- Christine
Great fluency practice
- Gina
Only for Sets 1-5. The shared reading books are actual trade books.
- Joe
Absolutely, Linda!
- Lisa Borah-Geller
Lynda, the students need to be at GRL J to switch from hybrid books to trade books.
- Lynda Dixon
thank you
- Sue Wilder
Once again, we've created a program that teachers can teach with and learn from. (LR quote:)
- Rachel
ties in so well to BAW. Makes me think about the lesson for 1st grade in Napa and the little boy who "couldn't write and needed support". This would have been great for both teacher and student. Pg. 67 of preview book
- Christine
- Lisa Borah-Geller
Lynda, yes all the K books in the default package are hybrid for small-group reading.
- Ann Leon
I’ll have to remember the LR quote. Thanks Sue!
- Sue Wilder
Thank Linda:)
- Christine
- Lynda Dixon
so we are saying that K and 1 will use Hybrid….and perhaps beginning of 2
- Linda
It’s a Peter Brunn quote!!!
- Melissa Tovaas
Yes, Rachel!
- Lynda Dixon
- Sue Wilder
You say that, but I've only heard you say it so you get the credit.
- Ginger
and there was a question earlier about what to do for 2nd grade beyond O...
- Christine
Some students in grades K/1 will be in trade books depending on their level
- Cathy Cooper-Stickney
What assessment are we using to determine student's GRL
- Valerie
On the small group sequence. This is where we used the "hybrids". The grade 1 teacher gets a combination of "hybrids" and "leveled" books.
- Gina
Ginger, I believe Lisa shared her thinking about that question. Lisa, might you add?
- Christine
Thank you Linda
- Gina
Cathy, we are not providing an assessment for GRL.
- Lisa Borah-Geller
Ginger, I wrote a response earlier about students reading above level O.
- Viewer 45
Thanks Linda!
- Christine
- Lisa Borah-Geller
Here is part of what I shared earlier for students reading above level O: • If a student’s reading level is far above the level of your highest reading group, place the student in your highest reading group to give him opportunities to participate in group discussions and to refine his fluency and comprehension skills. Have the student read books closer to his independent reading level on his own, and meet with him regularly to discuss and assess his comprehension.
- Ginger
thanks, Lisa - I will look...
- Cathy Cooper-Stickney
Thank you Gina
- Ginger
Nice, lisa
- patHandly
what are some examples of sample schedules for BAR, BAW, MMV?
- Rachel
What does the placement for BAR look like?
- Kathy King-Dickman
How will our suite of materials fit with the Daily Five?
- Sandra McCartney
Common Core Standards alignment
- Ginger
People wanting to use/buy just one part ...
- Sue Wilder
I would add that even in the independent reading, its important to remember that just because a student can read the words in higher leveled text doesn't mean he/she should. It makes me so sad to see little kids walking trying to read texts for which they have no schema and can't possibly understand the depth of the storyline.
- Melissa Tovaas
Are we offering the Shared Reading as a separate package?
- patHandly
sorry, Gina, where did you say they were?
- Rachel
Yes, Kathy. Daily 5 and Cafe come up a lot.
- Cathy Cooper-Stickney
Scheduling of time is always a question from teachers.
- Kristi Bacus
Well said, Sue
- Christine
Thank you Sue!
- Lynda Dixon
- Marisa Ramirez Stukey
Yes, Sue!
- patHandly
- Kelly
Lynda, do you mean cost of each grade level?
- Viewer 9
Scheduling and how it fits in the entire literacy block are most frequent questions.
- Marisa Ramirez Stukey
How will this fit with RT/MTSS?
- Kelly
- Kelly
- Ginger
and if so, price?
- Kelly
we will send pricing around again
- Ann Leon
Also Pat, there are two different schedules. pp. 38, 42, 44
- Kelly
with the archive...
- Ginger
thanks - didn't focus on piecemeal cost
- Rachel
Whats a solid launch/training look like?
- Ginger
Good question, Rachel!!!!
- Kenni
I was thinking the same thing. Great question!
- Rachel
...& how best support them throughout the year...and ongoing
- Ann Leon
Yes, Rachel! Those are the big questions!
- Christine
Love that process, Linda! Helps with making decisions about what is non negotiable and what they need to let go of!
- Gina
Marisa, Valerie and I met about the very topic of RtI/MTSS and the front matter will have guidance and benchmarks to consider!
- Gina
YES, what needs to go!
- Becky
Linda that is true.
- Christine
Only they can make those decisions.
- Rachel
Yes Linda and such a need.
- Lisa Borah-Geller
Good point, Sue! Also, we will be suggesting that the teachers place the students at their "independent" level for small-group instruction in Sets 6-12, rather than their "instructional" level. Our rationale is that the strategy work we are doing in small-group work is complex and the students often have to read chapters independently when we use chapter books in small-group reading.
- Marisa Ramirez Stukey
Yes! So important as we navigate the various understandings of RTI/MTSS?
- Gina
That is Linda’s fav!
- Rachel
Often they are double dipping...or triple
- Gina
Right, Marisa!
- Christine
Love it - What is their purpose - that needs to drive decisions
- Sue Wilder
That's so smart Lisa!
- Rachel
the intention and purpose have not been taught and so they just did and continue to do. Check off
- Ginger
Tracy, you are going to capture this rich chat, yes? Lots of meat in here!
- Sue Wilder
Especially for NF text!
- Kenni
Thanks, Sue. :)
- Viewer 9
Great idea! Yes, those pages are very helpful!
- Alice B
can you repeat those page numbers again to copy, Linda?
- Rachel
This is that bigger shift needed. I find my territory doesn't value training. Shocker! Purchase and run mentality
- Wendy Seger
It was interesting, hard work for the teachers. Linda helped them start these important conversations
- Kelly
Thank you Gina!! Thank you for leading these learning sessions! Great to have Program Development team on these webinars...
- Ann Leon
Linda, I appreciate what you shared. Teachers have to start to think about WHY they do what they do. That process will lead them to reflect on what needs to leave their already full plate.
- Sue Wilder
Ditto, Kelly!
- Kelly
and Valerie will be at our Annual Meeting in August..
- Kenni
Purpose purposepurpose :)
- Linda
Planning Instructional Time, Alice
- Rachel
really do appreciate thes!
- Rachel
thank you
- Kristy
Thanks everyone!
- Lynda Dixon
thanks everyone. I am sure there will be more questios
- Lynda Dixon
- Lisa Borah-Geller
It was great to hear from everyone, today!
- Joe
Thank you, Gina and Linda!
- Wendy Seger
So helpful. Thanks!
- Ann Leon
Thank you so much Gina and team!! Yay, Valerie, Kenni, and Lisa!!
- Kenni
Ditto Lisa!
- patHandly
This was a wonderfully helpful session. The chat entries were very helpful!
- Marisa Ramirez Stukey
Thanks, all!
- Rachel
go team!
- 50