- Creating a new dial-up connection for:
Windows 95 & 98 & Me
- Dialing rules
Windows 2000
- Dialing rules
Windows XP
- Dialing rules
Windows NT4
2.Dial-up Errors: 602; 619; 629; 633; 645; 647; 649; 650; 651; 676; 678; 680; 691; 720; 752; 753; 754.
Windows 95 & 98 & Me
Step 1. Double-click on the "My Computer" icon and you will see the Dialup Networking folder.
Step 2. Double click on the "Make New Connection" icon. You will see a panel like this:
Step 3. Change the name to some appropriate connection name. We used "Smartcall" in this example.
Note*: If your ISP uses Asynchronous PPP and V.120 for their ISDN service, you must select the option 'V.120 modem' from the pull-down modem menu here. If you do not have this option, then you did not correctly install the modem when you performed the initial hardware and software installation.
Step 4. Click Next to go to the next panel, which looks like this:
Step 5. In the Phone number field, type your local access number exactly as it needs to be dialed(as represented in the example)
Step 6. Click Next to get to the final panel:
Step 7. Click on Finish to save your new connection. The Dialup Networking directory will now have a new icon:
Step 8. To connect to the Internet, simply double click on the SmartcallNetworks icon. A Connect To box will appear
Step 9. Enter your user name and password and click on Connect
Dialing rules
Step 1. Double-click on the "My Computer" icon and you will see the Dialup Networking folder
Step 2. Double-click the Smartcall connection icon and select Properties.
Step 3. Click the Dial Properties... button.
Step 4. In the Dialing Properties window, enter the information shown below:
- Enter Calling Card Call in the I am dialing from: text box.
Enter Romaniain the I am in this country/region - Enter 21in the Area Code text box.
- Check the For long distance calls, use this calling card: checkbox.
- Check Tone or Pulse dialing mode according with the mode of the used telephone
- Click the Area Code Rules button.
- Uncheck Always dial the area code.
- Click OK.
Windows 2000
Step 1. Begin by clicking on the start menu, and go to Settings then Network and Dial-up Connections
This will open a folder similar to the Dialup Networking folder from Win95/98.
Step 2. Double click Make New Connection to begin the Network Connection Wizard.
Step 3. Click Next to continue.
Step 4. Windows now asks what type of connection is being created. Select Dial-up to the Internet, then click Next to continue
Step 5. This opens a new wizard, the Internet Connection Wizard. Choose the third selection to open the connection manually, then click Next to continue.
Step 6. On this screen, enter the Smartcall access phone number 2076000.
Step 7. Click Advanced on the image below to configure DNS resolution.
Step 8. If you have already configured DNS resolution, click Next on the image below to continue.
Step 9. Enter the User Name and Password in the following fields.
Step 10. Select Next to continue.
Step 11. Now simply name the connection “Smartcall”
Step 12. Select Next to continue.
The wizard then asks if you would like to setup a mail client. Choose No and then click Finish to end the wizard. The Network and Dial-up Connections folder should list an icon with your new configuration name. Double-click on it to begin dialing.
Windows 2000 configuration is now complete.
Dialing rules
- In Windows 2000, click the Start button.Select Settings, Control Panel, and then Network and Dial-Up Connections.
- Right-click the Smartcall icon and select Properties.
- In the Smartcall (or equivalent) Properties window, enter the information shown below:
- Under the General tab, check the Use dialing rules checkbox.
- Ensure that 21 is entered in the Area code: text box.
- Click the Rules button.
- In the Phone and Modem Options window, click the Edit button.
- In the Edit Location window, enter the information shown below:
- Enter Smartcall in the Location name: text box.
- Enter 21 in the Area Code text box.
- Verify that the boxes labeled To access an outside line for local calls, dial: and to access an outside line for long-distance calls, dial: are blank.
- Check to ensure that Phone number will be dialed as 2076000 appears at the bottom of the window.
- Click the Calling Card tab at the top of the window.
Click Apply then OK to return to the Network and Dial-UP Connections window.
Windows XP
Step 1. Click on Start, then Connect to, and then Show all connections.
Note*: If you are running Windows XP in classic mode, your will need to select the Start menu, select Settings, then choose Network connections.
Step 2. Single-click on Create a new connection. This option should be located on the vertical left-hand bar.
Step 3. Click the Next button.
Step 4. Select Connect to the Internet.
Step 5. Click the Next button.
Step 6. Select Set up my connection manually.
Step 7. Click the Next button.
Step 8. Select Connect using a dial-up modem.
Step 9. Click the Next button.
Step 10. In the ISP Name field, type a name to identify your connection (ex: Smatcall).
