2-11-11 Secretariat Meeting OCTD

Present: Mike and Venita Shellman, Ginny Mouawad, Bob Fender, Bill Baley, Paul Wright, Sheila Checkley, Jim Trebilcox, Bill McKibben and Kathy Wood

Open with prayer, meditation and communion.

Currently there are six men and six women confirmed for the upcoming weekends. Get candidate/sponsor applications to Jill Travis as quickly as possible. Continue to pray for candidates and sponsors.

October Rectora/Rector assignments: Felicia Loya confirmed. Duane Pettit pending.

Serenade discussion. Complete script for both men and women weekends are required. April 9 Women’s Arizona weekend. Some men will go and experience Serenade firsthand. Deanna and Sharon are women champions. Need men champions as well.

Motion was made, seconded and moved that the Serenade experience in Orange County Tres Dias be tabled until scripts have been received and champions for both men and women are identified with a view to have Serenade at the October weekends. Separately, it was further suggested that the concept of Serenade be introduced at Fiesta by Bill and Sue Baaden.

Fiesta after the March weekends will be at Red Hill on March 26 at 7PM.

Copies of the 2011 Rector Schedule and Guidelines (Version 2011 S Revision 2) were distributed. It was requested that each recipient review the document and make appropriate comments and recommendations at the March Secretariat. Further, it was noted that the Long Version is for the Rector/Rectora, Clergy, Rectora/Rector Assistants, and the Head Cook. The Short Version is for all other Team Members.

Rectora/Rector reports:

Reminder: assign prayer partners for each candidate. Coordinate directly with Jill Travis to get applications of confirmed candidates.

Kathy Wood had five practice Rollos at the first team meeting. It is understood that the Women’s Team has responsibility for breakfast at the third team meeting.

Bill McKibben indicated that four practice Rollos were conducted during the first team meeting and six are scheduled for the upcoming team meeting.

Discussion regarding Sponsorship, its importance and required emphasis. Co-sponsorship as an option. Community needs to be taught about sponsorship. Skit by Sherpa Bob at Fiesta.

Core Team Training is a must. Rectora/Rector Assistants with Rectora/Rector; Head Cook with Cook Assistants. Must happen before the Weekend.

Facility: Shower work begun at Grand Avenue UMC. Cost $2,084. 2 showers near baptistery of prayer chapel. Unavailable Friday night and Sunday morning.

Liability Insurance with a sexual abuse rider has been purchased to cover the period 1/28/2011 – 1/28/2012. $1,025 per year.

Financial report: $5,270.60 at Wells Fargo Bank account. Received $600 total in team fees after first team meeting.

Prayer for each individual candidate by name.

A special thank you to Eddie Mouawad, Bill Baaden, and Chuck Barker for the showers.

The next Secretariat meeting is to be 7PM on Thursday, March 3, 2011 at the Shellman’s home.

Closed in prayer.