ONS Annual Program Staffing Plan (Highlighted for 2018)

ONS Annual Program Staffing Plan (Highlighted for 2018)

ONS Annual Program Staffing Plan (Highlighted for 2018)

Approved by RDs and Senior National Leaders at Fall Meetings 2004

1. Each region, GFM and the Multiethnic Department will send one veteran (three years or more) staff member to serve as ONS program staff annually. Half of the regions/departments will send women; half will send men and this will alternate annually. Staffing responsibilities for ONS 2018 will divide in the following manner:

Male Staff: Central, GFM, GLW, NY/NJ, Northwest, RMR, Southeast, and SoCal

Female Staff: Virginia, Carolinas, Florida, GLE, Lakes & Plains, Mid-Atlantic, New England, Pacific, and Red River

2. Every third year, at least one of the staff from a given region will be a staff member of color. This will insure that at least 5 members of the program staff team each year will be non‐white. The following rotation has been the pattern we have followed and will follow until a change is needed:

2011, / 14, / 17 / – Southeast, Southern CA, RMR, Red River, and Pacific
2012, / 15, / 18 / – Virginia, Carolinas, Central, GLE, Lakes & Plains, GFM, and Florida
2013, / 16, / 19 / – NY/NJ, Northwest, GLW, New England, and Mid-Atlantic

Having our new staff lead and coached by a diverse team of veteran staff is of critical importance to ONS, but the issue of multiethnic representation on the ONS Program Staff Team is an annual concern. If your region has been blessed with staff of color, please consider assigning them as program staff for your region even when it is not your turn based on the rotation above.

3.The rotation for RD ONS Program Staff participation is as follows:

2012 / – Southeast & RMR / 2016 / – New England & GFM
2013 / – NY/NJ & Lakes & Plains / 2017 / – Pacific & Virginia & Carolinas
2014 / – Northwest & GLE / 2018 / – Florida & Southern CA
2015 / – Red River & Central / 2019 / – GLW & Mid Atlantic

Having senior level national leaders present at ONS has been extremely beneficial for new staff, so please look ahead and block your calendars to ensure you will be able to participate in your assigned ONS year.

4.RDs are responsible for selecting their region’s ONS Program Staff member(s) by February 10. Each region is responsible to send one program staff for every six new staff attending ONS from their region. If your region is sending more than six new staff, the Director of ONS may require an additional program staff from you contingent upon overall attendance numbers. Designating one or two staff members who could come with short notice would be extremely helpful if you anticipate sending eight or more new staff from your region.

Summary of Staff Requested from Each Region

Region / Female / Male / Staff of Color / RD
Carolinas / x / x
Central / x / x
Florida / x / x / x
GFM / x / x
GLE / x / x
GLW / x
Lakes & Plains / x / x
Mid-Atlantic / x
New England / x
Northwest / x
NY/NJ / x
Pacific / x
Red River / x
Rocky Mtn. / x
So. Cal / x / x
Southeast / x
Virginia / x / x