InvictaPrimary School Lesson Observation
Success Criteria –
‘To improve the quality & consistency of teaching in all classes.’ (Ofsted 2009)
Targets from last Observation / Please record in the spaces below
‘To improve the quality & consistency of teaching in all classes.’ (Ofsted 2009)
EYFS Addition/ Variation (taken from Ofsted EYFS evaluation schedule)Asessment/Monitoring & Feedback / Good / Outstanding / Good / Outstanding
Recall of Previous Learning / Clear links are drawn between previous learning and how the lesson builds on this / There is a shared and understood link between previous learning and the lesson; preparation is made to link learning to next lesson. / Activities are well planned, based upon thorough and accurate observations and assessment and matched to the full range of children’s needs. / Assessment through high quality observations is rigorous and the information gained, is used very effectively to guide planning.
Learning Objectives / A clear routine for sharing Learning Objectives is present; Learning Objectives are referred to through the lesson and they form the basis of the Plenary; Learning Objectives are distinguished from context / The Learning Objectives permeate all aspects of the lesson; effective routine for sharing, reflecting and assessing the Learning Objectives are in place / A clear routine for sharing Learning Objectives is present; Learning Objectives are referred to through the learning environment and they form the basis of the Plenary; Learning Objectives are distinguished from context / The Learning Objectives permeate all aspects of the learning environment; effective routine for sharing, reflecting and assessing the Learning Objectives are in place
Success Criteria / Clear Success Criteria are both planned and then developed before task commences; examples of success are shared through lesson and are used in Plenary / Children are actively involved in developing effective Success Criteria before task commences; Success Criteria are referred to throughout whole lesson and used for group/peer/self-evaluation / Clear Success Criteria are both planned and then developed before task commences; examples of success are shared through activities and are used in plenary / Children are actively involved in developing effective Success Criteria before task commences; Success Criteria are referred to throughout activities and used for group/peer/self-evaluation
Differentiation / Tasks are carefully designed to meet the learning needs of all three main groups of learners (Core, Support, Extension), including some provision for SEN and G&T / Tasks are carefully designed, chosen and adapted to meet the full range of learners needs; a range of effective strategies is employed / High quality planning and organisation ensure that every child is suitably challenged by the learning experiences provided
Effective Plenary / The Plenary effectively summarises the learning; examples of work that exemplify the Learning Objectives and Success Criteria are shared; children are actively involved, including group/peer/self-evaluation / Building on ‘mini-plenaries’ through the lesson, the Learning Objectives are extended; children articulate and communicate their learning; wider implications and links are clarified; links made to future learning / The Plenary effectively summarises the learning; examples of work that exemplify the Learning Objectives and Success Criteria are shared; children are actively involved, including group/peer/self-evaluation / Building on ‘mini-plenaries’ through the lesson, the Learning Objectives are extended; children articulate and communicate their learning; wider implications and links are clarified; links made to future learning
Success Celebrated / Learning Objectives and Success Criteria form the basis for praise; reasons for success are articulated and explained / Evident culture of success being celebrated based on specific aspects of Learning Objectives and Success Criteria; children know that their success will be recognised and celebrated / Children are motivated and interested in a broad range of activities and take responsibility for choosing what they do / Children play a dynamic role in their learning and wherever possible,offer their ideas and respond to challenges with great enthusiasm.
Cross-Curricular links identified and promoted / Reference is made to how the lesson links to other lessons and subjects / Specific links are made to how skills, knowledge and understanding can and will be used in other areas / There is planned, purposeful play and exploration both in and out of doors, with a balance of adult-led and child-led activities that foster active learning across all areas of learning
Pupils make Good Progress / All children make progress against their previous learning and most fully meet or exceed the expectations of the les’n / All children engage fully with the learning and demonstrate that good progress has been made in their learn’g / Most children, including those with additional needs/ EAL, make good progress towards the ELGs in most areas of learning. / Children are eager to attend and make significant gains in their learning.
