Ops Management Meeting

October 18, 2012; 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Harris Corp, 600 Maryland Ave, 850E

Gregg / Anderson / FAA / / 202-493-4779
Trent / Bigler / FAA FS / / 202-385-4504
Ron / Boyd / THANE, Inc. / / 202-570-3087
Ammar / Chaudhry / North Star Group, LLC / / 301-760-0742
Chris / Collings / Harris / / 321-427-5141
Ross / Dickinson / FAA / / 901-240-7389
Bruce / Eckstein / ITT Exelis / / 703-668-6074
Andy / Fry / THANE, Inc. / / 202-510-4966
Chad / Geyer / FAA/NATCA / / 661-713-9091
Tracey / Gibson / CGH Technologies / / 832-618-0510
Steve / Gulstrom / FedEx / / 901-397-8216
Kathleen / Kearns / SITA / / 703-491-0661
Matt / Maki / DOT/Volpe / / 617-874-6699
Frank / Matus / Thales ATM / / 315-488-3408
John / McCormick / FedEx / / 901-224-5353
Rob / Mead / Boeing / / 253-951-8447
Craig / Morris / THANE, Inc. / / 202-567-2510
Andrew / Onken / ARINC / / 410-266-2949
Jon / Pendleton / Delta / / 612-310-9535
Jerry / Smith / THANE, Inc. / / 202-510-3156
Jon / Smith / THANE, Inc. / / 202-510-1719
Dave / Strider / North Star Group, LLC / / 202-385-4884
Phone Bridge:
Carol / Burr / MITRE / / 609-272-4027
Chris / Byrd / FAA /
Scott / Johnson / FAA/AOV / / 202-493-5498
Dennis / Miller / FAA /
Bruce / Notley / FAA / / 405-954-9375
Rafael / Quezada / FAA/AOV-330 / / 202-267-5190
Nadya / Subowo / MITRE /

·  The Ops Management (Day 2) meeting started with a comment review of the End-to-End Document. The document is near completion, so the review addressed very few items. The final document will be posted to the DCIT website in the near future. Topics that warranted discussion:

o  Phase I vs. Phase II information

o  Character limitations

o  Nav Database issue. This has changed since the DTAP will send a lat/long with all waypoints.

§  A placeholder has been inserted into the document to add lat/long plus format, which is part of testing per the standard on the airplanes. Will finish with End-to-End testing to ensure formatting is correct.

§  Lat/Longs will not have the ability to be toggled off/on. The airplane equipment checks to ensure the lat/long matches their database. If it does not match, they get an error message.

§  The End-to-End document is a parent document, and the lower level documents trace to it. A Document Hierarchy chart provides a visual of this.

o  If a DCL requested, DTAP cannot take data and create a DCL out of it. It is not an error, but a circumstance in that there is no uplink after it has gone to fail. The Controller may be able to take it out of the “error unable” list (If it is an unable response from the Flight Deck).

o  The DCIT is reviewing options to 1) FAA can accept that it will revert to voice, or 2) Pursue a requirement under a specific set of conditions to address it.

o  The decision has been taken off line for this DCIT discussion, but all working groups are aware of the need to resolve it.

The group adjourned for lunch and will return for the Afternoon Combined Working Group Meeting.


·  DCIT #20 – December 5 – 6, at FedEx in Memphis

Respectfully Submitted,

Ammar Chaudhry/Tracey Gibson

Data Communications Program Support

North Star Group, LLC

600 Maryland Ave SW

Washington, DC 20024