Online supplementary information (SI)
Materials and methods
Isolation of DNA
A number of commercially available kits are known to provide adequate yield and quality of DNA from peripheral blood specimens including, for example, the QIAmp DNA blood (Mini) Kit (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany). The extraction of DNA from small cell numbers, such as specific populations enriched by flow-sorting or magnetic bead-based separation, can be a more challenging task in the context of chimerism testing, and different isolation protocols were therefore tested. These included in-house methods based on rapid cell lysis with or without Proteinase K and two commercially available kits including the QIAmp DNA blood Mini Kit and QIAmp DNA Micro Kit (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany). The extraction protocols were tested using 1000, 3000, 10000 and 30000 leukocytes as starting material. The quality and quantity of DNA isolated by the indicated approaches was assessed by real-time PCR analysis of albumin as control gene(19), and STR analysis using the PowerPlex 16® system (Promega, Madison, USA) was performed to determine the suitability of the DNA as template in the multiplex PCR setting. Owing to the importance of appropriate technique for DNA isolation from limited cell numbers, details of the comparison between different methodological approaches are described in a separate manuscript (17).
PCR amplification
Primers for the amplification of loci included in the EuroChimerism (EUC) panel were adapted to permit annealing at 60°C, the temperature indicated by the manufacturer of the commercial PP16® kit (PowerPlex 16®, Promega) in order to facilitate the use of similar programs for all PCR amplifications within the study. The PCR programs used differed slightly depending on the PCR instrument used, as recommended by the PP16® manual ( Singleplex PCR reactions with EUC markers were performed in a total volume of 25 µl containing 400 µM dNTPs, 2 mM MgCl2, 10 x PCR-buffer II (Applied Biosystems (AB), Foster City, USA) 1 U AmpliTaq Gold® (AB) and 10 ng DNA template. The primer concentrations varied according to the targeted STR locus and are indicated in Table 2. Multiplex reactions with EUC markers contained 800 µM dNTPs, 2 mM MgCl2, 10 x PCR-buffer II (AB) 5 U AmpliTaq Gold® (AB) and 10 ng DNA in a volume of 50 µl. Primer concentrations for the established penta- and tetraplex reactions are indicated in Table 3. The amplification programs of the singleplex and multiplex assays with EUC markers were essentially identical to those recommended for the PP16® kit on different instruments, the only difference being the performance of two additional cycles (22 in total) in singleplex assays during the second phase of amplification. PCR reactions using the PP16® kit were set up and carried out according to the instructions provided.
Capillary electrophoresis
PCR amplicons generated by EUC- and PP16 primers were analyzed on different instruments including the ABI 310, ABI 3100 and ABI 377 genetic analyzer systems. The instruments were initialized according to the manufacturer´s instructions, and the PCR products were initially loaded using standard injection parameters (5 kv, 15 sec). The time and voltage of injection were appropriately adjusted in the presence of low peak heights (< 500 relative fluorescence units [RFU]) or off-scale signals, i.e. peak heights exceeding the limit of linear quantification (> 6-7.000 RFU). Since these parameters strongly depend on the apparatus used, the required modifications were determined individually for each type of capillary electrophoresis device. To assess potential differences between measurements by the instruments used, ten centrally prepared PCR products were distributed and analyzed on each type of apparatus. The tests were performed in duplicate and the differences observed were subjected to statistical analysis, as specified in the Results section. The peak height permitting unequivocal distinction of specific signals from background noise was ≥50 RFU. This level of fluorescence signals was therefore defined as the minimum requirement for the assessment of chimerism. Consequently, signal heights of the dominant alleles had to be ≥6.000 RFU to permit the detection of minor alleles at the level of 0.8%. For the detection of recipient cells at this level of sensitivity, lower donor signals (at the level of ≥3.000 RFU) may be sufficient if the allelic constellation provided by the STR marker used is homozygous for the recipient and heterozygous for the donor. Conversely, in the presence of certain allelic constellations, the dominant alleles must be higher to ensure a detection limit of 0.8%: for example, donor signals at the level of ≥12.000 RFU would be required if the recipient had a heterozygous and the donor a homozygous allelic pattern. Since peak heights at this level may be off-scale, and thus outside the area of correct computation by the capillary electrophoresis instrument used, certain allelic constellations may provide a lower sensitivity of detection.
