Copy Number of

Name of HQ

Location of HQ

[COMMENT1]Feb 16


OPeration Order number (minimum two digits)

References: A.



[COMMENT2]Time Zone: time zone

[COMMENT3]Task Organization: Annex A


a.[COMMENT4]Enemy Forces.

b.[COMMENT5]Friendly Forces.

c.[COMMENT6][COMMENT7]Attachments and Detachments.



Insert your mission statement here


a.[COMMENT9]Concept of Operations.


























(1)Field Artillery.


(2)Locating Artillery.

(b)Remotely Piloted Vehicle.

(3)Air Defence Artillery.



(a)Ammunition Allocation.
Ser / Tasks / RPG
(a) / (b) / (c)
(b)Counterbattery/Countermortar Policy.
(c)Air Corridor/Low Level Transit Route.
(d)Weapon Control Status.
i.Air Defence Units.
ii.All-arms Air Defence.
(e)Air Defence Emission Control (EMCON).
(f)Air Defence Priorities.
(g)Other sub-paragraphs as required






j.[COMMENT21]Electronic Warfare.






l.Combat Service Support Units if necessary.




m.[COMMENT22]Coordinating Instructions.


(2)[COMMENT24]Movement and Traffic Control.

(3)[COMMENT25]Boundaries, Report Lines, Coordination Points, Locations.

(4)[COMMENT26]Fire Plan.

(5)Barrier Plan.

(6)[COMMENT27]Mines and Explosives.

(7)[COMMENT28]Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Acquisition and Reconnaissance (ISTAR).

(8)[COMMENT29]Nuclear Biological Chemical.



(11)[COMMENT32]Coordinating Conference.


a.[COMMENT34]Administrative Order.



d.Defensive Stores.


f.Prisoners of War.


h.Brigade Services Area (BSA)/Forward Logistic Group (FLG).


a.[COMMENT36]Alternate Commander.




e.[COMMENT40]Code Words.

Ser / Code Words / Meaning / Issued By
(a) / (b) / (c) / (d)


Ser / Nicknames / Meaning
(a) / (b) / (c)

[COMMENT41]Acknowledge Instructions: ACKNOWLEDGE

Name of who will sign

Rank of who will sign

Comd or for Comd






Annex A

Annex B




[COMMENT1]The date-time group is filled in by hand when the order is signed. Dates are written in the order of day-month-year, e.g., 9 March 1996. Abbreviated dates are used in memoranda, messages and orders. When abbreviated, the first three letters of the month and the last two digits of the year are used; the first letter of the month is capitalised, e.g., Mar96. A zero is not used to precede the digits 1 to 9 in dates except in the date-time group of messages, e.g., 091630ZMAR96. In operational correspondence, the year is not repeated once established in the date-time group, unless the operation is to be conducted in a different year than that shown in the date-time group of the document heading.

[COMMENT2]This is the time zone used throughout the order.

[COMMENT3]This is optional. Note the difference between "Task Organization" and the "Grouping and Task Matrix". Note also that both can be written, graphic or a combination of both.

[COMMENT4]The G2 staff normally prepares this paragraph. It includes information on enemy composition, disposition, locations, movement, estimated strengths, identification and capabilities which recipients need to know. Information about the enemy may be shown on an overlay, a trace, in an intelligence annex or in an Intelligence Summary (INTSUM). New information since the latest INTSUM must be included here.

[COMMENT5]FRIENDLY FORCES SUB-PARAGRAPH. Should include the intent of the Commander two levels up and the intent and concept of operations (including the main effort) of the Commander one level up. Air sorties and allocation of tactical air control parties are included here and not in the "attachments and detachments sub-paragraph".

[COMMENT6](See CFP 303-2 for more information on precedence of operational relationships at pages 9-2-5 to 9-2-7).


(a) / (b)
Operational Command (OPCOM)
Tactical command (TACOM)
Remaining under command
Under command / remaining ... until ... (if known)
Under command with restriction
Operational control (OPCON)
Tactical control (TACON)
Remaining in support
In support / ... from ... until ... (if known)
In support with restriction
In location
Revert to under command / ... from ... until ...
Revert to in support
Detached to under command / ... from ... (date/time)
Detached to in support / ... from ...


