
  • GLI allows the user to view daily updated versions of the General Ledger (FS0100) and the Fund Summary Ledger (FS0150)
  • GLI allows the user to search, select, sort and total sets of transactions in any of the ledger fields, facilitating reconciliation and reporting tasks.
  • GLI provides easy viewing of current month, current year, prior year and inception-to-date

balances and transactions.

  • The user’s security profile request determines the account/funds that are available for viewing.
  • The first week of the calendar month will reflect transactions from the previous month until the end of the 5th working day when the ledger is run. During this first calendar week, use the ‘Futures’ option to view the new month’s activity.
  • A general rule when utilizing any online program is to always read the information on the screen and look for instructions on function and program keys for how to proceed.
  • Knowledge of GLI Online is a requisite to using the Online Transfer of Expense program.
  • FS Tables Browse allows users to view various financial system tables such as account/fund links, department codes/info, and fund details.
  • Ability to look-up and print completed online financial journals by journal number & fiscal year.

How to use GLI

From the General Ledger Inquiry Options Menu select Option #1 for FS0100 information and enter the account/fund/sub you wish to view:

Insert: Account Expense accounts: 4-7XXXXX

Revenue/Income accounts: 2XXXXX

Balance sheet account: 1XXXXX)

Insert: Fund

Insert: Sub (If you wish to view a specific sub.)

Press: Enter

In the last field indicate the OPTION by entering one of the letters from the bottom of the screen:

B - Expense Balance Summary

O - Expense Object Summary

D - Detail Transactions (CURRENT Year / PRIOR Year: totaling)

S - Balance Sheet Summary

R - Revenue Account Summary

Press: Enter

The Summary options display totals in various formats including current month, current year, prior year and inception-to-date formats. The Detail option displays individual transactions.

Balance, Object, Balance Sheet & Revenue Account Summaries

The GLI screen will display the summary totals for the account/fund/sub selected in budgetary, financial, and encumbrance columns, plus balance totals, as appropriate by type of account. For expense accounts subtotals are displayed by sub, and in option O by the object code. The F9 toggle key switches the data from Current Month to Current Year to Date to Current Year-Inception to Date to Prior Year to Date to Prior Year-Inception to Date.

Detail Transactions

The GLI screen will display the current year detail transactions for the account/fund selected:

Columns are numbered 1 - 9 and correspond to columns on the FS0100 ledger. Underneath each column number is a shortened title/description of the data in the column:

SUB(Subaccount) Divides expenses into categories according to purpose.

00 = Academic Salaries

01 = Staff Salaries

02 = General Assistance

03 = Supplies and Expense

04 = Equipment and Facilities

05 = Available for Special Items (Department Discretion/Non-Payroll)

06 = Employee Benefits

07 = Available for Special Items (Department Discretion/Non-Payroll)

08 = Unallocated Funds

09 = Recharge Income

9H= Overhead Charges

OBJ(Object Codes) Numeric identifier of specific expenses within sub-accounts.

Refer to object code table for identification.

TE(Type Entry) Type of transaction.

See attached Type Entry Table.

TRAN ID(Transaction ID) Journal number, system number, document number etc.

LDATE(Ledger Date) Calendar month/year that the transaction is recorded to the general ledger.

DOCDATE(Document Date) Date transaction was input to ledger or the actual date of a paper document.

DESCRIPTION30 character alpha/numeric description of the transaction.

REFERENCE10 character alpha/numeric reference identifier, purchase order number, etc.

SOURCE6 character alpha/numeric transaction identifier.

PROJECTanother 6 character alpha/numeric transaction identifier.

FS POST DATEDate posted to ledger.

P/F/APartially or Fully released Liens/Encumbrances.

Adjustments from a TOEB Financial Journal.

AMOUNTDollar amount of transaction. A credits is indicated with a minus sign.

Additional Important Screen Highlights

MESSAGESEdit warnings are listed at the bottom and/or top of the screen.

Functions Keys

(Identified at the bottom and/or top of the screen with their function.)

Key / Screen ID /


F1 / Print / Prints all of the transactions for the account/fund and sort criteria selected
F2 / Swap / Togglesthe REFERENCE column to display either: Reference P/F, Project, Source, or FS Post Date.
F3 / End / Exits the displayed program and ultimately closed the FS program.
F5 /


(Current &
New Month) / Displays the future financial transactions during the first five business days of the new month along with the previous ledger month transactions.
F6 /


(New Month Only) / Displays only future transactions during the first five business days of the new month.
F7 /


/ When dealing with more than one screen of data, this feature allows the user to go back one screen at a time to list previously displayed data.
F8 /


/ When dealing with more than one screen of data, this feature allows you to view the next screen of data to be displayed.
F9 / Curr/Prior / The display screen always defaults to the Current fiscal year transactions. To view transactions from the prior fiscal year, use this toggle key.
F10 / Reset / Clears the screen to change input information or reverts to the original selection.

Sorting & Searching Detail Transactions

The SORT and SEARCH options can be used to display specific financial transactions from General Ledger Inquiry.

Sorting Alphabetically or Numerically by Column:

Columns shown in GLI are numbered 1-9. This is also the priority order in which the detailed financial transactions are sorted for display. By changing a column number to 1, the financial transactions will be resorted and then displayed in alpha and numeric order by that column.

Example:Numbering the REFERENCE column 1 will result in the financial transactions being sorted in alpha/numeric order by reference number.

Numbering the AMOUNT column 1 will display the transactions in numeric order by dollar amount. This will also result in a TOTAL FOR SORT/SELECT displayed at the bottom of each screen of transactions.

Note: Debits and Credits of the same dollar amount are listed dollar amount and not in order by sign.

Searching for Specific Data in a Column:

Position the cursor on the line below the column heading and enter the characters (letters or numbers) you wish to search by.

Example: To search for all Federal Express transactions, place the cursor on the line under the DESCRIPTION column heading and type ‘fed’. All transactions with ‘FED’ in the description will be displayed not only those for Federal Express.

Sorting and Searching with Multiple Priorities:

Several (or all) columns can be numbered to produce a complex sort of data. Assign ascending numbers beginning with the broadest category and ending with the smallest.

Example:To search an account/fund for all the checks paid to Fromex in July in date order and then in dollar amount order.

Type: ‘41’under TYPE ENTRY
Type: ‘fromex’ under DESCRIPTION

Type: ‘1’ over LEDGER DATE

Type: ‘2’ over AMOUNT

Press: ‘Enter’ and data will be displayed and totaled as you ordered it.

Selecting a Range of Ledger Months:

Position the cursor on the line below the LEDGER DATE column and enter the calendar months of the desired range separated by a dash.

Example: ‘07-09’ will display July through September transactions.

Selecting All Budgetary or All Financial Transactions:

Position the cursor on the line below TYPE ENTRY and

Enter: /A to view all budgetary transactions or

Enter: /E to view all financial transactions.