Stutter peak formation
This phenomenon is caused by the so-called slippage of the polymerase during the amplification process of microsatellite markers, leading to the formation of additional products by skipping or adding one or more repeat units to the strands synthesized by PCR. In fluorescence-based detection of PCR products, stutter peaks appear as additional PCR products of lower height, mostly one repeat unit downstream and, less commonly, upstream of the main signal (18). If, for example, the position of a recipient allele coincides with the stutter region of a dominant donor allele, quantitative analysis of chimerism is severely impaired. For chimerism analyses using the EUC marker panel, upstream stutter peak formation was not found to have any impact on the quantitative assessment, and was therefore eliminated as a criterion for the exclusion of individual markers.
Allelic constellation
The term describes the number of recipient and donor alleles (heterozygous/homozygous) and the distance between individual alleles (indicated in nucleotides or tandem repeats) in a given recipient/donor analysis by STR markers. The type of allelic constellation can be conveniently described by the RSD code introduced by the EuroChimerism consortium (18). The code is briefly summarized in Figure SI-1).
This term is defined as the probability of a microsatellite marker to yield an allelic pattern eligible for chimerism analysis in any donor/recipient constellation. Moreover, the term informativeness is also used for the actual availability of one or more eligible markers in a specific donor and recipient constellation. The criteria of eligibility defined by the EuroChimerism consortium have been published previously (18).
Required informativeness of multiplex microsatellite tests
For pre-transplant testing of the donor and recipient, multiplex microsatellite tests are the preferred approach to identifying one or more markers compatible with the eligibility criteria for quantitative monitoring of chimerism. According to the requirements established by the EuroChimersim consortium, a multiplex test regarded as adequate for initial donor/recipient testing should provide at least two eligible markers for further follow-up, even in the related transplant setting. The availability of two or more suitable markers should permit the comparison of independent measurements of chimerism or the calculation of the mean of different measurements to ensure the highest possible accuracy of quantitative chimerism analysis in situations of special interest.
Allelic imbalance
This term describes the presence of unequal peak height (or peak area) of sister alleles resulting from preferential PCR amplification of short alleles in comparison to alleles of greater length (in bp). This phenomenon was assessed in the present study by evaluating multiple data sets of heterozygous constellations and calculating the ratios between peak heights of both alleles by regression analysis.
Detection limit (sensitivity)
The lowest (reproducibly) detectable dilution step of recipient DNA against the background of donor DNA or vice versa.
Minimal threshold of peak heights (MTPH)
Minimal signal height of the dominant allele(s) permitting the detection of minor signals at the desired limit of detection (0.8% when using the EUC panel). As specified above, the MTPH value, which is indicated in RFU, depends on the constellation of donor and recipient alleles.
Concordance between replicate tests.
Accuracy (Divergence; Residuum)
Discordance, indicated by the arithmetic difference, between the experimentally measured and the expected (i.e. true) level of chimerism determined by STR-PCR analysis of well defined dilutions of patient cells in donor cells (or patient DNA in donor DNA).
Dynamic range and linearity
In the present study, linearity of quantitative measurement of chimerism was assessed within the range of 0.8% -100% recipient cells or DNA.
Statistical analysis
Impact of allelic imbalance on the analysis of chimerism
For the accuracy of measurements, the occurrence of allelic imbalance within IMCs was of particular interest owing to the observation that longer PCR products of individual alleles tend to yield disproportionally low peaks, thus distorting the measurements of allelic ratios. Allelic imbalance was assessed by determining the total relative distance between the positions (P) of donor and recipient alleles. For example, for IMCs of the type RRDD, the calculation was AI = PD1+PD2-PR1-PR2, where PD1 is the position of the first donor allele, etc. Homozygous constellations were considered as two alleles at the same position. Hence, for IMCs of the type RRD, the formula was AI = 2*PD-PR1-PR2; for IMCs of the type RD: AI = 2*PD-2*PR, for IMCs of the type RSD (where S stands for a shared allele between donor and recipient; see Fig.1): AI = PD2 – PR1 etc.