-When not given under task organization above or in an annex, formations and units remaining or coming under command, in support, allocated or in location of issuing headquarters, together with those reverting to under command or detached, are shown here.

-Support services units need not be listed here if an administrative order is to be issued with the operation order.

-If nuclear weapons have been allocated, they are listed here.

-Air Force air control agencies are not shown as attachments and detachments. It should be noted, however, that if such agencies, as mentioned under friendly forces, are to be further sub-allocated (e.g. division-allocated tactical air control parties allocating to specific brigades) this is shown in the grouping and tasks portion of the EXECUTION paragraph and in Coordinating Instructions under Air.

-Although troops in location are not under control of issuing headquarters, they are listed here for ease of reference There is an obligation on the part of these troops to seek and accept direction for coordination of their activities while in another unit's or formation's area.

-Artillery formations or units placed under command or in location are listed in the normal manner in the situation paragraph.

[COMMENT8]MISSION. A precise, firm statement of the tasks given by the commander issuing the order and that will be implemented by the plan embodied in the order. The verb used is always in the infinitive. This paragraph shall not contain subparagraphs. The statement of the mission starts, indented (under the letter "M"), immediately below the MISSION heading.

[COMMENT9]The concept of operations should include the Commander's intent, his concept of operations and his main effort.


-Grouping may be given here or consolidated in a separate annex.

-An alternate method frequently used at higher formation levels and in combined operations is to place both grouping and attachments and detachments under the task organization heading before the SITUATION paragraph or the detail may appear in a separate task organization annex.

-At lower levels a grouping and tasks matrix annex may be used.


-Tasks are listed in order of tactical importance from LEFT to RIGHT and FRONT to REAR when viewed facing the enemy.

-Manoeuvre formations precede units in order of listing as subparagraphs. Manoeuvre units precede sub-units.

-Following the above are the support arms. The sequence of listing these is artillery, engineers, electronic warfare and then aviation.

-For other tasks that cannot be given under the heading of a special formation or major unit, e.g., where two elements of the same size are involved and a commander has been appointed, it may be desirable to use a specific task subparagraph, e.g., covering force, flank guards, reserve, etc.

[COMMENT12]As with any of the support arms, if an annex is issued with this order, this sub-paragraph would refer to the annex instead of repeating the information here.

[COMMENT13]Attached and detached field artillery units/sub-units are listed here.

[COMMENT14]Field artillery tactical tasks are listed here.

[COMMENT15]Air defence units are grouped into systems and listed by order of precedence:

-the three main systems groups are ordered as follows:

+high-level systems

+medium-level systems and

+low-level systems; and

-within low-level systems, the order is:

+area missile systems, and

+close air-defence weapons, including:

++missiles, and


[COMMENT16]Attached and detached air defence artillery units/sub-units are listed here.

[COMMENT17]Air defence artillery tactical tasks are listed here.

[COMMENT18]The senior engineer commander coordinating all engineer resources is listed here.

[COMMENT19]If attached engineer elements are further allocated to subordinate formations or units, grouping may be repeated here. Order of listing engineer units is: own combat/field engineer, other combat/field engineer, own armoured engineer, other armoured engineer, own engineer support followed by other engineer support.

[COMMENT20]Tasks are given in order of priority.

[COMMENT21]An electronic warfare subparagraph may be included or an electronic warfare annex is referred to here if electronic warfare elements are allocated.

[COMMENT22]Coordinating Instructions is always the last subparagraph listed under EXECUTION. It contains all points requiring coordination between two or more elements of command, or all points of common interest to these elements. If lengthy, detail is given in an annex; that annex must be referred to here.

[COMMENT23]Timings are usually listed first under coordinating instructions; timings are given in chronological order.

[COMMENT24]A movement table may be listed in a separate annex.

[COMMENT25]Boundaries are usually set out on a trace or overlay included as an annex to the order.

[COMMENT26]Usually issued later to permit time for detailed coordination.

-Timings for defensive fire plans to headquarters are listed, and

-Orders to implement fire plans are issued through artillery channels.

