Ontario Wound Care Interest Group (OntWIG) Bylaws
DRAFT Friday, July 13, 2012
Article I: Name
Article II: Objectives
Article III: Membership
Article IV: Executive Committee
Article V: Meetings
Article VI: Standing and Ad Hoc Committees
Article VII: Revision of Bylaws
Article I: Name
The name of the organization is the Ontario Wound Care Interest Group, henceforth referred to as OntWIG
Mission of OntWIG
We are a group of interdisciplinary health care professionals representing all health care sectors leading, promoting and influencing wound prevention and treatment public policy for all citizens in the Ontario Health Care System.
Vision of OntWIG
To support Ontarians’ right to access to wound prevention and treatment, OntWIG will influence public policy related to uptake and utilization of evidence-informed practice.
Article II: Objectives
1. Promote evidence-informed policy and practice related to wound prevention and treatment in wound throughout all health care sectors by advocating for:
i. Best practice guidelines utilization
ii. Resources: timely and appropriate access to
iii. Education:
1. To include basic wound prevention and treatment in inter-professional core curricula and continuing education
iv. Infrastructure to support clinicians:
1. Wound database
2. Standard definitions
3. Standardized documentation
2. As an affiliated interest group of the RNAO to actively support the association’s initiatives
3. To provide a forum for communication and exchange of ideas
4. Establish a network of inter-professional colleagues interested in wound prevention and treatment in health care sectors across Ontario
5. To develop and support public policy related to wound prevention and treatment activities nationally and internationally.
Article III: Membership
Eligibility includes:
1. Any RHPA professional, wound care industry or persons interested in wound care health policy.
2. Membership renewal shall be required annually by October 31.
3. Fees are paid through RNAO (for RNAO members) or directly to OntWIG as the time of membership and at the beginning of each fiscal year (November 1)
i. $40 for health care professionals
ii. $50 for industry representative
iii. $10 for students and individuals interested in wound health policy (full time student identification required)
Article IV: Board of Directors
1. Composition: There shall be an OntWIG Board of Directors (BOD) which shall be composed of officers elected or appointed in accordance with article IV section 7
2. Powers: The OntWIG Board of Directors shall:
i. Administer the affairs of OntWIG
ii. Co-ordinate and participate in RNAO activities related to OntWIG
3. Meetings
i. The Board of Director shall meet a minimum of 4 times per year
ii. Additional meetings shall be held upon resolution of the Committee or at the call of the President.
iii. OntWIG Board members’ expenses will be reimbursed with original receipts and traveling costs on the OntWIG expense form. Travel expenses will be paid based on the least costly transportation available.
4. Notice
i. Notice of regular executive meetings shall be contained in the minutes of the proceeding executive committee meeting or via email
5. Quorum:
i. The quorum for a vote at a BOD meeting shall be 50% of the officers and may include vote by phone or email.
6. Officer Vacancy:
i. In the event that an officer shall cease to act, the executive committee shall, if the unexpired term thereof is less than one year, appoint a member of the BOD or a new officer from the general membership to fill such office for the unexpired term
ii. In the event that the unexpired term exceeds one year, the BOD shall arrange to fill such vacancy by holding an election at the next annual general meeting.
7. Election of Officers
7.1. Number: The membership shall elect officers as slated in section 8.
7.2. Time: Elections shall be held at each annual general meeting as necessary unless position is acclaimed or vacancy (Article 4:6).
7.3. Nominations:
i. Nominations shall be coordinated by the Membership Officer who shall circulate a request for nominations to the membership and interested persons 2 months in advance of the annual meeting.
ii. Nominations for office may come to the floor or via email
7.4 Terms of Office:
i. Officers shall hold office for 2 years
ii. The term of office starts after elections at the annual meeting
iii. No officer shall serve more than 2 consecutive terms in the same role on the BOD unless mandated by the members at the annual general meeting
iv. Every effort will be made to ensure that the BOD has a change in leadership of no more than 50% of its members annually to facilitate succession planning.
8. Positions of Officers
8.1 Fixed positions
i. President (must be non-industry* health care professional) and a Registered Nurse (in keeping with RNAO’s Interest Group requirements). *Footnote: Industry is defined as medical device or pharmaceutical company employees.
ii. Past President
iii. Communications Officer
iv. Finance and Administration Officer
v. Membership Officer
vi. Policy and Political Action Officer
vii. Student RHPA Representative
viii. Representative of the following disciplines (may also fill the above roles)
1. Occupational Therapy
2. Physical Therapy
3. Chiropody/ Podiatry
4. Registered Dietician
5. Registered Practical Nurse
9. Duties of Officers
9.1 The President or designate shall
i. Preside over meetings of OntWIG
ii. Attend or designate a member to attend RNAO Annual General Meeting
iii. Administer the affairs of OntWIG
iv. Be responsible for the agenda changes in the agenda and new business for meetings
v. Present an annual report at the annual membership meeting and upon request of the Association or RNAO
vi. Develop and evaluate goals and objectives compatible with those of OntWIG and RNAO
vii. Work with the political process to achieve these goals
viii. Form liaisons other related organizations
9.2 The Past President shall:
9.2.1 Supports orients and mentors the incoming President.
9.2.2 In the absence of the President, perform the duties of the President, including attending and voting.
9.3 The Communications Officer shall:
9.3.1 Inform the President and the membership of issues relevant to OntWIG using the vehicle of the OntWIG newsletter, at least biannually and compose communications for email and Website
9.3.2 Enhance media profile of the OntWIG and its work
9.3.3 Keep records of all proceedings of OntWIG
9.3.4 Send copies of the minutes of any such meetings of OntWIG to the BOD and upon request to the RNAO Executive Team
9.3.5 Act as a contact person for queries from members e.g., OntWIG Gmail account
9.4 The Membership Officer shall:
9.4.1 Keep available the current membership list (RNAO and non-RNAO members)
9.4.2 Request RNAO membership list as required
9.4.3 Collaborate with the OntWIG Board of Directors to plan and coordinate a membership drive
9.4.4 Liaise with RNAO head office regarding membership issues as required
9.4.5 Coordinate membership renewal for non-RNAO members
9.5 Finance Executive Network Officer shall:
9.5.1 Keep a record of all monies received and expended
9.5.2 Issue and sign cheques for payment of expenditures related to OntWIG business (The President will cosign for any expenses incurred by the Finance Executive Officer).
9.5.3 Place Funds into the OntWIG bank account
9.5.4 Send financial records at the request of the Finance Committee of the RNAO (October 31)
9.5.5 Review current financial statement twice yearly and as required
9.6 The Policy and Political Action Officer shall:
9.6.1 Take a leadership role with activities of the BOD related to policy and political action
9.6.2 Form liaisons with other related organizations
Article V: Meetings
1. OntWIG shall hold Annual General Meeting or communicate an annual report of activity and finances to its members on an annual basis
2. Additional general membership meetings may be called at any time and place at the discretion of the BOD and the membership shall be duly informed.
3. Current members of OntWIG will receive an annual report
Article VI: Standing and AdHoc Committees
1. The OntWIG BOD shall have the power to create or dissolve committees as required
2. Committee Chairpersons shall select OntWIG members with the approval of the Board of Directors
3. The Chairperson will report to the Board of Directors
4. The President is and ex-officio member of all committees
Article VII: Revision of Bylaws
These bylaws may be amended at the Annual General Meeting of OntWIG by a majority of votes cast. Received proxies would be dealt with at the meeting. In the absence of an AGM, by-law revisions will be communicated with all members electronically so that a vote for accept, reject or accept with revisions can be received.