Nathaniel’s Endgame

Author: Dale M. Braxton

Edited By: Danielle R. Bakke

Author’s Note


There is not enough room on this page to express how I feel about this screenplay but I will try my best. Six years ago I fell in love. From that love spawned a story that would eventually turn into a four year project. The original Nathaniel has always been a very great part of me. “Nathaniel” was a story about love, forgiveness, and understanding. The story grew as I grew. Now I realize that this is a lesson we do not learn just once in life. We learn this lesson over and over again. It just gets better with time. I had never really thought about writing a sequel to “Nathaniel” but the fans really thought that the story should continue. So almost a year after the first one I began the story board, somewhere along the way I put the project on the back burner. I realized I didn’t know how to put it together. Then of course, history repeated itself. Once again I fell in love. This time I fell fast and hard. It is no secret that the story of Vanessa and Victor was spawned from love, lust, pain, betrayal, and a broken heart. I guess I didn’t finish the story earlier because I hadn’t met Victor face to face yet. Well, I have to say that is no longer the case. The story you are about to read was written with a heavy heart and a broken soul. I do not regret ever meeting the real Victor, despite it all. He taught me a lot of valuable things. I loved him for who he was…even his shortcomings. But like all the loves of my life, I tried to let go. I realized that I couldn’t and I probably never will be able to.

I will however try to keep my heart away from anymore pain and suffering. Please know that this story is from the heart, and is very dear and important to me. It is about life, humanity, hate, love, forgiveness, and the beauty of all the things that we hold so dear to our hearts and take advantage of everyday of our lives. I know some of you will disagree with the way I feel about this and some of this story. I am here to tell you that these are my feelings, and that is what matters to me. I understand this story like the last bit of my soul, the last void in my heart, and with every drop of blood that courses through my veins. As for you Victor Edward De Vil, I have this to say: This story is about us and it’s not. It is both. Know that I wrote every page seeing your face. I captured your beauty and your downfalls, because when you love someone as much as I loved you…you take the good with the bad, the sorrow with the happiness and the betrayal with the ability to forgive. This story is my gift to you Victor. I can only pray that you cherish it for the rest of your life and know whenever you come across it again…you remember that there was someone in the world who loved you…for you. As for my fans, I pray that you enjoy this one as much as you enjoyed the original. I myself happen to like this one better, but don’t tell Nathan that. Enjoy.

-Dale M. Braxton

Dedicated to

Paul Edward Fernandez

Here’s to all the I love you’s and I am sorry’s.

May God watch over you kid.

Opening scene: Camera is panning through space and then we see the earth.

Vanessa/Narr: My mother used to tell me that my father had a saying. He used to say that all good stories start at the beginning. Then, of course, my uncle told me a story about a man who gave his life for my mother and I. His name was Nathaniel. I never got to meet this man, but I do know that among my loved ones he is revered as a saint. Of course, now that I know who he is…my world has been turned upside down.

The camera is still fixed on the planet as we hear faint screams of terror from the earth. We see the earth crack and explode into pieces

Vanessa: Wait. Hold on…

Flying debris pauses in mid air.

Vanessa: As my father would say, let me start from the beginning…

Scene goes into reverse putting the earth back together.

Vanessa/Narr: (Scenes show as story is being told) After the war between Nathaniel and Lucifer, Nathaniel declared that from that point on, all angels would have the ability to comprehend love and lust among each other as to better their understanding of the human race. The rule was that an angel could love another angel, but not a human. After learning of this new rule in Heaven and after the betrayal of the Princess of Darkness killing the Dark Lord, many of Leviathan's angels of darkness felt that they stood a better chance standing by Nathaniel’s side. This worked the other way as well. Many angels in Heaven felt that Nathaniel was the cause of their destruction and that Metetron’s decision to make him the new King was propitious. So Heaven gained some new recruits, as did Hell. But with the new law of being able to have intimate relationships and also mate among each other, the order of things started to change. A new breed of angels were born; half dark, half light. They were called Hybrids. The two kingdoms had never been more divided.

(Scene change) Camera rapidly pans forward towards the earth, past the clouds, into the sea, and down to the core of the earth where we see Leviathan’s castle sitting on a mountain in Hell. Camera pans around the palace and we see a river of burning lava around the perimeter and millions of condemned souls in chains walking in single file lines around the banks of the river. Camera also shows some souls burning in the lava. Camera pans up from the river and through the front oak doors of the palace where we see Leviathan sitting in her throne holding a baby wrapped in a blanket. The baby is crying while Leviathan is stroking its face gently. The oak doors to the palace open and a very attractive angel with black wings with white streaks walks in. She walks down the long corridor as the angels of darkness, standing at attention along the hallway, watch her glide by. She has on black leather pants, black boots and a black top revealing her belly with a black wing tattoo across her stomach. When she reaches the throne she kneels and pulls out her sword, putting the tip down and kneeling against it.

Nina: You summoned me, Your Highness?

Leviathan nods at one of the nearby demons. The demon walks over and takes the baby from Leviathan and places him in a dark looking baby cradle next to the throne. Nina’s eyes follow the baby and the demon.

Leviathan: (stands and walks down the throne stairs) As a matter of fact, my child, I have.

Nina: How may I be worthy of your presence, my lady?

Leviathan: Precisely why I called upon you, my child. You may stand.

Nina stands and puts her sword back in her back holster.

Leviathan: It has been almost two years since you came to me and asked me for sanctuary from Nathaniel’s regime. And although I was hesitant at first, I felt that it was my civil duty to protect a fallen angel, like my father was, from the clutches of Nathaniel’s weak and foolish minded idea that all of humankind deserves compassion, forgiveness, and redemption even while hypocritically sending them to me if he feels they do not follow his example. You have now proven yourself to be worthy of my trust. Today I bring you into my kingdom and my regime.

