
Mother of God

We celebrate

your Holy Name

12th September


OPENING SONG: (choice of community)


St Bernard’s devotion to Mary, and his writings about her and her place in the history of salvation call to mind, and allow us to reflect on, the unique relationship that exists between Mary and God – Father, Son & Spirit:-

Which shall we admire first? The tremendous submission of the Son of God, or the tremendous God-given dignity of the Mother of God? Both are marvels: both amazing. When God obeys a woman, it is humility without precedent. When a woman commands her God, it is sublime beyond measure.(Homily: Missus Est)

Let us therefore begin with an old poem which tries to capture the complexity and simplicity of the vital relationship between Mary and Jesus:

Mary the dawnChrist the perfect day;

Mary the gateChrist the heavenly way;

Mary the root, Christ the Mystic Vine;

Mary the grape,Christ the Sacred Wine;

Mary the wheat,Christ the Living Bread;

Mary the stem,Christ the Rose, Blood Red;

Mary the font,Christ the cleansing flood;

Mary the cup;Christ the precious blood;

Mary the Temple,Christ the temple’s Lord;

Mary the shrine,Christ the God adored;

Mary the beacon,Christ the haven’s rest;

Mary the mirror,Christ the Vision blest;

Mary the mother, Christ the Mother’s Son;

By whom are all things blessed while endless ages run.

Let us for a few moments reflect on the images we have just spoken, and perhaps share with others present some image or images of Mary and Jesus that have meaning for you.

THE WORD OF GOD: St Matthew Chapter 2: verses 13 to 15. - The flight into Egypt.

RESPONSE: Psalm 146:

1.Praise the Lord O my soul; 2. The Lord keeps faith forever,

I will praise the Lord all my life; secures justice for the oppressed;

I will sing praise to my God while I food to the hungry.

3.The Lord sets captives free; 4. The Lord protects strangers;

the Lord gives sight to the blind; the fatherless and the widow he sustains,

the Lord raises up those that were bowed down; but the way of the wicked he thwarts.

the Lord loves the just.

5.The Lord shall reign forever,Glory be to the Father, the Son and Holy Spirit,

your God O Zion through all generations. as it was in the beginning, is now,and ever shall be.


Community reflectionon the peoples of today who are examples of those mentioned in the psalm. Allow the reflection to find expression in prayers for the different peoples suffering in our world today.


READING :Words of Jean-Claude Colin, founder of the Society of Mary:

“Mary intends to cover the whole earth with her mantle. Let us make this lovable mother known, let us bring people to love her. Let us win hearts for her. In winning them for Mary, we win them for Jesus. We win for them the most powerful protection. How could children forget their mother? Let us always hold on to her hand.”


May you go with the blessing of the Father who confided His Son to the love of Mary;

With the blessing of the Son who confided his Church to the compassion of Mary;

And with the blessing of the Spirit who enlightens us all with the joy of Mary.

May Mary be your constant companion. AMEN


(choice of the community)

Possible songs:

O with what joy we sing of Mary…. (Weston Priory + 2nd verse Marist)

Hail Mary…..Carey Landry

As Mary did….Brother M Hendry fms

Mary Gift….Marist Fathers, NZ

Songs by Chris Skinner; Kevin Bates

Or favourite older ones from earlier times --- Choose the ones you like best.

(This reflection was prepared by two New Zealand Marist Sisters – Srs Margaret and Marie)