Original Program Coordinator’s Guide
Updates and Enhancements
New Products: 16 oz Travel Mug
Set of 18 Art Trading Cards
$25 Original Works Gift Card
Enhanced Products: Garden Flag
Bamboo Tote Bag
T-shirt Design
Discount Package Deals: Set of 24 Note Cards
Writers and Artist Package
Important Reminders
Paper: We recommend you use the free paper we have provided for you in your supply box.
If you wish to use your own paper it must be 8 ½ x 11. We suggest you use 60lb-70lb uncoated card stock. Please do not use copy paper, as it is too light weight and won’t hold up to most art mediums.
Scheduling: Please adhere to your scheduled dates assigned on your confirmation contract. If you must revise your schedule, contact your sales representative immediately. Revising your schedule may result in a later arrival date for your completed orders. Program orders that arrive more than 2 business days later than the scheduled date may result in a later ship date for your completed products. In some cases this could result in orders arriving after the school has closed. In this case you may elect to: Pay for expedited shipping or arrange to have orders shipped to an alternate address.
Shipping: Your completed orders will be shipped free of charge when the wholesale total is $300.00 or more. For orders with a wholesale value of less than $300.00, prepayment is required and a $25.00 S&H fee will apply.
Swiftpage: To communicate effectively with our customers, we frequently use a broadcast e-mail system called Swiftpage. Some reference to Original Works will always be placed in the subject line in order to distinguish the e-mail. If you receive an e-mail delivered via this system, please do not delete it as it could contain important information regarding your program.
QUESTIONS? Call your sales representative or customer service at 1-800-421-0020 To access downloadable forms, lesson plans and other program information, click on the following link and enter the password CCC1112 (password must be in all capital letters) .
For quick access to a page, move your cursor over the underlined page title and left mouse click.
The link will take you directly to that page.
Program Overview………………………………………………………………………..…...... Page 3
Guide Checklist………………………………………………………………………...…….….Page 4
Detailed Art Instructions………………………………………………………………………....Page 5
Time to Order……………………………………………………………………………………..Page 6
Orders Arrive……………………………………………………………………………………...Page 7
Additional Order Phase…………….……………………………………………………………Page 8
Fix-It Instructions………………………………………………………………………………...Page 9
Look What’s Coming Letter – English .………………………………………………………..Page 10
Look What’s Coming Letter – Spanish….……………………………………………………..Page 11
Shipping Form D…………………………………………………………………………………Page 12
Shipping Form C – Additional Orders ……………………………………………….………..Page 13
Form F – Fix-it Form…………………………………………………………………….……….Page 14
Blank Order Form …………………………………………………………………….………...Page 15
QUESTIONS? Call your sales representative or customer service at 1-800-421-0020 OR to access downloadable forms, lesson plans and other program information, click on the following link and enter the password CCC1112 (password must be in all capital letters) .
- Artwork is created in class.
- Pre-Assembled Parent Packets using bio-degradable bags will be provided. Each packet contains: color brochure and order form. Please note that you will need to place the student’s artwork when finished along with a copy of the Dear Family Letter (DFL) in the packets prior to sending home to the parents. The DFL explains the program to parents and lists the prices for each product.
Your master DFL is provided electronically in an attachment with your coordinator’s guide.
If you cannot locate your customized DFL please contact your sales representative.
- Send home Parent Packet with each student. Completed order forms, artwork, and payment should be returned to school by the deadline date listed on your customized DFL.
- Compile Orders. Send ORIGINAL ARTWORK with order form attached to Original Works for processing. Original Works will provide you with a pre-paid UPS Ground shipping label for you to send your artwork/orders to us.
- Completed orders arrive within 12 working days.Your completed orders will be shipped free of charge when the wholesale total is $300.00 or more. For orders with a wholesale value of less than $300.00, prepayment is required and a $25.00 S&H fee will apply.
Promoting your program can add to your profits!
Inform your families how proceeds from this fundraiser are going to be spent.
- 11 x 17 Posters- Provided in your supply kit . Display these posters in prominent areas where both parents and students can see them.
- Advertise- Post program information on your school’s website. Alternatively, use our website icon to link your school website directly to our website so that parents and children visiting the school site can conveniently learn more.
- Announce the Program- Generate excitement early by copying and distributing the Look What’s Coming Letter located in this guide.
- Morning Announcements- Take the opportunity to mention the fundraiser during your morning announcements and school news program.
- Newsletters- Promote the program in your school newsletter.
- Samples- Showcase sample products during open house, registration, family night and parent-teacher conferences. Introductory, Mini and Maxi sample kits are available for purchase through your sales representative.
