From the How Book of Cub Scouting, 1958 edition:
"The old expression, "Children should be seen and not heard," passed out of existence with the passing of the little Lord Fauntleroy styles for the well dressed young boy. Youth will always be seen and heard. To attempt to suppress the boy of Cub Scout age is not only impractical but fundamentally wrong for Mother Nature intended he should be heard. His natural desire for self-expression is beginning to assert itself and you as a wise leader will assist him in its gratification.
"Songs and yells will do much to answer the Cub Scout's need for self-expression. A boy will express himself and make noise, and as long as this is true, we might as well have organized noise."
a)Cub Scout Roundtables, Roundtable Planning Guides - various years
b)Cub Scout Program Helps - various years
c)Circle Ten Council PowWow books - various years
d)Websites such as:
Baloos' Bugle -
Great Plains District website scout links (& many other districts)
www. greatplainsBSA.org
Searches for "song name" lyrics on the web
e)Cub Scout Songbook, Boy Scout Songbook
a)Tune should be familiar to all ages. If not, you'll have to teach it to them before singing. Common tunes include "My Bonnie Lies Over The Ocean", "Clementine", "Row, Row, Row Your Boat", etc.
b)Lyrics should fit the meter of the tune easily, rhyme appropriately, make sense, be fun. Words that are awkward to sing (where does that syllable fit?) will cause singers to stumble and spoil the fun. Handle words that may need explaining or definition before singing.
a)Welcome songs - sung to new families or cubs, start of new scout year, etc. Simple, teach to all so it can be sung whenever new members or guests come to the meeting.
Example: "Welcome to Pack ___"
b)Hooray for Scouting songs - about why we love scouting, fundamental principles, etc. - you'll find some still appropriate that were written decades ago.
Example: "Cub Scouts Are Always Happy" from How Book of Cub Scouting, 1958 edition
c)Just Good Music - a simple round (like "Are You Sleeping", "Row, Row, Row Your Boat") sounds great and is fun to do. Divide group into sections, go through verse once then have leader direct each section to "come in" on time.
Example: "Singing Around"
III) TYPES OF SONGS (continued)
d)Monthly Theme Songs - from Roundtable, Program Helps past and current or "home made". Avoid forced or contrived lyrics that are not easy and fun to follow. Feel free to modify if you can improve them.
"Astronaut's Plea" - clever story, good well-fitting and rhyming lyrics, familiar tune
"They Come To Our Rescue, Thank You!" - makes a point, but lyrics are old fashioned.
("swell"? Who says "swell" any more?)
"Cubstruction" - lyrics fit theme, can add actions to make it more fun (hand motions to fit
lyrics for cutting, hammering, painting)
"Our Feathered Friends" - Cute, but would a cub say "I watch you in awe every day"?
"Cowboy Hats" - short, cute for cowboy theme. Lyrics a little awkward in places.
"Fire Prevention" - a Teaching Moment. Would be good for a den to sing at Pack Meeting.
"Holiday Thoughts" - a nice tribute to traditions families of all faiths enjoy
e)Scouting "Classics" that are fun and familiar:
The Happy Wanderer (great for hiking along)
Tom The Toad (why do cubs love things that go splat?)
On Top of Spaghetti (remember this from your own childhood?)
Ravioli (great for making good-natured fun of den leader or cubmaster)
The Ants Go Marching
f)Call-Back Songs and Interactive Songs - scouts love action and seeing grownups trying to keep up! Good for campouts, reinvigorating a boring meeting, etc.
"Bear in Tennis Shoes"
"The Grand Old Duke of York"
"Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes"
g)More "Just Good Fun"
"Spongebob Scout Song" - a tune today's kids know, not all adults do but easy to teach
"You're in the Band" - another one with "action". In a pack setting, each den could be a different instrument. Add your own verses! "You're a Cub Scout in the band, and you want to play real bad" could be improved - think of better words.
"The Twelve Days of Scouting" - lots of interaction with different groups. Props make it more fun. "Leaders Leaping" makes scouts laugh.
h)Patriotic Classics
"This Land is Your Land" - Many slight variations in lyrics exist from different sources.
"The Star Spangled Banner" - the history makes a moving opening for a pack meeting or
Blue and Gold Banquet. Many have never seen more than the first verse.
"God Bless America" - written by a Russian Immigrant (Irving Berlin) - again, history adds
richness to just singing the familiar tune.
"You're a Grand Old Flag" - short, lively, sung with enthusiasm. May need to teach kids but
then they too will love it.
"Deep in the Heart of Texas" - clapping adds excitement and interaction.
Wonderful alternate lyrics "Deep in the Heart of Cub Scouts"
"Texas, Our Texas" - the State Song, required for the Texas Badge award
i)Closing Songs - remember "Duty to God" is part of our promise.
"Cub Scout Vespers"
"Family Vespers Song"
"Taps" - old words, worth knowing. Explain what "nigh" means - God is near to us.
Tigers - Elective 6, "Song Time"
Wolves - Elective 11, "Sing-Along"
Bears - Elective 8, "Cub Scout Band"
Webelos Scouts - Showman