April 7, 2015
1)Roll Call: 13 Absent)
S. Coelho, M. Danyluk (C. Millot represented), T. Farr, Fr. Tran, K. Hunter,J. Loughran,
S. Quagliaroli, K. Rojas; A. Rucci,N. Stannard, M. Stratton (class), P. Taylor, P. VanBramer
2) SECRETARY’S REPORT: Joyce Catania
a) Minutes of Previous Meeting: Accepted: 1st J. Klocker/2nd N. Stimac
b) Correspondence:
BALANCE at Last Report$3,078.76
Donations for Shelter (Pizza)* 450.00
St. Patrick/St. Joseph Tickets and Raffle 2,430.00
Coffee Pause$ 26.50
American Express (Pizza) 682.50
Caterer’s Unlimited St Patrick/St. Joseph Dinner 2,100.00
TOTAL 2,809.00
*Last month’s minutes indicated $100 donation for the pizza from Parish Council. This should have read a donation of $232.50. $132.50 was reimbursed to Emily at this meeting.
No Report
b)CYO: P. Van Bramer (via e-mail)
CYO, Reflections, and the Catholic Community held the Living Stations on Good Friday, and it went very well. The cast consisted of veterans (one was on his 11th year!) and several new members. The music was wonderful and the production was well received by all.
Next up for us is a meeting at the end of the month to renew, regroup, and reflect on the program.
c)EDUCATION: M. Stratton
Grade 2 Mass will be this Sunday, April 12 at 9:30 a.m. The children received the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time last month. All did a great job!
Because of the six weeks of missed classes for the 9th grade students, the Confirmation test is postponed until Monday, April 27. Students have three meetings with Father before Confirmation as well as summer interviews and a Retreat in October.
First Communion is scheduled for Saturday, May 9 at St. Mary’s. There are two Masses –
10:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m,
CCD classes finish on April 15th, except for Grade 2.
d)EVANGELIZATION – G. Staves/Nancy Stimac
This is a two month report, since we didn’t meet last month.
The 4 Lenten Food and Faith evenings went very well. Between 80 and 105 signed up for each meal, and the overall attendance for the presentations were between 110 and 124. Everyone seemed to enjoy the food and the presentations.
The Lenten Mission presented by Deacon Art Miller was enjoyed by all. He captivated all those that attended, including the Confirmation students that attended two of the four evenings. We averaged 85+ adults for each evening, and an additional 30 young people on two of the evenings.
There is a committee at St. Joseph’s in Poquonock that makes Rosaries. If any committee needs them, they will provide them to you. See Nancy Stimac for the contact person.
Upcoming programs include:
>There will be a presentation by Father Matera on April 22nd and the topic will be “The Resurrection”
>There will be a presentation by Carlo Eedo of the Jesuit Collaborative on May 20th and the topic will be “Ignatian Spirituality”
>We will be starting an 11-week Alpha Program on September 10th. The Alpha program is a practical introduction to the Christian faith that gives guests an opportunity to explore the meaning of life. Alpha is fun, relaxed and totally non-pressured, which is why over 19 million people around the world have already done it.
Listen, learn, discuss, and discover. Ask anything. Alpha is a place where no question is off limits. The three main elements of each session are Good Food; an Alpha Talk; and Discussion.
Ongoing programs include:
The CD display cases at both churches. The focus is on children, teens, and adult topics.
There are books located at the CD display cases at both churches. These cover all age groups.
Contemplative Prayer Sundays from 5:30 – 6:30 PM at St. Mary Parish Center and on Wednesday’s from 1:00 – 2:00 PM at St Robert parish Center. Join us for LectioDivina, Centering Prayer and discussion. One on one instruction is available by Nancy Stimac.
Bible Study Meets Sunday from 7:00 – 8:00 PM at St. Mary Parish Center. The Stephen Binz Threshold Bible Study Series recommended by the Catholic Bible School is used.
Please promote these programs within your committees.
“Truly, anyone welcoming my messenger is welcoming Me. And to welcome Me is to welcome the Father who sent Me!” (John, 13:20).
There are two more youngsters greeting the faithful as they enter God’s house. They have terrific exhibitions in their ministry.
f)HEALTH MINISTRY: T. Farr/S. Quagliaroli
No Report
g)LITURGY: Fr. O’Grady
The Parish Mission went very well during Lent. Deacon Art Miller did a wonderful job. Adele is finally able to retire from her job handling altar decorations. Carol Bennett has offered to take over this position. Carol is a regular at morning Mass. We are glad to have two new young lectors, Owen and Sarah for our Masses. We are making plans for a Mass for the Anointing of the Sick shortly.
h)PRO-LIFE: Hal Larson/Jim Loughran
The rosary/vigil held on the first and third Saturday of the monthin Enfield is still going on. Warmer weather will make it easier for parking. For an update of all activities, please go on-line with Jim O’Boyle, or see Theresa Borchetta. There will be a convention workshop on April 25 in North Haven. Tickets are still available. The Religious Freedom Bill needs to be amended and is before the legislators. Check with Jim O’Boyle for more information. The information will also be on our web site.
Our last meeting was March 21. The meeting had scripture and our relationship with God. Our next meeting is April 18.
The men’s retreat at Holy Family is June 12-14.
K of C
We started our annual recruiting drive at the Masses 3/21 and 3/22. We hosted Stations of the Cross on 3/20. On Friday, 3/27 we had a fish dinner, and raised money for the WL food pantry.
We are planning a Golf Tournament on June 27. More information to follow.
SCChosted Stations of the Cross on March 27. 40 people attended along with 12 SCC members.
Our St. Patrick/St. Joseph dinner was very successful. We had good attendance, and had many lovely raffle gifts. The Coogan School of Irish Dance entertained, and were well received.
At this time, the women who have done the perennial sale in the past are contemplating a sale on second Saturday in May. More details on this as they develop.
l)SOCIAL JUSTICE: - Emily Leary for G. Grisewicz/K. Rojas
At our last visit in March, we served 71 people. The no-freeze is now closed. On Monday, we served sausage and peppers with chips and chocolate chip cookies for dessert. We plan a fundraiser on April 24. Our last visit in May we will serve baked chicken, which the men really love.
No Report
Hal told us that PBS had a show about a boy in the Mideast who was looking for bird turds for his garden, and dug up manuscripts that contained 42 Gospels.
Easter went very well. All services were filled. The Easter Vigil was very crowded. The Living Stations went very smoothly, and the performance was great. The music was wonderful. Thanks to all who worked on putting it together.
The Food and Faith dinners/attendance were great, as were all speakers. Thanks again to the Stewardship Committee all who made this happen.
The windows are all in, and look great.
Finance reports will be in the bulletins. Everything looks good, thanks to good bequests this past year. The Pastoral Plan is out for all dioceses and many churches. City parishes will probably be looked at first. People are moving all the time to all parts of the country. As we all know, attendance is down, and our youth are not regular church goers.
10)NEXT MEETING DATE: May 5, 2015@ 7:00 p.m.
13)ADJOURN: Accepted: 1st C. Becker/2nd.J. Klocker
Respectfully submitted,
Joyce Catania