The Southern Golden Retriever Society Breed Club Open Show Saturday 24th October
It was and honour to be asked to judge this show and I thank the committee, also the many exhibitors who braved the weather to come under me. As always at this clubs show the atmosphere was happy and cheerfull which continued throughout the day. Temperament from our lovely breed was as usual superb.
Veteran Dog (1)
1st. Fever, Davern Manitoba,
Looked good for 10 years, balanced, nice head, dark eye, clean neck, straight front, tight feet, good shoulders, short coupled, moved really well, happy boy, well handled.
Minor Puppy dog. (7.2)
1st. Kirby, Ambergold Elite
Lovely baby, 7 ½ months, gentle head, soft expression, dark eye, straight front, tight feet, super bone, good length of neck into well laid back shoulders, upper arm of equal length, nicely bodied for age, not carrying to much weight, short coupled, good bend of stifle, short back pasterns level topline good tail set, moved very well beautifully handled.
2nd Maynard, Chinnordale Yogi.
Just 7months nice head, dark eye, rich gold coat not quite the reach of neck as my 1st, good shoulders, short coupled, good body depth, well bent stifles a little over angulated at the moment, lovely movement well presented and handled.
3rd, Lewis, Perodale Bob Sleigh.
Puppy Dog (7.2)
1st Taylor, Trebettyn Teryrnon to Tannadice.
What can I say about this boy, he is lovely from nose to tail, fully balanced such a lovely gentle head, dark kind eye good reach of neck into super shoulders, straight front tight feet, good depth of body short coupled good bend of stifle well let down hocks, nice straight back pasterns, in full mid gold coat full of himself, moved round the ring with super front extention and and good driving action from the rear, well handled and presented to B.P.I.S
2nd Simms, Stvincent Ice Falcon
Similar remarks as for 1st Just a little finer in bone and not quite the coat, moved beautifully and well handled.
3rd, Lewis Perodale Bob Sleigh
Junior Dog (10.4)
1st Skinner, Catcombe Chicane at Mochatel
Super Boy, Beautifully Balanced gentle masculine head dark eye good depth of muzzle clean neck flowing into excellent front assembly, straight front tight feet good depth of body short coupled super bend of stifle good second thigh well muscled well let down hocks short straight back pasterns, my notes say he really gave his all in moving super to watch he just flowed round the ring handled to perfection pleased to award him B.I.S.
2nd Taylor, Trebettyn Teryrnon to Tannadice.
3rd Simms, Stvincent Ice Falcon
Yearling Dog (9.3)
1st, Skinner, Catcombe Chicane to Mochatel
2nd Maynard, Chinnordale The Italian Job
3rd Morrell Glennessa Contraband of Crowshott
Maiden Dog (7.4)
1st Taylor Trebettyn Teryrnon to Tannadice
2nd Young XanthosSlipstream
Lovely head on this lad dark eye good pigment super reach of neck good confirmation fore and aft a little longer in loin than 1st and not in his full coat, very attentive to handler moved out well using the whole ring.
3rd Eve Monchique Evening Dream.
Novice Dog (7.3)
1st, Taylor Trebettyn Teryrnon to Tannadice
2nd Downer Quenet Austrian Copper
Lovely dark gold dog masculine head gentle expression dark eye well angulated fore and aft my notes say this lad could really cover the ground if given his head,
3rd Young Xanthos Slipstream
U.G.D. (6.2)
1st Skinner Catcombe Chicane at Mockatel
2nd Morrell Glennessa Contraband of Crowshott
Upstanding boy good head dark eye good depth of muzzle straight front tight feet deep body really moved out round the ring well handled.
3rd Blackham Malus Crabapple
Grad Dog (7.2)
1st Fleet Eastbury with Attitude
Lovely head nicely chiselled dark eye gentle expression larger framed boy in well presented pale wavy coat good bone and construction level topline held on the move, happy lad, never stopped wagging his tail well presented to advantage over another nice boy
2nd Howard Torsinki Lord of the Dance
Similar remarks, just preferred the overall balance of my 1st, this boy really moved out round the ring holding his topline and correct tail carriage well handled.
3rd Toms Tinuviel Lorindol
P.G.D. (8.3)
1st Hattey, Charmagen Cockney Rebel at Hartleliana
Liked this boy, appealing head dark eye gentle expression good pigment well balanced outline and angulation in full pale coat in super condition my notes say he has a super reach of neck handler not to stretch him as he loses his front, moved well with good reach and drive from well muscled quarters.
2nd Griggs Mulfield Marvellous
Another lovely type masculine head with good expression, good body proportions moved well.
3rd Allsop Chrisper Cousort
Limit Dog (3.1)
1st Muncey Kennelridge Maestro
Have admired this dog from the ringside and wasn’t disappointed going over him everything as it should be well balanced outline shown in full deep gold wavy coat strong quarters used well round the ring just preferred the long easy stride of my best dog but very pleased to award him R.B.I.S.
