PGC/DCC Meeting Summary
Wednesday, Dec 10, 2014 - 2:30-4:30
Fox 105
NAME / REPRESENTING / PGC / DCC / Pr. / NAME / REPRESENTING / PGC / DCC / Pr.Diane Hurd / AAS / x / Kuni Hay / VP Instruction / x
Jim Henderson / Business / x / Victoria Hindes / VP Student Services
Kathy Arnold / Fine Arts / x / Stephanie Kashima / Dean, Inst.& Stu. Success / x
Leigh Burrill / Language Arts / x / Brad Weisberg / Dean, Career Ed / x
Steve McCann / Physical Education / x / Eric Pape / Academic Senate / x
Rebecca Wong / Science & Math / x / Pat Fenton / VP Administrative Services / x
Nichola Gutierrez / Social Science / x / vacant / Classified Staff Rep
Janis Kea / Social Science / x / vacant / Student Rep
Carol Pavan / Student Services / x / Indicates Voting Member of PGC or DCC
Guests: Sonia McVey, Lynn Kelly, LeAnn McGinley, Mel Vaughn
Kuni stated that this is the last meeting of our semester. She welcomed Mel Vaughn to the meeting. She thanked the group for all their work during the semester. She expressed that the group has done great work on improving processes, developing consistent practices, and messages and she appreciates all the leadership by this group and looks forward to continued great work next year. She asked if the group would like to do an off-campus retreat activity early next year like the bocce ball event.
I. Review Agenda
There were no changes to the agenda.
II. Bless minutes for 12/3/14
Notes were blessed.
III. Committee Reports:
a. Academic Senate
Last meeting of the semester was yesterday. They approved the Student Equity plan for the college. They approved proposed Board policy for DE. Whitney Clay presented on student equity. Board meeting last night was long. The Equity Plan of both colleges was questioned very rigorously by 2 trustees at the meeting. They seemed to be disturbed that the goals at Mission were too small and the percentages too narrow. Victoria responded by providing context. The 2 trustees were Heimlich and Walsh. Kuni added that it was Heimlich who made a good point in asking how much of a goal has been achieved if it is a 2 year goal. This information is important and is the same type of information we have sought through the Student Success Team. Rebecca asked what the reason is for difficulty in getting data. Kuni stated that there is a disconnect between those who are trying to implement and those who are setting goals. It has not been managed well. Counseling has been working on the K-16 bridge Ed Plan implementation but there isn’t follow through by those who need to follow through. Carol clarified that the Ed Plans are being counted, but they are currently being counted manually by Bev Harp.
The Senate read a resolution to the Board regarding the Chancellor’s unilateral process in selecting the Associate Vice Chancellor of Human Resources.
The Senate approved the School of Art and Design and the consolidation of AAS and Business Divisions and the incorporation of CA into Business program.
b. ADC
There was no meeting since the last report.
c. Curriculum
Stephanie shared that the Curriculum Committee approved 2 new certificates:
Commercial Music
Scoring for TV, Film and Gaming
The Curriculum Leadership group had a phone conference with the state chancellor’s office and were informed that they are no longer approving Independent Study/Directed Study courses. Since our directed study courses are largely out of compliance in regard to recency, the Curriculum Committee voted to recommend to the Senate that all current Directed Study courses be deactivated. The Senate decided to postpone a vote on this until spring to allow senators to bring this issue back to their constituents.
Kuni stated that the state clarified that the way we are offering directed study is in alignment with the state’s definition of independent study. Diane asked if there would be any opportunity to offer independent studies in the future. Kuni stated that we will not be able to offer it through directed study or independent study, but we are committed to assisting programs find other means.
Kuni stated that Brad announced at the board meeting that we are number one in the state in regard to ADTs offered. Brad Weisberg announced that we have a collaboration with Goodwill Industries to offer our noncredit courses on their site. They have 60 in their GED course currently and 50 in their parenting courses. They want to offer our courses to replace theirs and add our new courses. They have a great teaching facility. They are currently losing funding so they want us to offer the classes and pay for the instruction. We will register the students on their site. We hope those students will then move into our credit programs. Kuni thanked Brad W and David E and May C for developing this curriculum and building this new noncredit program. We are creating pathways for students.
Mel distributed the updated Sp14 unassessed list which has 28 courses remaining. Last week Stephanie provided a list of about 50 courses. He knows that some DCs were surprised by additional courses showing up on the list. He explained that we have had challenges in record keeping and he has been trying to address those challenges. He meant to communicate with the SLPEC members regarding the changes to the list earlier. In reviewing the Master Schedule, he found additional courses a few weeks ago that need submissions for Sp14.
There were a number of submissions since last week, but we still have 28 courses on the list. Music has committed to completing 2 courses in January. He knows that the departments rely on the SLO representatives and if the SLO representative didn’t provide the information, he understands why faculty were surprised. Mel shared that he can now see the challenges with this process. He has gotten good input from the committee on giving better feedback to SLO submitters on the quality of their assessment reports.
Mel is committed to more accurate reporting and record keeping. He has discussed with Pat creating a database. He foresees a program entering their submission and seeing when their next report is due. He believes the current record-keeping process is fraught with errors. Also, the group is working on a SLPEC Handbook that would provide guidance on SLOs – the process and training on procedures. This process will be tied into Program Review. We launched program review last week. Our first major deadline is Feb. 15 for the budget info and April 15 for the rest of Program Review.
