
held in the Parish Council Chambers

Wednesday22ndApril 2015following Planning Meeting.

S Jenkinson (Chair) Mrs V Birch, R Etheridge, B Holland, Mrs C Millar, and

Mrs P Campbell

1Apologies were received from Councillor Paul Kenyon

2The minutes of the meeting held 25th February 2015 were received and approved.

3Site visit report 14th March 2015 was received and noted:

  • Oaken Drive Field –Location agreed for situation of the bench being donated by Codsall Community Group following site meeting held on 14th March 2015. Location by gate entrance midway up Spring Field Drive, avoiding being situated directly under tree.
  • War Memorial – following the site meeting held on 14th March it was agreed that the area would be looked at again in the summer to establish if a replacement to the fallen flowering cherry tree is needed.
4Wheel Field update: The meeting was advised that quotations had been received, accepted and started on the second phase of improvement works.
Second phase works that had been quoted for included: removal of diseased beech trees, hedge trimming, additional tree works, the creation of natural play features from the timber of the removed beech trees, purchase and planting of; seven beech trees, sixteen mountain ash trees, one oak tree and fifty three orchard trees, purchase and installation of additional litter bins, fencing alterations to existing kissing gates to allow pushchair and wheel chair access, walling- existing one entrance to be closed up using reclaimed stone and stone from widening the second entrance to allow pushchair and wheel chair users and install timber post and rail staggered fence at walled entrance.

The works as detailed were expected to be completed within the next few weeks.

Other works hoped to be achieved in the second phase would be the planting of the wildflower meadow and purchase and installation of outdoor gym equipment. The meeting was advised that two separate grant applications had been applied for regarding funding for the gym equipment, however we were unsuccessful on the one, but we had been put forward to the second stage of consideration on the other.

5Village improvements and maintenance planfor 2015/16 was considered. The meeting resolved to defer this item for another time but not stipulated.

6A.O.B. - Councillor Jenkinson informed the meeting that Codsall Community Group was going from strength to strength. They had organised many fund raising activities, the group had been approached by a young runner and now the Fun Run is well on its way, which they hoped to be an annual event. A number of working parties had been arranged for works on Oaken Drive Field.

There is positivity within the group which has got to be good for the village.

7Date of next meeting was not scheduled.