –To log in to Skyward complete the following steps: It is firstname.lastname followed by your birthdate (so I was born on the 17th so mine would be jeremy.otte17). Sophomores, your passwords are the same as last year. Freshmen, your passwords were changed to your completed birthdate (using zeros as place holders). Example: 09051994.
____Record your log-in information and password on your notecard!!!
____ FileWay – This link provides you with access to your Home Directory from any internet ready device.
From the district homepage, click on “Students” and then “FileWay.”
You will then be prompted to enter your “Username” and “Password” (which are the same Username and Password you use to log on to the computer system at school.
Again, this gives you access to your home directory and your saved work. Be careful, though. When working on a document at home, be sure to upload it back into the directory OR post it to Google Drive OR attach it to an e-mail mailed back to yourself OR save it to a flash drive (often, I do all of these just to make sure I have my documents on time, when I need them).
____HAIKULEARNING – This website is where our English class will live digitally; in addition to housing all important class handouts, I will continuously post additional “HINTS” and places you can go for additional “HELP” throughout the year. Haiku will also be the place where we practice online discussions and even build collaborative digital projects. (In other words, this is a REALLY important website!)
1. Go to my web page. On the page you will see a link named “Haiku Class Set.” Click on this link.
2. On the page that opens you will see “Invitation Code” followed by an empty text box. Enter our English 9 code, which is: kbnrr
2. You are, of course, setting up a “Student” account.
3. You will then need to “register” in order to set up an account.
4. On the next screen, you are prompted to create an account, please do the following:
- Carefully enter your real first and last names.
- Carefully enter your school email: ()
- Make your User Name and Password match your Username and Password to the network when you first log onto a computer (will help you remember your logins). Record your username and password on your notcard.
- Agree to the “terms of service” and “Create an Account.”
____Record your log-in information and password on your notecard!!!
5. After you’ve recorded your log-in information, take some time to peruse Haiku. We are going to be using this website throughout the year and I’m expecting you’ll be logging onto the website multiple times each week (pull your weight, people – the best way to stay current in class is to use Haiku). So, take a look at what the website has to offer and how it is set up.