OP Guide Checklist
The following checklist is designed to assist you in managing each phase of the program. Should you have questions or require assistance with any aspect of your program, please contact your sales representative or our customer service department at
_____Did you give the art instructions to the Art Teacher?
Please note art work is reproduced “as is”.
_____Did you promote the program? (posters, school website, display product samples, distribute Look What’s Coming
letter, etc)
_____Were the art instructions followed?
_____Are all artworks labeled on the back in pencil with the student’s name, school, grade & teacher?
_____Are all the artworks marked with a “T” on the back of the artwork to indicate the top?
_____ Did you check to make sure that any name written on the front of the artwork is at least 1 inch from the edge of the
paper? If the name is not at least 1 inch from the edge of the paper it may be cut off on full bleed items.
_____Assemble and send home the PARENT PACKETS
(You will receive Parent Packages pre-stuffed with a color brochure and order form inside our bio-degradable poly bag.
Please be sure to stuff the child’s artwork and Dear Family Letter inside the poly bag prior to sending home).
_____Orders Received. Each order should contain the artwork, a completed order form and payment.
_____Tape the white copy of the order form to the back of each artwork and keep the yellow copy
of the order form for your records. Please Do Not place the artwork/order forms back into the individual poly bags.
_____Complete “Shipping Form D”.
_____Did you include payment?
_____Did you use a traceable carrier (UPS, Fed Ex, etc.) to send artwork/orders to Original Works? Take advantage of the
prepaid UPS Ground shipping label we’ve provided for your orders/artwork shipment to us!
QUESTIONS? Call your sales representative or customer service at 1-800-421-0020 .To access downloadable forms, lesson plans and other program information, click on the following link and enter the password CCC1112 (password must be in all capital letters) .
- Photocopy the Look What’s Coming Letter (pg 10) and send a copy home with each child at least one week before distributing the Parent Packets.
- Send home the Parent Packets on your scheduled date as outlined on your program confirmation. Be sure to remind students of the order due date.
- Each Parent Packet should contain:
a. Color Brochure
b. Dear Family Letter (A copy of your customized Dear Family Letter has been e-mailed to you).
c. Order form
d. Student artwork
Original Works will provide you with parent packets pre-stuffed with a color brochure and order form. Simply stuff a copy of the Dear Family Letter and student’s artwork in the packet.
- Each returned order should include:
a. ONE completed order form for each artwork
b. Payment (checks must be made payable to the school or sponsoring organization)
c. Student artwork
- Please make sure that multiple orders for 1 artwork are consolidated onto 1 order form before it is submitted to Original Works.
- Separate the two part order form and retain the YELLOW COPY for your records. Tape the WHITE COPY of the order form to the back of the artwork. DO NOT use staples or any other adhesive that may damage the artwork. The order form will be returned to the parent, attached to the artwork, with their completed order. Please DO NOT place the artwork back in the poly bag. Instead, please place the artwork/orders in folders by teacher and grade. You may want to keep a count of how many artworks/orders you are sending to Original Works for your own records.
An OP Program Sign up Spreadsheet is available in the forms section of the Customer Care Center for your convienience if you wish to use it.
- Place the artwork and attached order form, organized by teacher and grade, into a large plastic bag. This will protect your
masterpieces from possible water damage during shipment. - Your order shipment to Original Works should include:
a. Completed Shipping Form D
b. Payment
c. Student artwork with the white copy of the order form taped to the back.
- We strongly suggest all orders be sent via a traceable carrier, such as UPS or Federal Express. We have provided you with a pre-paid UPS Ground shipping label to send your orders/artwork to us.
- Artwork that does not have an order associated with it can be returned directly to the student or parent and should not be submitted to Original Works
QUESTIONS? Call your sales representative or customer service at 1-800-421-0020. To access downloadable forms, lesson plans and other program information, click on the following link and enter the password CCC1112 (password must be in all capital letters)
- Products will arrive at the school via UPS GROUND service unless an alternate shipping
method has been specified and is available.
- The orders typically arrive in the same order in which they were sent to us. The classes and/or grades will be designated in the box. For very small orders, we may combine all orders together in the box. These will still be placed in the box in the same order in which they were received, however there will not be separators in the box indicating class or grade. Additionally, very large orders and/or orders containing a desk clock will be placed on the top of filed orders in the box to eliminate possible damage.
- Student packages will contain all products ordered with the exception of ceramic mugs, water bottles and travel mugs. These will be packaged separately. The packages will also contain: Student artwork, Copy of the order form and Product care instructions.