[COMMENT27]Details related to allotments or request procedures are contained here. Arrangements for the dumping of these stores are given in the SERVICE SUPPORT paragraph.

[COMMENT28]Intelligence collection tasks involve several arms and therefore must be referred to under coordinating instructions or in an annex.

[COMMENT29]Should include commander's guidance on employment of nuclear and chemical weapons, planning requirements, constraints and a reference to the nuclear and chemical support plan. Warning and protective measures should be included if they are not in standard operating procedures.

[COMMENT30]Limitations on reconnaissance if applicable.

[COMMENT31]Note that air refers to air forces, i.e. offensive air support, air transport, etc, and means of coordination same, not aviation. Include here information on air support control agencies, e.g., tactical air control parties, air support operation centres, and offensive air support missions (photo reconnaissance, close air support, battlefield air interdiction) allocated to the issuing headquarters.

[COMMENT32]If a coordination conference is to be held, it should be the last item mentioned under Coordinating Instructions. Time and location of coordination conference are given.

[COMMENT33]The G4 normally provides the draft of the SERVICE SUPPORT paragraph. In addition to the items shown in subparagraphs b to h, details on transport, matériel resources, petroleum oil and lubricant, movement of services areas and restrictions on administrative traffic may also be included.

[COMMENT34]For a large operation, particularly at division level, it will be necessary to issue a service support annex or an administrative order. The outline of the administrative plan should, however, be included here. As a minimum, supported formations or units should know what they get, when and where, plus details of any significant restrictions.

[COMMENT35]The formation signal officer would normally draft this portion of orders in consultation with the G3.

[COMMENT36]Succession of command must be stated if not covered in standard operating procedures.

[COMMENT37]Even if new locations of headquarters and opening times can be shown on a trace, it is normal to include details here. Own headquarters including alternate, plus superior headquarters locations given.

[COMMENT38]This subparagraph can be further subdivided into radio, radars and other as required.

-Effective time is given for either radio and/or electronic silence.

-Code words or nicknames for lifting and breaking are given here if not included in the list of code words or nicknames subparagraphs.

[COMMENT39]Separate communications-electronic instructions or communications-electronics operating instructions (CEOI) are always referred to when applicable.

[COMMENT40]Code words and nicknames must be listed alphabetically, starting with the code words. It is permissible to have a separate subparagraph for the code words and for the nicknames. This is preferable when there are several of them. For nicknames, neither of the words selected may be a colour or a code word and the words exercise, operation, project, and route shall not be used.

[COMMENT41]Operation orders always require an acknowledgement. When an acknowledgement is given to the issuer of the operation order, this means not only that the operation order has been received, but also that it has been understood.

[COMMENT42]Before using authentication, make sure you read CFP 303-2, chapter 6, section 2, paragraph 33e. Remember that if the order is signed by the Commander or the Chief of Staff (or G3 as deputy Chief of Staff) at corps and division level or by the G3 at brigade level this part MUST be removed.

[COMMENT43]Distribution. Formations and units are listed in a set sequence for distributing lists and are grouped for ease of recognition and distribution into the following sequence:

-subordinate manoeuvre formations,

-own armoured and infantry units,

-other armoured and infantry units under command,

-own armoured and infantry sub-units,

-other armoured and infantry sub-units under command,

-own subordinate support arms formations, units and sub-units,

-other support arms formations, units and sub-units,

-own subordinate support services formations, units and sub-units,

-other support services formations, units and sub-units,

-sea elements or naval units cooperating,

-air elements or air force units cooperating,

-superior headquarters and flanking formations or units,

-other formations or units needing copies,

-own commander and staff,

-war diary (always two copies) and spares, and


The order of listing of the preceding paragraph is always:

-formations in order of size and then in order of numerical designation, and

-units in order of corps/regimental seniority, then in order of precedence within corps/regiments (if known), or in order of numerical designation according to subparagraphs above.

Distribution of Annexes. Where annexes are issued on a different scale from the operation order, a separate distribution list is required for each annex so issued.

[COMMENT44]To insert a distribution list, click on the paper clip icon on the tool bar and find your distribution list in the proper folder.