2nd Gray, Ramchaine Maranello to Villeas
Upstanding dog masculine head without any courseness dark eye good pigment not quite the front angulation of my 1st good strong quarters used well, not in his best coat, handled well/
O,D. (4.1)
1st Hattey, Charmagen Taylormade for Hartliana
Nicely made dog appealing head dark eye super pigment, straight front tight feet good reach of neck into well placed shoulders deep body well bent stifles straight back pasterns handled very well moved with good reach and drive in profile
2nd Bilton Rosacea Just in Time
Heavier boy in good dark gold wavy coat good angulation fore and aft moved well.
3rd Fever Davern Manitoba
Spl.O D. (1)
1st. Morrel, Crowshott Onyx Rhythm.
Stood alone but a worthy winner, nicely made dog, moved well with drive and animation, very attentive to his handler.
1st.Pett, Rumwood, Regal Reward.
My notes say what a picture even at 9 years, obviously enjoying herself lovely head gorgeous expression super reach of neck flowing into super front assembly good bend of stifle, super straight topline held on the move, moved out steady and true beautifully handled and presented to B.V.I.S.
2nd Mullet, Poundmeadow, Strawberry Fool
Another lovely bitch well angulated longer cast than 1st, and not quite the topline, moved evenly and happily.
3rd, Griggs, Woodiwiss Golden Fern of Mulfield
M.P.B. (7.2.)
1st. Gaylor, Carolake love and Kisses.
Very pretty head on this puppy melting expression balanced throughout correct length of leg to body, in full cream coat and good condition, moved freely and responsive to handler very happy little showgirl. BPB
2nd. Andrews, Catcombe Cherry Tart.
Another very pretty puppy beautifully made throughout, slightly better bend of stifle than 1st but lost her topline standing and moving, well presented and handled.
3rd. Maynard, Chinnordale YoYo
P.B. (5.2.)
1st Gaylor, Carolake love and Kisses.
2nd. Andrews Catcombe Cherry Tart.
3rd Russell Rosinante Roxy Music.
J.B. (4.1.)
1st. Griggs, Mulfield Fortuna.
Liked this bitch for her shape super front angulation straight front tight feet deep body proportions short coupled excellent bend of stifle good second thigh sweet expression carrying correct weight for a teenager, moved round the ring with style and good head carriage.
2nd Todd. Jessibelle Love in a Mist for Toddrosa.
Another girl who moved impressively with good front extension covering the ground with ease, appealing expression not quite the angles of 1st, moved sound and true beautifully presented.
3rdCowdray, Gayshart Melody Maker
1st.Griggs Mulfield Fortuna
2nd.Cook Carolake just Speak Softly.
Pale coated bitch just coming back into coat lovely head dark eye strong topline deep well sprung ribs well boned straight limbs and good bend of stifle moved well with good head and tail carriage.
3rd. Evans, Quenet Rosier Georgie Girl.
1st. Russell Rosinante Roxy Music.
This bitch was 3rd in puppy bigger framed firl, lovely head dark eye good pigment super bone good front angles super layback deep body well bent stifles good second thigh really flowed round the ring well presented.
1st Griggs Mulfield Fortuna
2nd Russell Rosinante Roxy Music.
3rd Cook Carolake just speak softly
U.G.B. (7.2)
1st.Griggs, Mulfield Fortuna
2nd. Evans Quenet Rosier Georgie Girl
Just loved this bitches character she didn’t stop wagging her tail nice head dark eye good pigment well angulated fore and aft moved accurately round the ring.
3rd Robinson, Folderslane Knightingale with Verdayne
1st. Pett, Rumwood Royal Icing
Lovely looking bitch wasn’t disappointed going over her good head lovely expression dark eye good pigment well placed shoulders deep body short coupled super second thigh well bent stifles good bone tight feet super topline moved enthusiastically
2nd Denicol Chyna Doll
Liked this bitches expression nicely made throughout good forechest deep ribbing not quite the quarters of 1st but moved beautifully well presented and handled.
3rd, Linfield Dreaming Delight at Tonara J.W.
P.G.B. (4.1)
1st, Russel Rosinante Crystal Lace
Very outgoing gold coated bitch lovely head and gentle expression short coupled good upper arem, well bent stifles straight rear pasterns well muscled moved well.
2nd Clark, Canonbie French Doll of Ellbriar
Dark coated bitch with good angles tight feet moved soundly
L.B. (12,6)
1st. Gregory, Bernewode Victoriana.
2 Beautifull bitches headed this class, my 1st was so balanced, feminine head melting expression excellent reach of neck flowed into super shoulder angulation straight front tight feet deep body well sprung ribs short coupled super bend of stifle moved round the ring with style, well presented and handled which took her to B.B.
2nd Gaylor Carolake Hide and Seek
Similar remarks for this beautifull bitch just preferred the head and expression of my 1st.
3rd Kirby, Ambergold Bees Knees
O.B. (6.3)
1st Pett, Rumwood Riesling J.W.ShCM
Very attractive head on this bitch well angulated fore and aft standing on good straight limbs tight feet good topline kept on the move well presented.
2nd Smith Lucastes Sweet Sensation
Pretty bitch in deep gold coat clean outline pushed round the ring from strong quarters.
3rd Hill Langsett the Sea Sprite of Mullein
SP.O.B. (4.3)
1st Mullet Poundmeadow Strawberry Fool
Judge Mrs.Jan Merrick.