November 2, 2015 MINUTES
Attendance: Present ~ Rev. Quinnan, Rev. Wasnock, Deacon O’Connor, Linda Carbone, Keri, DiAngelis, Mary DiMichele, Theresa Dinunzi, Dori Hurley, Ralph Manento, Karen Newton, Stephanie Rodgers, and Eric Schneider Absent: Chris Doerbecker and Santos Rivera
Opening Prayer Service & Recitation of the Mission Statement
Approval of Minutes for October – Approved
SUB COMMITTEE REPORTS ~Progress of Programs In Review
MINISTRY OF COMMUNITY (STEWARDSHIP): Ministry Enrichment Day of Reflection has been completed, very positive reactions from attendees, annual event under consideration with time frame change to 9am – 2 pm, witness during prayer services gave a very heartfelt reflection, great food, and speakers were both inspirational and enjoyable.
Spiritual Literacy, Reading the Sacred in Everyday Life DVD Series, is an ecumenical program of various topics offering exploration through personal reflection and group dialogue for faith formation and spiritual growth. Approach present ministries in the parish and introduce for use in small groups, applicable in ½ hour (or less) time periods, and request feedback.
Retreat Day for RCIA, for participants and their families welcomingthem to the parish in a special way, include (SMART Goal #5) past RCIA members for welcoming new members.
Parish Mission with Larry Richards, Rev. Quinnan in contact with Larry Richards for availability of date around July 9th parish festival, alternate parish missions a possibility
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMHC) consider consistent communication possibilities andrecurrent hands-on training annually to retain participation in ministry.
Tough Talk Theology Series, considering the following topics: “Annulments” & “Following Your Conscience”; presenters and dates to be explored; awaiting new information regarding annulments.
VOCATIONS ~continue exploring those with rudimentary gifts to Priesthood or Religious Life
ARISE – approximately 130 parishioners signed up for groups meeting Tuesday mornings, afternoon, and Wednesday evenings at church and their homes.
EXPENDITURES–Parking Lot, Front Steps, Pole Barn, New Hymnals, all of these items cost and usage explained in the church bulletin dated October 25th. Old hymnals available for parishioners to take home after the last mass on November 22nd, any left behind to be recycled.
MINISTRY LEADERSHIP REPORTS~ over a dozen ministries provided summaries of their ministry, programs in progress and ideal visions for their ministries. Reports shared with PPC members, filed, and any additional summaries received will be forwarded to the PPC. These reports help us build bridges between needs in the parish and ministries as well as our Parish Pastoral Plan.
PPC BINDER ~ additional material received from the diocese, In a Missionary Style: Putting the Parish Pastoral Plan into Action,to be reviewed and discussed later.
Charism Inventory results, we listened to a presentation regarding the process once the questionnaire has been completed. We discussed the applicability of this method to the level of parishioner engagement and will continue to explore other instruments for recognizing gifts.
Next meeting December 7th@ 7:30 pm Rectory
Following meeting, January 4th@ 7:30 pm Rectory, PPC Christmas Gathering
Review Diocesan Material for December Meeting
December Discussion point: looking for those vocation possibilities!!!
Subcommittees meet monthly to provide status review of assigned programs