Ontario Trails Council AGM; June 26, 2011


  1. Motion to approve agenda - Chris Laforest;
/ Moved Jack De Wit: “Motion to move item 9 on circulated agenda (2011 By-Law amendment on quorum) to item one.” 2nd Chris Laforest. Carried.
  1. Motion to Approve By-Law Change – Chris Laforest
/ Moved by Chris Laforest
2nd – Bonnie Simpson. Carried
  1. Attendance: Sheet and phone roll call – Patrick Connor and Forbes Symon
/ Attending: by phone - Bonnie Simpson (Ind), Paul Ronan (OPA), Bill Goulding (Sustainable Trails), Jack De Wit (OEF), Frieda Baldwin (HTG and proxy for NSRT), and Wayne Daub (OxfordTC)
In Person – Chris Laforest (Bruce County), Forbes Symon (North Grenville), Ray Gilbert (BTN), Andrew Graham (FABR), Graham Burke (Ind), David Bull, John McLeod (1000IslesPaddling), Ray Wilson (Friends of Charleston Lake), Peter Wood (OF4WDR), Damien Bradley (Lees and Associates), John Sue (OF4WDR), Peter Dawson (Onparks), and Lorrie Makeness (East Gwilliambury TC)
  1. Motion on Quorum and Acceptance of Proxies - Forbes Symon
/ Moved by Ray Gilbert
Discussion: Forbes Symon – 6 proxies, Ray Gilbert 1 proxy, Frieda Baldwin 1 proxy. Total Attendees incl proxy – 25.
2nd Damien Bradley. Carried.
  1. President’s Welcome - Chris Laforest
/ Thanks to Frontenac Arch Biosphere Reserve for hosting this year's AGM. Looks forward to a great meeting with lots of improved awareness and new learning taking place around the table today.
  1. Motion to approve last year's AGM Minutes June 21, 2010 – Chris Laforest.
/ Moved by Chris Laforest.
2nd Wayne Daub. Carried.
  1. Annual Report (Presentation) – Patrick Connor
/ Patrick reviewed a circulated power point presentation on the past year's activities. A real focus on research and data and the representation of trail facts. Paul Ronan of the OPA commended OTC for the great work they are doing in this regard. Forbes Symon commented that getting trails more recognized through data and understanding could be a real aid in having trails further recognized and supported by the Provincial Policy statement. Graham Burke mentioned that this could also be further used by AMO to strengthen OTC.
  1. Motion on Financial Audited Reports – Ray Gilbert
/ Ray Gilbert reported on three items:
i. Overall goal, board and expense controls and producing a balanced budget. He presented the budget to the Board in March and it was accepted.
ii. Successful Trailhead Ontario Conference. When all accounts are paid we should have a total surplus of 2,000. Chris Laforest congratulated the committee on their effort and the revenue position.
iii. Auditor's note – we do not have audited books for the AGM. As late as yesterday we received a note from the auditor indicating there was still work to do in allocating to grant streams and adjusting accounts and due to time constraints the complete audit was unfinished.
Forbes Symon moved: “That the OTC membership accept the auditor's note and that the Executive receive the Auditor's report when complete, forwarding the completed report to the membership within 30 days of a Board of Director's review.”
2nd Wayne Daub. Carried.
  1. Motion for Approval of Auditor – Ray Gilbert
/ Moved by Ray Gilbert that Wilkinson and Company be retained as OTC auditor's for 2011-12.
2nd Chris Laforest. Carried.
  1. Nominations: Forbes Symon and Patrick Connor
/ Moved by Forbes Symon that the AGM “Accept the slate of nominees as presented and Patrick Connor as scrutineer for counting purposes.”
2nd Ray Gilbert.
Discussion ensued. Some candidates had an opportunity to provide brief biographies.
  1. Presentation for next years AGM – Bonnie Simpson
/ Moved by Forbes Symon - “that Ray Gilbert, Bonnie Simpson, Wayne Daub and Bill Goulding as next year's conference committee with responsibility for planning a conference in Ingersoll, Ontario June 18-21, 2012.”
2nd Wayne Daub. Carried.
  1. New Business – Patrick Connor
/ Election of Officers during Board meeting after AGM.
  1. Motion to adjourn – Patrick Connor
/ Moved by Damien Bradley. Carried.