Hollow Lane, Cheddleton, Staffs, ST13 7HP
Telephone 01538 714840
Email /
Dear Parents / Carers
I hope that you all managed to keep warm and safe from the extreme weather of last week. It’s never an easy decision to close a school because of how it affects family life and work. However, there was really no choice given the compacted ice, powerful wind and freezing temperatures. Access routes in the village and around the school site were treacherous and, as always, safety must come first. We really appreciate your understanding and cooperation in these circumstances. Moving forwards into March, let’s hope that we do begin to see the signs of Spring and some warmer weather.
Unfortunately, the school closure affected the fun of World Book Day (Thursday 1st March). As we know how much our children enjoy this event, we have rescheduled it for Friday 9th March. Please remember so that your child can come dressed up as their favourite book character and can bring in the relevant book if possible.
For the same reason the PTFA Quiz night had to be postponed; this has been rescheduled for Friday 23rd March
We are however, pleased to inform you that Mrs Hordern has now returned to work in Year 2 following a lengthy absence. She is under strict surveillance to ensure that she doesn’t fall over and injure her leg again! Miss Mellor, who joined us in January from Rushton First school, will continue teaching in the Frogs’ class but for 3 days each week with Miss Upton in action on Thursdays and Fridays.
A big “thank you” to Kath Hill [one of our grandparents]. Kath noticed that Sainsburys were selling off a selection of their dressing up costumes and purchased something approaching 20 items which she donated to the school. A generous gesture which we really appreciate [especially the children ].
Finally, if you think you have missed a letter/email from school, don’t forget to check the website which is kept up to date. We also have a folder in the entrance with hard copies of all letters sent home. If all that fails please email the office who will try to help as always.
With kind regards,
Tracy Ward
In an endeavour to improve the nightmare that is Lost Property we have purchased 3 baskets which will sit in the entrance area labelled Foundation Stage / Key Stage 1 / Key Stage 2.
All named items will be handed to the relevant child.
Un-named items will be put in the appropriate basket. You are then welcome to check the baskets at any time.
The office WILL NOT send out emails regarding missing items. It is imperative, therefore, that you check your child has all their belongings when collected from school [particularly after Clubs] and that all items of clothing are clearly named.
We are really pleased to inform you that we have chosen a new contractor to deliver our school meals. We have not been happy for some time with the current provider and as their contract was drawing to a close we started to consider our options. Following due procedure, through the necessary tendering process, it was agreed to invite a company called ‘Fresh Start’ to provide our school meals. They will formally introduce themselves to you on Tuesday 20th March at 6.00pm where they will walk about their service provision. Meanwhile you may want to visit their website:
All forestry dates are on the school website; so please take a look so that you are clear when additional clothing will need to be sent in.
School has purchased oversuits; but your child will require wellingtons and jogging bottoms [during the colder weather].
In spite of lots of encouragement we still have children who fail to bring a PE kit to school. To avoid any child missing out on valuable exercise and learning new skills, we advise that your child brings their kit into school on a Monday and takes it home on Friday (it may need washing!). This will help you to check that the kit is clean, labelled and complete. It also encourages your child to take responsibility for their belongings. Thank you.
Thank you to all of our regular volunteer helpers who come into school to give of their time to the
children AND to the school. Thanks also to Age Concern for arranging some more mature (in age!)
volunteers who now help in school each week.
If you wish to volunteer in school then please arrange to meet Mrs Ward or Mrs Clifford who can
explain how it works and how you could help. Give it a try…we have wonderful children and very
friendly staff! Please be aware that you would only be able to volunteer in a class other than that or your child.
- Friday 9th March – World Book Day, again!
- Tuesday 20th March – Reception Performance of, ‘The Three Little Pigs’ at 2.00pm
- Tuesday 20th March at 6.00pm Fresh Start Catering to speak to parents regarding our new school lunch provision
- Thursday 22nd March – Reception Performance of, ‘The Three Little Pigs’ at 2.00pm
- Friday 23rd March – last day for Swimming
- Friday 23rd March – P.T.F.A. QUIZ [re-scheduled date] doors open at 7.00 for 7.30 start
- Thursday 29th March – Easter Service at St. Edward’s Church, starting at 9.30am