Diane and LeAnn thanked Mel for the great work he is doing. Diane appreciates the approach he is taking. Diane asked if a message on Program Review could be sent out to all faculty. Mel agreed to do so. Mel will send out a contact list to the DCs to ask for input on who is the correct contact for completion of the Program Review. Mel stated that some departments delegate Program Review to a particular faculty member. Kuni asked DCs how to address this, who to contact. Rebecca recommended that Mel send a reminder message to Department and Division Chairs a few weeks before Program Review is due to ask them to remind their faculty to complete Program Review. Stephanie stated that she just wants to avoid having a program say in April after the due date that they never knew that they were responsible for completing program review.
LeAnn stated that perhaps we should ensure the Department Chair submits the actual report in Angel so that they have reviewed it.
Kuni thanked Mel and asked him to thank the committee.
Review of Sp14 unassessed list
Diane stated that the 3 AJs have been submitted to her and will be submitted to SLOsubmit by tomorrow. Arch certificates still need to be submitted. Mel will follow up with him. Soroush submitted the wrong form. CHS 2 courses – Diane will get the grade report for 84 and submit fast track form. CHS 88 – they will submit a form for F14. All ID assessments will be completed by 12/12. All Pkmgt will be submitted by wed 12/16.
Fine Arts
Kathy stated that Music 3B, 4B will be completed in January. Mus 6, 30A, 30B – no response yet. It is offered every semester. Heidi is working on getting this information, too. Thear 45B – it is never offered and may be deactivated. Kathy asked how long it has been since Mus 6, 30A, 30B was assessed. Mel said it must have been Sp2011 or earlier. Janis recommended that Music do the assessments for F14 since they are being offered this semester. Steve recommends that Kathy counsels the faculty members to complete the assessments.
Student Services
Carol will meet with the associate faculty to get this done in January for the LS faculty.
Social Sciences
Jose has taken care of this and has sent to Jen Ho.
e. Integrated Planning
Kuni shared that we still need to update/revise the integrated planning orbit graphic because the visiting team stated that it was hard to understand.
f. Student Services Council
No meeting since last time.
g. College Council
No meeting since last time.
h. Accreditation
Our goal was to give the college community the first draft of the Follow Up Report before Christmas break. It will be released this Friday and will be password protected. She asked this group to share with their constituents that they should look at the Visiting Team External Report before reading the Follow Up Report of the College. Brad Davis has just recently reviewed it and edited it. Tomorrow it will go to College Council. Friday it goes to the Steering Committee. Faculty and staff can review during January. Pat completed a draft of the Tech Plan. Kuni will review it alongside the District Tech Plan. For those sections of the Follow Up Report, the narrative will be filled in more fully later.
Recommendation 5: Evaluations – all associate faculty have now been evaluated. Kuni and Sonia handed out a list of all the evals due and those that have Form 6 still due. Kuni asked DCs to make any corrections to the list and send to Sonia. On the reverse side of the document is tenure track faculty status. Sonia has received information from Dulce Gray that one of the committee members for Jeanette Richey’s tenure team has changed (Dulce is on sabbatical). Sonia needs to get information from Leslie Saito to get the updated team members. Leslie will follow up with Sonia. Kuni stated that this is important to complete because it is part of the accreditation recommendation that needs to go to the board in for their Feb meeting. Kuni asked the group to double check to make sure the Form 6 has been submitted for all those due on the list.
i. DE Committee
They are working on finding a new LMS. The 2 colleges may have 2 different search teams. WVC wants to move on this sooner than MC. Tim Kelly participated in the selection of Angel and they will ask him to participate in this selection. They want a small group. They will identify what they want in a new system – the criteria. They may ask an extension on using Angel for one more year. In the worst case, Angel service would end in Spring.
j. Classified senate
No rep.
k. ASO
No rep.
IV. Finalize Absence reporting message
Jim created a draft of the message to faculty regarding absence reporting process. Jim read the message aloud. Janis asked what happens if someone doesn’t follow the process. Kuni stated that she will put it on the Cabinet agenda and she will email the group. Leigh recommended changing “accuracy of recording” to “accuracy in the recording”. Nichola recommended changing “”is expected beginning with the spring 15” to “begins Jan. 1”. Rebecca recommended adding “Please use this process to report any outstanding absences; official implementation begins immediately.” Jim recommended changing “to be followed by all divisions” to “to be followed by all divisions effective immediately.” Change “Implementation is expected beginning..” to “Please use this process to report any outstanding absences.” Remove “In an attempt”. Change last sentence to “Please work with you Division Chair and SOC to assure adherence.” Change “Please review it and contact” to “Please contact”. The group agreed to Jim’s changes and approved the message.
V. Clarify overload approval process
Kuni stated that she will create a draft of the steps of approving overload per the contract. Kuni must approve all overloads beyond 1.4. She would like DCs to review any of these requests before it goes to her. There are dept chairs who are giving themselves over 1.4 without review of Division Chairs or Kuni. It is sometimes sent to Laurel without DC or Kuni’s review. We need to ask for Laurel and SOCs help to catch these instances. She asked DCs to ask their SOCs to share with DCs any load over 1.4. She stated that Janis and Nichola sent out a great message. In their area, the faculty member assigned themselves the load over 1.4 and it wasn’t caught until it was in the schedule already, but the contracts weren’t yet done.
Diane asked if Kuni was approving loads over 1.4 for faculty who do these overload repeatedly. She stated she is not. Kuni will bring the draft document to this group to review.
Jim stated that we have dealt with very difficult issues this semester and he is proud of the group for all their work and accomplishments and their great teamwork. He always looks forward to this meeting. Steve stated that he agrees that the team is a great one. He is completing his first year and appreciates the way Jim and Kuni work so well together.