Open Source Applications and Standards
Part of the annual series of joint workshops with Data Base Forum Casa Nova on
< Come to discuss the existing developments and
select new standardization projects that could benefit your industry >
16 December 2004, ETSI Headquarters, Amphi Athena
Sophia Antipolis, France
The open source movement is the latest evolutionary activity in Information Technology standardization, following the series of alliances, consortia, international and national formal organizations and trade associations. Together with the IT industry investments in standardization, also the IT investments in consortia, alliances, and Open Source initiatives continue to grow consequently as the World Wide Web and the Internet continue to expand.
Widely recognized as an effective way to drive down costs and mitigate risks, standardization offers an effective mechanism for addressing concerns impacting open source and for propelling the industry forward. The collaboration between the open source software community and bodies that have a vested interest in open public standards is therefore of great importance.
The use of open standards promotes interoperability as the standards provide a clear definition of how information and data are to be exchanged between different components operating together. However, open standards are not synonymous with open source, and do not exist only by virtue of open source.
Open source is now dominating many of the market conversations in the software industry as it’s built upon a foundation of intellectual property law, particularly copyright law. Recognizing the above challenges, the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI), in co-operation with the Data Base Forum Casa Nova (“House of the Future of Information” Project) is organizing the “Open Source Applications and Standards” workshop on 16 December 2004, at its premises in Sophia Antipolis, France.
The workshop will analyze the lack of a concerted effort to create open standards for all open source software and will examine the impact of this standardization deficit on areas that include stability, market viability, and intellectual property rights management. ETSI encourages companies involved in these areas to join and participate in the event.
The workshop belongs to the series of ETSI-Data Base Forum Casa Nova joint annual events on
“Standards and Services of the future” and will be addressing the latest R&D trends and proposals for standardization. ETSI is inviting you to come to discuss the latest open source applications and influence and be inspired by new standardization projects that could benefit your industry.
PROGRAM v9 of 16 December 2004
08:30 – 09:00Registration
<Register for event, social networking, distribute literature>
09:00 – 10:30SESSION 1 – Open Source Challenges
Session Chair - Professor Serge Miranda, President of DBF CASA NOVA
Report on Wide Use of Open Source Platform for Critical Enterprise Applications
Experience with Wanadoo – “Portals of Wanadoo”
Mr. Eric Oliveri, Mr. Pierre Aubert
Bringing Open Source into the Enterprise
Mr. Carlo Tarantola, Senior Director Executive Consultant, EMEA Mobile and Wireless Center of Expertise - Centre Research Oracle Warsaw
Open Source & IPRs: The Challenges for Standardisation
Mr. Stephane Tronchon, The ETSI Legal Counsel
10:30 – 11:00Coffee Break
11:00– 12:30SESSION 2 – Open Standards for Open Source
Session Chair - Mrs. Stacey Quandt, Senior Business Analyst, Open Source Practice Leader,
Robert Frances Group, "Business Advice to IT Executives"
The Asian Perspective
Application of Open Standards and Open Source Technology in eGovernment Services
Mr. Thomas Lee, Chief Technology Officer
Center for E-Commerce Infrastructure Development (CECID)
The University of Hong Kong, China
Next Generation of Open Source Middleware based on Open Standards
Mr. Jean-Pierre Laisné, Linux & Open Source Strategy Manager, BULL,
Chairman of ObjectWeb Consortium
Open Standards and Open Source. A view on the market trends by Software AG
Mr. Chandra De Keyser
EU Business Development Director, Software AG, The XML Company
12:30 – 14:00Lunch Break
14:00 – 16:00SESSION 3 – Round Table
Session Chair - Mr. Patrick Guillemin, Technical Coordinator, ETSI PlugtestsTM
W3C, Open Standards and Open Source
Dr. Daniel Dardailler, W3C Associate Chair for Europe, World Wide Web Consortium
3GPP User Equipment Conformance Testing
Mr. Shicheng Hu, PTCC, Protocols and Testing Competence Centre, ETSI
Leader of MCC task 160/272
Open Source and Open Standards, Perspective from Fujitsu
Mr. Jacques Durand, Director of Standards and Engineering, Fujitsu Software
The ETSI Interoperability Service
Organization of Interoperability Events for Open Source Products
Mr. Patrick Guillemin, Technical Coordinator, ETSI PlugtestsTM
Why Attend?
Attendance allows you to:
Learn about open source advantages and challenges
Identify application servers, components, frameworks and tools based on open standards
Hear about effort to develop standards version of the open source operating system
Address the impact of the intellectual property law, particularly copyright law linked to OSS
Network with experts and understand the benefits of standardization
No fee will be levied for attendance.
Registration is open until 11 December 2004 at the following location: .
For more information about the workshop contact:
+33 492 94 43 67
650, Route des Lucioles
F-06921 Sophia Antipolis Cedex
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