Study design
The relevant parameters of the assay including detection limit, reproducibility, divergence (accuracy), and linearity were determined by testing the dilution series of recipient in donor DNA described above according to an incomplete balanced block design (20). First, 28 of the available IMCs, including seven from each dilution series, were selected for the study. In total, eight centers participated in this investigation, and at each center 14 different IMCs were analyzed in duplicate assays. According to the experimental concept, each of the selected IMCs was analyzed by 4 different centers. Two sets of 14 blocks of size four were used according to the incomplete balanced block design (20). The assignment of the 28 IMCs to individual centers was balanced also with respect to the marker distribution and allelic imbalance. The design was well balanced with respect to the marker distribution.
The particular selection of 28 IMCs ensured a widespread range of allelic imbalance (AI), and their even distribution between different markers and dilution series. The AI values ranged from -45 to 40 (indicating the maximum distance in base pairs between individual donor and recipient alleles observed) and were not confounded by the selection of dilution series or markers analyzed. Hence, the design was largely balanced for the factors center and marker, dilution series and marker, and AI lacked any correlation with markers or dilution series. The design was not balanced for the factors center and dilution series, but there was sufficient variability to prevent these two factors from being confounded.
Statistical mehods
The final model of analysis specifically included the factors IMC, dilution step and allelic imbalance. To determine the relatively complicated dependence of both mean and variance of accuracy on the factor dilution step, a separate analysis for the dilution steps = 50%, 25%, 12.5% and the dilution steps ≤ 6% had to be performed. Based on this model, overall confidence intervals accounting for the variation between different marker constellations are provided.
The final model is of the form. Here index i refers to the IMC, index j to the different observations of the i-th IMC, yij is the divergence and xij is the allelic imbalance. The random effect i and the error εij are independent such that and . Hence, the random effect indicates the variance between IMCs, whereas the error indicates the variance within IMCs. Based on this model, confidence intervals of the divergence are provided for each individual IMC () as well as overall confidence intervals not including the information of IMC () for α = 0.01 and α = 0.05, respectively.
Criteria of STR marker eligibility for quantitative chimerism testing (RSD code)
Judicious selection of appropriate microsatellite markers is an essential prerequisite for reliable monitoring of post-transplant chimerism. The requirements of quantitative chimerism analysis by STR-PCR show important differences to microsatellite testing for forensic applications. The selection of marker panels for forensic analysis only requires the ability to provide unequivocal genetic fingerprints in any individual. This type of analysis is qualitative in nature, and the relative position of alleles is irrelevant as long as clear distinction between individuals is provided. By contrast, chimerism analysis is based on quantitative assessment of recipient- versus donor-derived microsatellite alleles, and the relative position of individual alleles is important for precise calculation of chimerism. This is attributable to the fact that the size (i.e. height) of alleles may be affected by the distance to neighbouring alleles which, in turn, may render the quantitative analysis inaccurate (18). Dinucleotide repeat microsatellite markers, for example, are highly polymorphic but are not suitable for chimerism testing due to the occurrence of multiple stutter peaks interfering with quantitative measurement. Since the distance between informative alleles is an essential criterion for accurate assessment of chimerism levels, the frequency of individual alleles in the general population and the distance between commonly occurring alleles play an important role for the adequacy of a microsatellite locus for chimerism testing. Based on these considerations, it is obvious that microsatellite marker panels designed for other applications, such as forensics, cannot be readily used for chimerism testing.
