(Informal translation)
Memorandum of Understanding
Onthe Implementation of One Health Initiative for National Health Security
Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives,Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment,Ministry of Interior,Ministry of Social Development and Human Security,
Ministry of Labor,Ministry of Education,
Ministry of Public Health,and Thai Red Cross Society
This Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) is entered into on [this 27th Day of January 2016]by and between the representatives from eight (8) participatingorganizations, namely theMinistry of Agriculture and Cooperatives, theMinistry of Natural Resources and Environment, theMinistry of Social Development and Human Security, theMinistry of Interior,the Ministry of Labor,the Ministry of Education, theMinistry of Public Health, and the Thai Red Cross Society(hereinafter collectively referred to as“The One Health Collaboration Network”).WHEREAS, the parties have realized the importance of the establishment of a multi-sectoral collaboration at all levels in the Thai societyto achieve the goal of “One Health,”which involves interdependence between humans, animals and environments. WHEREAS, the purpose of this MoU is to address the threats from emerging infectious diseases (EIDs) and zoonotic diseases, which are closely intertwined and could potentially have significant socio-economic and environmental impacts. WHEREAS, this collaborative effort will be implementedin accordance with the National Strategic Framework for Preparedness and Response to Emerging Infectious Diseases, the Communicable Diseases Act B.E..2558 [2015], relevant legislations, and the resolution of the 6th National Health Assembly.
NOW, THEREFORE, the parties to this One Health Collaboration Network are committed to collaborating actively on the areas of program coordination and management, technical cooperation, and resources mobilization and allocation so asto adopt an integrated approach towards implementing One Health work plans or One Health-related activities and encouragingthe development of One Health work plans as follows:
Article1.Set up a mechanism for interagency collaboration with the aim to develop, share and exchange knowledge necessary for the identification, verification, and reporting of abnormal events indicative of the emergence of emerging infectious diseases and zoonoses, as well as other abnormalities which could potentially pose a serious health threat to humans, animals, and environments.
Article2.Enhance capacity of integrated approach to program implementation at policy and operational levels so as to promote effective and timely prevention, response, and control efforts in dealing with emerging infectious diseases and zoonotic diseases, taking into account potentially detrimental effects these efforts might have on wildlife and environment conservation efforts.
Article 3.Support the development of a new cadre of personnel and the implementation of capacity building program to facilitate and advance the implementation of One Health Concept.
Article4.Foster and publicize knowledge and information to raise awareness among members of the public and communities about One Health Concept.
This Memorandum of Understanding is prepared and signed in eight (8) copies, of which contents are identical. The effective date of this MoU is the date of the signature. The duly authorized representatives of the parties to this One Health Collaboration Network have thoroughly reviewed and understood that its contents are consistent with the will of this MoU. The parties have therefore affixed their signature in presence of witnesses. Each copy of this MoU will be held by each party for their record.
With complimentary English translation
byThailand MOPH - U.S. CDC Collaboration