Step 11. Click the Next button.
Step 12. In the Phone number field, type your local access number exactly as it needs to be dialed.
Step 13. Click the Next button.
Step 14. The last three check boxes can be checked or unchecked at your own choice. It is recommended that you just leave them checked..
Step 15. Click the Next button.
Step 16. Check the box next to Add a shortcut to this connection to my desktop if you wish to have a shortcut to the connection on your desktop.
Step 17. Click the Finish button.
Step 18. Close all windows.
Dialing rules
Step 19. You should now see your dial-up connection, almost ready for use. Click Properties
Check the box next to Use dialing rules, fill in 21 for the area code, and click Dialing Rules.
On the above screen, make sure the 21 Area Code is highlighted, and click Edit.
Click the Area Code Rules tab, then the New button.
Set the Area Code Rules to match the ones specified above and click OK.
Double left click on the new Smartcall dial-up icon on your desktop and the connection window will pop up. Left click Dial and your in.
Windows NT 4.0
Step 1 -- Install the Remote Access Service (RAS)
- Click on the 'Start' button on the desktop.
- Go to 'Settings'.
- Click on 'Control Panel'.
- Double click on the Network Control Panel.
- Click on the 'Services' tab.
- Make sure that Remote Access Service (RAS) is on the list of Network Services.
- If RAS is not installed, then
- Click the 'Add' button.
- Select Remote Access Service from the list of available Services and click 'OK'
- Windows NT will then need to copy files off of your Windows NT 4.0 CD-ROM.
- When NT is done copying files, you will return to the main Network Control Panel Window.
- Highlight Remote Access Service with a single mouse click.
- Click on the 'Properties' button.
Step 2 -- Configuring Remote Access Service
- Windows NT 4.0 should already know what modem you have installed in your computer. If your modem is not listed in the RAS Setup window, then NT is not properly detecting your modem. Contact Technical Support so we can assist you in configuring NT.
- If your modem is in the RAS setup window, then highlight it and click on the 'Configure...' button. Under Port Usage, select Dial Out Only
- Click on the 'OK' button.
- Click on the 'Network...' button.
- Under Dial Out Protocols, select TCP/IP.
- Click on the 'OK' button.
- Click on the 'Continue' button
- Click the 'OK' button.
- NT will then check, write, restore the bindings then a message will appear asking if the computer should be rebooted.
- Click 'Yes'
11. Once the computer is done rebooting, open up Dial-Up Networking by clicking on the Start button, then go up to Programs, Accessories, then down to Dial-Up Networking.
Step 3 -- Configuring Dial-Up Networking (DUN)
- Dial-Up Networking will report that the Phonebook is empty. Click the 'OK' button.
- Enter the name you would like for the connection, we recommend Smartcall.
- Enter the area code of the number you are dialing.
- Enter the phone number that you will dial to connect to Smartcall.
Step 4 -- Configuring the rest of the Connection
- Click on the 'Script' tab.
- Select 'None' under After dialing (login). You should not need a dialing script for a PPP connection.
- Click on the 'Security' tab.
- Select 'Accept any authentication including clear text'.
- Click on the 'X25' tab.
- Network should have 'None' selected.
- You should not need to change any settings on this tab.
- Click on the 'OK' button.
Step 5 -- Make the Connection
- Now we are ready to make the connection. Close any open windows or programs that you have open.
- Click on the Start button, then go to Programs, Accessories, then click on Dial-Up Networking.
- This will bring up the Dial-Up Networking window.
- This window shows the telephone number you are dialing as well as the name of the connection.
- Click on the Dial button.
- This will bring up the Connect to Smartcall Window.
- Enter your username or login ID. This is always entered in lower case.
- Enter your password. Your Password is case sensitive, so things that are upper case are upper and lower case are lower.
- The Domain dialogue box should be empty. You do not need to enter any text here.
- Click on the OK button and the dialing process will start.
11. You are now ready to connect to Smartcall and access the Internet. From the Start Menu, select Programs,Accessories, Dial Up Networking and get connected!
Errors from Dial Up Networking
Dialing Phase
602 - The modem is being used by another Dial-Up Networking Connection
You are trying to use a modem while it is already in use.
Close any communications programs (for example, other Dial-Up Networking Connections or HyperTerminal) that are also using the device.
629 - You have been disconnected from the computer you dialed.
This indicates that the call has failed.
- Check that you are dialing the correct number and that it does not contain illegal characters.
- The equipment at the other end refused the incoming call. (See 753 for solutions.) See also Microsoft articles Q170977, Q161986, Q198511.
- The equipment at the other end has failed. Check with your ISP.