Nina: Permission to speak freely my lady?

Leviathan: Yes.

Nina: I am honored to have succeeded in making it into your circle of trust…but there our other hybrids like myself who need your help as well. After the fall of your father many believed that you betrayed your own kind. I am not one of the many. I am one of the few who believe in the sacrifice of an old regime and the unstoppable power of a new.

Leviathan turns to look at Nina with a smirk.

Leviathan: My child, you are a worthy adversary. So tell me, do you ever miss the Kingdom of Light and its great power of kindness and forgiveness?

Nina: I miss nothing of my former life, my lady. This is where I belong now.

Leviathan: Very well then, my child. You may go.

Nina turns and starts to walk away when two guards stand in the middle of the corridor holding swords to her. We see her look at them in surprise. Nina turns to look at Leviathan who is now sitting in her throne.

Leviathan: What kind of fool do you take me for Angelina? We have been watching you since you arrived. I know about your little scheme to infiltrate my kingdom. If Nathaniel is going to try and outsmart me, he will defiantly have to do better than that.

Nina: Oh no, my lady. It is I who has outsmarted you. NOW!

At that moment the double doors burst open as a flock of white angels fill the palace with swords in hand. All of the dark angels swarm towards them screeching with swords in theirs. Leviathan calls out for more guards. Nina pulls out her sword and flies towards Leviathan. Leviathan throws a bolt of lightning at her, knocking her against one of the palace’s pillars. Leviathan grabs the baby and runs into one of the palace’s corridors. She stops one of the dark angels (Eli) running down the corridors heading for the battle in the main throne room.


Eli: I’m sorry, my lady, she seemed loyal!


We see Nina run into the corridor, stabbing and slicing dark angels in her path. She then comes face to face with Eli.

Eli: Nina…I knew you couldn’t be trusted.

Nina: And neither could you, traitor.

Eli: I chose to leave Nathaniel’s despicable reign because he was weak and unworthy.

Nina: Is that you or Leviathan speaking?

Eli: Just because we were once lovers doesn’t mean I wont tear you to pieces, bitch.

Nina: Bring it on, asshole.

Eli and Nina fly into mid air pulling out there swords to battle.

(Scene change) We see Leviathan emerge on the roof of the castle where she reaches her hands up to the sky

Leviathan: Tabitha, come forth!

A very large dark cloud emerges. The cloud starts to take form as a dragon’s head emerges from the clouds, roaring as the rest of the cloud forms her body.

(Scene change) Eli and Nina are battling in the corridor. You see the sparks of the clinking of their swords.

Nina: You don’t have to do this Eli!

Eli: I know my place Nina. Maybe its time you found yours!

They charge at each other again and Nina pierces Eli's shoulder. He yelps in pain as he falls to the floor. Nina stands over him with the sword to his neck.

Eli: Go on! Strike me down like the coward and traitor that you are!

Nina puts her sword away.

Nina: I’m not you, Eli. (She kneels down and kisses him passionately) I was a fool. A fool in love with the wrong angel.

Nina then runs down the corridor. We see her emerge on the roof where Leviathan is on top of Tabitha who screeches and blows fire from her mouth at Nina. Nina jumps and spreads her wings, barley escaping the dragon’s fire. The dragon spreads its wings as well, following Nina. Nina is flying back and forth trying to escape the dragon’s fiery breath. Nina then sees a nearby mountain. She drops to it. The dragon follows. The dragon drops right in front of her.


In that moment Nina looks the dragon in the eyes and studies it for a moment. The dragon then lets out a loud roar, jumping back on it’s hind legs it throws Leviathan and the crying baby off. Nina takes the opportunity to fly up and snatch the baby.

Leviathan: NO!

Nina disappears.

(Scene change) The camera pans over all the dead dark angels in the main throne room when we see Leviathan stumble in through the front oak doors. All of the angels of light are gone. All they have left behind is a trail of dead angels.

(Scene change) We see the doors to the great throne room of Heaven open and Nina limps in with Victor clutched tightly in her arms. She makes her way down to Nathaniel’s throne. The Board of Seraphim and a few angels of light stand and gasp.

(Scene change) We see Leviathan’s bloody hand grab the marble rail that leads to her throne. The camera stops on her for a moment and we start to hear Nathaniel’s voice.

(Scene change) Nina drops to her knees and holds up the baby.

Nina: My Lord…I give you Victor...The Prince of Darkness.

Nathaniel takes the child into his arms.

Nathaniel: At last Ryan, my brother…I have your legacy, and the key to save all of mankind, in my possession.

(Scene change) Leviathan reaches the top of the stairs and sits in her throne grasping the sides as hard as she can as a tear rolls down her cheek. She lets out a loud scream that is best described as screeching and roaring. The entire palace shakes as the camera pans out of the castle and starts to travel through the flames of Hell revealing the credits of the film.

“Twelve Years Later” appears on the screen.

(Scene change) Camera pans down on Grace Cathedral in San Francisco, California. We see decorations for the wedding of Christopher and Reggie. We change scenes to the inside of Chris’s dressing room. He is adjusting his tie when there is a knock at the door.

Chris: Come in.

Faith and Vanessa (12-years-old) walk in.

Vanessa: Uncle Chris! (runs to him smiling and throws her arms around him)

Chris: Hey there my little poohbear. How ya doin'?

Vanessa: Do you like my dress?

Chris: Yes, I sure do.

Chris hugs Faith.

Faith: How ya doin’ bro?

Chris: Well I haven’t got cold feet yet. I still can’t believe he asked me to marry him. I mean…is this really happening?

Faith: Yes it is, and you deserve it. I mean it’s been nine years now. The two of you have the right to be happy.