5 rue Fischart, 67000 Strasbourg, - -
(For more than 1 request, please copy that current form)
The secretariat of the Cercle généalogique d'Alsace makescivil and church recordscopies of Bas-Rhin (date and location given by the requester):
6,10 €for 1 record dated (day, month, year and locationsprécised by the requester).(3,80 € for CGAmembers),
10,70 €for 1 record with no date(the requester doesn’t know the precise date)
(7,70 € pour les membres du CGA),
If you live out of France, please contact the secretariat.
CIVIL RECORDS: Copies of civil registries of all villages from 1793 to 1892made from microfilms of the Archives départementales, transcriptions of civil registries of several villages from 1893 to 1902 (ask secretariat). (Civil records are freely accessible if they were made more than 100 years ago; civil registries from 1893 to 1902 will only be given to the Archives départementales in 2003/2004.)
CHURCH RECORDS : Copies of all existing church records.
You will receive an answer, even if there was no result.
Ithe undersigned: first name: …………………………… last name : …………………..…….…………… (member:…...)
address : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
……………………………………………………………………………… Email: ……………………………………..
request the copyof the record (check the appropriated box) :
baptism / birth(°) / marriage (oo) / death / burial (+) (only if you know the precise date)of: first name(s) LAST NAME(S)…………………………………………………………………………………………….
date of record : ……………………………………… location:…………………………………………………………….
Translation of useful details of the requested record above (additional tariff :+6,10 € (+3,80 € CGA members))
!!! WARNING !!!
forStrasbourg, civil records:only with precise date or 10 years maximum margin.
BEOFRE 1793:
forStrasbourg: records given only if the date, parish and confession are given.
for all villages: please precise the confession and the parish if there are several in the village.
for important villages(Haguenau, Sélestat, Saverne, …) : only with precise date or 2 year maximum margin.
Additional Information: If there is not enough information given, the record will not be searched.
What do you know about this person (this married couple): (°, oo, +, dates and locations)……………………………….
What do you know about the parents: (°, oo, +, dates and locations)……………………………………………………….
……….……………………..…………………………………………………… (MUST be filled for birth record request)
What do you know about the children: (°, oo, +, dates and locations)………………………………………………………..
……………………………..…….………………………………………….. (MUST be filled for marriage record request)
Other information: (job, religion, etc.): ………………………………………………………………………….
Every given paper will be sent back if asked.
Please join international coupons for the answer.
date :signature :