1. UCT supports open access publishing through the Open Access Fund. UCT covers the cost of open access publishing charges up to a maximum of R20,000 per article if your article is accepted for publication and you meet the eligibility criteria detailed in >.

​The remaining costs will need to come out of authors' research funds.​

2. For the BMC journals, UCT has what they call "Shared Support Membership". This means that BMC journals are able to give you a discount on publication costs for articles accepted. However, a Shared Support member does not qualify for full waiver and the BMC journals will still require you to pay the balance. You can then apply to the UCT Open Access Fund <> for UCT to cover this balance in full if you meet the eligibility criteria.

3. For post-doctoral researchers and students publishing as first author with their supervisor/UCT academic​, they must make sure that a UCT academic staff member is listed as the corresponding author in the article (not necessarily the lead author). This will enable you to apply to theUCT open access fund.

4. The corresponding author must use auct domain address because that is how they identify UCT for the part waiver. Otherwise BMC does not automatically recognise the UCT affiliation and you have to separately negotiate the waiver. Not impossible but a waste of time.

5. BMC charges $50 just for an official invoice. So use the email invoice to apply to UCT library fund.

6. UCT will only pay prorata for UCT authors on the expectation that other SA universities pay their staff portion. So first confirm from the library how much UCT will cover then discuss with yr co-authors. I think non-SA coauthorsarent included for prorating. Of course separate invoices are possible, but that will cost $50 per invoice.

7. Lastly, when submitting to BMC remember to ASK for the institutional discount when you submit.