‘To improve the quality & consistency of teaching in all classes.’ (Ofsted 2009)
EYFS Addition/ VariationTeaching Criteria / Good / Outstanding / Good / Outstanding
Good teacher subject knowledge / The teacher is able to use subject knowledge beyond that being taught to support learning / The teacher uses their in-depth subject knowledge to support learning, support Able pupils and extend learning for all / Adults’ good knowledge of the learning and development and welfare requirements and EYFS guidance promotes children’s learning, social, physical and economic well-being / Teaching is rooted in expert knowledge of the learning and development requirements and a full understanding of how young children learn and progress
Targeted closed questions used / The teacher uses targeted closed questions for simple assessment and clarification of learning / Carefully chosen closed questions are used strategically to explore, for example, levels of understanding, misconceptions and for assessment / The teacher uses targeted closed questions for simple assessment and clarification of learning / Carefully chosen closed questions are used strategically to explore, for example, levels of understanding, misconceptions and for assessment
Open questions used / The teacher asks carefully chosen open questions to encourage thinking skills, problem solving and discussion / The teacher uses carefully chosen open questions to extend children’s learning and understanding / The teacher asks carefully chosen open questions to encourage thinking skills, problem solving and discussion / The teacher uses carefully chosen open questions to extend children’s learning and understanding
Teacher modelling / The teacher clearly models what they expect the children to do, referring to how the Learning Objective and Success Criteria are being met / The teacher clearly models their expectations through modelling, and indicates how to both meet and exceed expectations in Learning Objective and Success Criteria / The teacher clearly models what they expect the children to do, referring to how the Learning Objective and Success Criteria are being met / The teacher clearly models their expectations through modelling, and indicates how to both meet and exceed expectations in Learning Objective and Success Criteria
Range of learning styles catered for (VAK) / Specific opportunities are present through the lesson for children to use a range of learning styles / A range of opportunities are planned through the lesson to enable children to use a range of learning styles, including differentiated choices that support specific preferences / An interesting, well-equipped, and welcoming environment successfully reflects most children’s backgrounds and the wider community / A highly stimulating and welcoming environment fully reflects the children’s backgrounds and the wider community.
Lesson is well-paced / The lesson has a clear, appropriate structure that ensures that each section is built on the last and supports the next at a pace that continues to engage the children throughout. / The lesson has an effective structure that injects a sense of determination and perseverance into the lesson / Activities and learning routines have clear, appropriate structure that ensures that each section is built on the last and supports the next at a pace that continues to engage the children throughout. / Activities and learning routines have an effective structure that injects a sense of determination and perseverance
‘To improve the quality & consistency of teaching in all classes.’ (Ofsted 2009)
EYFS Addition/ VariationLearning Criteria / Good / Outstanding / Good / Outstanding
Maximum involvement of children at all times / There are regular opportunities for the children to become actively involved throughout in the lesson / The lesson is planned and presented in such a way that the children are actively involved through out the lesson / Children play well independently becoming active, curious and inquisitive learners / They play a full and active role in their learning, show great curiosity and the desire to explore and are inquisitive learners
Dialogue between children & children and children & teacher promoted / Opportunities for dialogue are planned in the lesson and used to promote learning / Effective use of dialogue, including modelling, within the classroom ensures that all children have opportunities to express and discuss aspects of their learning, including with the teacher / There is good quality interaction and well organised routines / There is high quality adult interaction and exemplary organisation of routines
Independence encouraged / There are regular opportunities for the children to work independently in the course of a lesson / Work in the class is organised in a way that the children must use skills of independence to succeed, while support mechanisms are also effectively used / Children make good overall progress in developing the personal qualities that enable them to take responsibility for small tasks and develop skills for the future / Children show high levels of independence, curiosity, imagination and concentration
Positive, purposeful atmosphere / Children only need occasional reminders regarding staying on-task / A very positive, purposeful atmosphere pervades all aspects of learning and behaviour within the class / Children’s behaviour is very good and children are beginning to show a good awareness of responsibility within the setting / Children’s behaviour is exemplary and children begin to show an excellent awareness of responsibility within the setting
Response partners used / The children engage actively with their Response Partner and the teacher uses Response Partners strategically to support the children’s learning / The children make effective use of their Response Partner both when directed and to support their own learning / Children take initiative, collaborating and co-operating with their peers / Children work exceptionally well with their peers showing excellent negotiation and co-operation skills.