- The Large White Envelope: You will receive a large white envelope with your completed orders. This envelope will be marked with your school code and will be placed in the front of Box #1. This envelope will contain an itemized order summary and may contain artwork that is associated with one of the following:
- Unprocessed Art/Orders: The artwork does not comply with our art instructions and therefore the artwork and associated orders are being returned unprocessed. The school has not been charged for production of these orders.
- Mug Only Order: Because they are fragile, mugs will be packaged separately and marked with the child’s name, teacher and grade (provided this information was included on the order form). If a child orders only a mug, the child’s artwork will be placed in the envelope and not packaged with the product(s). This is to protect the artwork from damage. The artwork should then be returned to the child when they receive their order.
- Water Bottle Only Order: Because they are a bulky item, water bottles will be packed separately in white boxes. The boxes will be marked with the child’s name, grade and teacher (provided the information was included on the order form). If a child orders only a water bottle the child’s artwork will be placed in the envelope and not packaged with the product(s). This is to protect the artwork from damage. The artwork should then be returned to the child when they receive their order.
- Travel Mug Only Order: Because they are a bulky item, travel mugs will be packed separately in white boxes. The boxes will be marked with the child’s name, grade and teacher (provided the information was included on the order form). If a child orders only a travel mug the child’s artwork will be placed in the envelope and not packaged with the product(s). This is to protect the artwork from damage. The artwork should then be returned to the child when they receive their order.
QUESTIONS? Call your sales representative or customer service at 1-800-421-0020 OR to access downloadable forms, lesson plans and other program information, click on the following link and enter the password CCC1112 (password must be in all capital letters) .
An additional order is an order that is placed after your initial order was sent to Original Works.
An additional order may include:
- Orders submitted to you after the order deadline expired.
- Families who received their initial orders and wish to place another order.
- Artwork that has been returned unprocessed as a result of not following Original Works
guidelines. This artwork can be corrected and resubmitted.
Please note that orders for any unprocessed artwork have NOT been charged to
the school’s account.
- There is no limit to the number of artwork/orders that may be submitted in an additional order.
Your additional order should include:
- Student Artwork
- Shipping Form C
- Copy of the Order Form. Please photocopy the blank order form provided in this guide.
- Families who have already placed an order do not need to include the original artwork. You do however, need to include the order form number from their first order on this order form. This will enable us to retrieve the scanned artwork image and produce the additional order.
Original Works will pay the shipping and handling on ONE shipment of Additional Orders.
All subsequent shipments of Additional Orders will be subject to a $10.00 shipping and handling fee.
Once the Additional Order phase has been completed, parents may submit an individual retail order by using a “Retail Order Form”. The Retail Order Form is available on our website and can be accessed by clicking the following link and downloading the Original Works Retail Order Form:
QUESTIONS? Call your sales representative or customer service at 1-800-421-0020. To access downloadable forms, lesson plans and other program information, click on the following link and enter the password CCC1112 (password must be in all capital letters)
We pride ourselves on producing products which are of the highest quality possible. Occasionally, a less than perfect product does get through our process. We call this a Fix-it.
We recommend that you wait at least a week or so after distributing the orders before submitting any Fix-Its to us. This will reduce your overall workload and make it less complicated for you to track and distribute your
- For Fall programs we will accept Fix-Its, and retain images on file until March 1st
- For Spring programs we will accept Fix-Its, and retain images on file until September 1st
A Fix-it is a product or order that meets one or more of the following criteria:
- Material defect (a hole in a t-shirt or a chipped tile or mug for example)
- Incorrect product (we produced a t-shirt when an apron was ordered)
- Improperly reproduced (the artwork was reproduced incorrectly on the product)
- We charged for an order that was received by us, but not produced.
Please note: All artwork is reproduced as is. We cannot be held responsible for “fixing” custom products if our Art Instructions are not followed. Full bleed products such as mouse pads, tiles, plate mats and desk clocks may lose a portion of anything drawn or written on the edge of artwork.
If the Fix-it resulted from color quality, image blurriness or artwork orientation, then the original artwork MUST be sent back with the completed Fix-it form (Form F).
Please mail the artwork and completed form to: ORIGINAL WORKS, FI-Building 1, 54 Caldwell Rd., Stillwater, NY 12170
If the Fix-it resulted in an item that was missing, damaged, improperly reproduced, or the incorrect product was made, the artwork is not required, however we will require the original Order Form #. Please complete the Fix-it form (Form F), and be sure to include a description of the artwork, and the art work orientation, vertical (portrait) or horizontal (landscape). We require this information in order to process the fix it