The EuroChimerism microsatellite marker panel presented here has been selected based on the requirements of quantitative chimerism analysis.In order to permit rapid assessment of an allelic constellation, and to facilitate the evaluation of eligibility of any microsatellite marker in a particular clinical specimen, the EuroChimersim consortium has introduced the RSD code (18). This code describes the relative positions of recipient (R), donor (D) and shared (S) alleles and reveals at a glance whether a microsatellite marker can be regarded as adequate for the monitoring of chimerism in any given recipient/donor constellation. The RSD code has been described earlier in detail (18), and examples of its application are displayed in Fig. 1. In addition to providing a basis for the selection of appropriate markers for chimerism analysis, the availability of a common designation of allelic constellations provided by the RSD code facilitates the presentation and exchange of information between centers.
Comparison of different fluorescence detection systems
The laboratories of the EuroChimerism consortium used a variety of instruments permitting detection and quantitative analysis of PCR products labelled by a fluorescence marker. Although preliminary experience indicated that the results of product quantification are comparable regardless of whether polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis- or capillary electrophoresis-based detection systems are used, the performance of the instruments used in all participating laboratories was compared by testing centrally prepared fluorescence-labelled STR-PCR products containing equivalent amounts of recipient and donor-derived DNA. The instruments tested included the ABI 310, ABI3100 capillary elecrophoresis and the ABI 377 gel-based electrophoresis systems (all from Applied Biosystems). The accuracy and reproducibility of PCR product analysis on different types of equipment were determined by assessing the following variables: a) difference between duplicate runs on the same instrument, b) effect of different injection parameters on the same instrument, c) measurements by different types of instruments at the same center, and d) measurements by the same type of instrument at different centers. Finally, a comparison across all centers and instrument types was performed. For all parameters tested, the mean differences observed were <2% in ≥90% of samples, indicating that comparable results can be obtained regardless of the instrument used.
Allele frequencies of EuroChimerism markers
Detailed analyses and allele frequencies of the 13 selected EuroChimerism (EUC) STR markers (Table 2) are presented in Tables SI-2a and 2b. Most of the markers display four-nucleotide repeat motifs. Although some of them contain combinations of different tetranucleotide repeat sequences (24),only the number of motif repeats was considered in the designation of alleles. All fragment sizes of individual markers determined at the participating centers were centrally converted into allele assignments based on the number of repeats. Sequencing was performed in the presence of ambiguous findings. To validate the allele assignment, a series of samples were exchanged between individual centers and analyzed by sequencing. Interestingly, some alleles displaying identical fragment sizes consisted of different repeat sequences (24). Alleles were defined by the number of motif repeats in order to eliminate minor variations in the assessment of fragment length yielded by various instruments used in the study (ABI377, ABI310, ABI3100, and ABI3700 Genetic Analyzers, Applied Biosystems, Foster City, USA). However, the allele designations of STR markers with complex repeat motifs (D17S1290, SE-33, D11S544 and MYCL1) reflect the composition of multiple variable repeats of different length prevalent in these markers. The predominant variable repeats are indicated in Table 5, and details of the complex repeats were described earlier(24).These microsatellite loci frequently display highly variable alleles, and belong therefore to the most informative markers available.
Comparison of different fluorescence detection systems
The laboratories of the EuroChimerism consortium used a variety of instruments permitting detection and quantitative analysis of PCR products labelled by a fluorescence marker. Although preliminary experience indicated that the results of product quantification are comparable regardless of whether polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis- or capillary electrophoresis-based detection systems are used, the performance of the instruments used in all participating laboratories was compared by testing centrally prepared fluorescence-labelled STR-PCR products containing equivalent amounts of recipient and donor-derived DNA. The instruments tested included the ABI 310, ABI3100 capillary elecrophoresis and the ABI 377 gel-based electrophoresis systems (all from Applied Biosystems). The accuracy and reproducibility of PCR product analysis on different types of equipment were determined by assessing the following variables: a) difference between duplicate runs on the same instrument, b) effect of different injection parameters on the same instrument, c) measurements by different types of instruments at the same center, and d) measurements by the same type of instrument at different centers. Finally, a comparison across all centers and instrument types was performed. For all parameters tested, the mean differences observed were <2% in ≥90% of samples, indicating that comparable results can be obtained regardless of the instrument used.