Pastor Devotion

Rock Solid

Wow - there is a spirit of excitement at Open Arms with the purchase of property, baptisms this month, and warmer weather! This is all great stuff - we should celebrate and get excited giving God all the glory. However, without our joy deriving from the giver of these wonderful blessings, it will not last. We can tend to fall into a trap where our joy is evident when the excitement happens but often when trials and tribulation come we get down and lose our joy very quickly. What is the secret? The secret is that joy must come from a

place that never wavers or never changes - a Rock where our hope is unmovable. The only place where we will find this is in Jesus our Lord. The world is like the wind changing without notice but finding our joy in the Lord is steadfast and unchangeable. He needs to be the Rock that we cling to when things are exciting and encouraging and also when we feel broken without any hope in this world. Hebrews 13:8 – “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.”

Last Month at Open Arms

On April 29, there was a Soul Sister’s breakfast at Mo’s Diner in 5 Islands. The food was great, everything from muffins to bacon! In all, there were 39 women there, between Open Arms, Port Greville and FBC ladies with their invited guests!

The Indigenous speaker, Chasity Lucio, told a compelling testimony of a faith walk that began from the context of having many family members, grandmother, aunts, and uncles live life in residential schools in Nova Scotia. Chasity overcame many negative religious barriers to finally giving her life over to our Saviour about 7 years ago. Chasity now speaks passionately about her relationship with Christ. Her speech and witness were inspiring to us all!Let’s keep them in prayer as they continue their life missionary work to Indiana, where Armando is from, continuing to reach Native Americans with the hope of the gospel.

We had a beautiful day on May 20 celebrating the love and union of David & Stephanie at our first Open Arms Wedding!

Save The Date!

Soul Sister Retreat- August 11 – 12, Five Islands

Kidz Camp at Open Arms – August 14-17

Praise inthe Park –August 26 (afternoon), ParrsboroBandshell

Baptism and BBQ – August 27 (after service)