Children demonstrate / Opportunities for children to demonstrate are planned and used to support learning / Children’s demonstrations are used effectively by the teacher to encourage, praise, support learning, model and support self-review, and to provide opportunities to extend learning / Opportunities for children to demonstrate are planned and used to support learning / Children’s demonstrations are used effectively by the teacher to encourage, praise, support learning, model and support self-review, and to provide opportunities to extend learning
Children carry out self-assessment / The children use the Learning Objective and Success Criteria to evaluate their own work and learning / The children use the Learning Objective and Success Criteria to effectively assess their own work, identify strengths and weaknesses and set targets / The children use the Learning Objective and Success Criteria to evaluate their own work and learning / The children use the Learning Objective and Success Criteria to effectively assess their own work, identify strengths and weaknesses and set targets
Maximum involvement of children at all times / There are regular opportunities for the children to become actively involved throughout in the lesson / The lesson is planned and presented in such a way that the children are actively involved through out the lesson / They play and work alongside their peers successfully understanding the need to co-operate and resolve situations by themselves / Children work extremely well independently using their own initiative and develop excellent skills in working alongside their peers.
We expect good relationships to be maintained between teachers and LSAs through regular communication, mutual respect and professionalism. Below is the criteria for working together to achieve ‘other adults support is focussed and makes a significant contribution to the quality of learning’ (Ofsted 2009)
* OA means Other Adult
EYFS Addition/ VariationSupport Criteria / Good / Outstanding / Good / Outstanding
Evidence of LSA/teacher learning together / The OA is part of the main teaching part of the lesson e.g. scribing. / Teacher & OA team teach together. There is an active exchange between the adults in the room. / The OA is part of the main teaching part of the lesson e.g. scribing. / Teacher & OA team teach together. There is an active exchange between the adults in the room.
Good knowledge of policies and procedures / The OA has put together their own school policy folder or can access them electronically and follows all policies/procedures. / The OA regularly reviews their own practice by keeping up to date with policies & procedures. / The OA has put together their own school policy folder or can access them electronically and follows all policies/procedures. / The OA regularly reviews their own practice by keeping up to date with policies & procedures.
Active role in the start of the lesson / The OA uses resources to support chn. The support is well targeted. The OA is interactive with chn. / The OA is directly involved in the progress of the chn. / The OA uses resources to support chn. The support is well targeted. The OA is interactive with chn. / The OA is directly involved in the progress of the chn.
Access planning before the start of the lesson / OA has own planning folder and has an arrangement for copying planning from the teacher weekly. / The OA accesses electronic plans and has an arrangement with the teacher to liaise about the planning. The LSA gives input into the planning. / The Key Person has own planning folder and inputs to the weekly planning meetings with FS teaching staff / The Key Person plans own weekly/daily activities with teacher support where necessary for individual children following rigorous observation and assessment
Feedback to the teacher at the end of the lesson / The OA marks the work with a comment for the teacher and / or uses a feedback sheet. / The OA annotates the session plan for the following session based on their assessments. / There is a common sense of purpose between adults who work well together to ensure that all groups of children have the opportunity to achieve as well as they can. / All children’s needs are exceptionally well met through highly effective partnerships between staff
Focussed support can be in/out of classroom / The OA liaises with the teacher about when/where/who to support; giving her opinion. / The OA independently makes decisions about where to appropriately support specific children or groups. / The OA liaises with the teacher about when/where/who to support; giving her opinion. / The OA independently makes decisions about where to appropriately support specific children or groups.
Pre-empt time out periods for children / The OA changes the task or environment in order to keep the child or children calm/ purposeful. / The OA uses her knowledge of the children to adapt tasks/learning spaces/resources/plans in order to meet the needs of the child. / Adults are skilled at promoting positive attitudes to learning. Relationships are good and children’s behaviour is managed well. / Practitioners are highly skilled and sensitive in their management of children and their behaviour. Relationships are excellent.
Good knowledge of children’s abilities / The OA accesses pupil targets / IEPs and attends reviews. / The OA has own file with pupil targets/IEPs and any other relevant pupil info & inputs reviews / The Key Personupdates and accesses pupil learning journals /targets / IEPs and attends reviews. / The Key Person fully manages own learning journals including pupil targets/IEPs and any other relevant pupil info & inputs reviews
InvictaPrimary School Lesson Observation