- Internal ISDN network failures such as 'Temporary Failure'. (Many of the rarer ISDN cause codes are translated to this message.) You can use DiTrace to investigate this further. Check with your ISDN Service Provider.
- Check that the ISDN cable is plugged in. Use Line Check to verify connection to the ISDN network.
633 - The port is already in use or is not configured for Remote Access dial-out
The port has is no longer configured to allow outgoing connections. The message occurs on Windows NT.
- Configure the port to permit outgoing calls using these instructions.
- See message for 602 other solutions.
651 - Your modem (or other connecting device) has reported an error
This is "catch all" message. It does not necessarily mean that there the DIVA driver has been incorrectly installed.
- Use the Line Check to verify that the card and the ISDN line are working correctly.
- Check the access number that you are dialling.
676 - The line is busy
This indicates that the ISDN (or PSTN) network has reported the line busy, and no connection has been made.
- Check that you have the correct number.
- Try another number for the service or router you are trying to reach.
- Wait a while and try the number again.
- Some ISDN branch exchanges translate other call failure reasons into this value. If you are using such an exchange, try again with a direct public ISDN line. (Don't forget to remove the access prefix from the number dialed - usually a 0 or a 9.)
- If you making an analogue call through the analogue port of a DIVA Mobile card, some dial tones can be mistaken for a busy tone. Try again after setting the modem to ignore the dial-tone.
This is also sometimes referred to as 'blind dialing'. To configure it in Windows 98, for instance: Start > Settings > Control Panel > Modems > Select modem > Properties > Connection tab; clear the check box 'Wait for dial-tone before dialing').
678 - The computer you are dialing to is not answering (in Windows 2000: There was no answer)
This indicates that the call was offered to the remote equipment at the other end, but none of the equipment decided to answer it.
This error can also occur when your ISDN line is not connected or if you are attempting to use a driver interface that is not supported by your hardware.
- Check that your DIVA card is correctly connected to the ISDN line. Use Line Check to verify connection to the ISDN network.
- If you are using a virtual modem (particularly analog modem or V.110 modem) check that it is supported by your DIVA hardware. Passive DIVA cards (like the DIVA PCI and DIVA USB) do not support the analog modem and V.110 modem; these modems are only supported by DIVA Pro and DIVA Server.
- All lines at your ISP may be currently busy, so try again later.
- Your ISP is currently experiencing problems. Check with your Internet Service Provider or network administrator; alternatively, try again later.
- Your ISP might require a script to perform the login. Contact your ISP to verify this.
- You may be using the wrong kind of modem for the number you are dialing. See message 753 for solutions.
680 - No Dial tone
This message can cover a variety of different failures.
- Use Line Check to verify that the card and driver are properly installed.
- If you making an analogue call through the analogue port of a DIVA Mobile card, some dial tones can be mistaken for a busy tone. Try again after setting the modem to ignore the dial tone.
This is also sometimes referred to as 'blind dialing'. To configure it in Windows 98, for instance: Start > Settings > Control Panel > Modems > Select modem > Properties > Connection tab; clear the check box 'Wait for dial-tone before dialing'). - See also message 629 for other solutions.
752 - The call could not be completed. The phone number you have dialed cannot be reached
This message means that the number dialed is unobtainable.
Check that you are dialing the correct number.
753 - The call could not be completed. The computer on the remote side may be using equipment which is not compatible with your hardware
This indicates that the destination is not compatible with type of ISDN call you are making.
If your Internet Service Provider has different telephone numbers for modem access and for ISDN access, check that you are using the correct one for the modem that you are using. You can find more information for Windows 95/98 and Windows NT.
754 - Call could not be completed
This message covers a number of situations not covered by other messages.
- Check that ISP has not changed its access number.
- Other ISDN conditions such as 'Network Congestion' are reported with this message. Further analysis is possible using the DiTrace tool.
Authentication/Negotiation Phase
619- The Port was Disconnected
This message can occur if authentication fails.
- Check your user name and password.
- Check that you are using the correct authentication method.
- Some ISPs require a login script. Check with your ISP for this information.
- You re using the wrong kind of modem for the access number of your ISP that you are dialing. You can find more information for Windows 95/98 and Windows NT.
- See also Microsoft article Q227747.
645 - Dial Up Networking could not complete the connection to the server
This message occurs because authentication has not been possible.
- Check your user name and password.
- Check that you are using the correct authentication method.
- Some ISPs require a login script. Check with your ISP for this information.
- You re using the wrong kind of modem for the access number of your ISP that you are dialing. You can find more information for Windows 95/98 and Windows NT.
647 - Your account is not active