Operation and Maintenance Plan Composting Facility, Code 317

Landowner/Operator: / Date:
NRCS Service Center: / Conservation District:
Practice Location: / Tract/Field ID:
(Lat/Long or UTM Coord. or Sec/TS/R)

Operation & Maintenance Requirements

The purpose of this practice is to construct a permanent facility designed to provide secondary containment of oil and petroleum products used for agricultural purposes. The estimated life span of this installation is 20 years. The life span of this practice can be assured and usually increased by developing and carrying out an operation and maintenance (O&M) program.

You are required to perform inspections and O&M activities in order for this practice to achieve the intended function, benefits, and design life.Items to inspect, operate, and maintain during the estimated design life of this practice include, but are not limited to, the following:

Add or delete bullets below as necessary to create a site specific O&M Plan. This line does not print.

·  Maintain a list of all the storage tank capacities and a description of products stored in each tank.Provide for inspection of storage tanks regularly according to the schedule outlined in the facility SPCC plan. As a minimum, tanks should be inspected monthly and repairs conducted promptly for:

o  Leaks.

o  Rust or corrosion.

o  Accumulation of trash or weeds.

o  Proper labeling and signage.

o  Condition of valves, fittings and hoses.

o  Collected precipitation.

·  Provide instructions for testing all accumulated rain water for contamination before removal from the containment structure. Typical contamination testing may involve on-site analysis of rainwater including a visual observation to determine a discoloration or sheen on water surface or the presence of an odor of petroleum products in the water.

·  Perform maintenance as needed.

·  Keep records of all inspections and repairs.

Florida NRCS Page 2 of 3 December 2014