Online Resource 4Initial information about current drivers of change identified by the key informants that influence the agri-food system of the empirical case of study

Drivers of change prioritized / Linking impacts on food sovereignty vulnerability
Perceptions / Effect / Scale & level
of driver / Key informants / SES variables & food sovereignty indicators / Vulnerability linkage
Agri-food policies
Current international policies as the trade agreement with the European-Union will affect peasant producers, mainly those involved in livestock production.
Additionally, current implementation of national policies related to good manufacturing practices threatens the artisanal process used by local peasants to produce dairy. / (-) / Jurisdictional: international, national / I-MA-1
I-RAL-1 / RS5- Milk yield & Processed dairy
A8- Income diversification
A8- Importance of on-farm incomes / The incomes from livestock activities can be diminished
(Individual capacity dimension)
Current governmental projects have a favorable vision to training in conventional agriculture (using chemical inputs). Therefore, there is a contradiction between the agricultural national projects and the policy model proposed by the National Constitution (based in the sumak kawsay and food sovereignty). / (-) / Jurisdictional: national / I-MA-1
I-NGO-3 / A2- Access to training
A9- Use of chemical inputs in crops / The traditional agro-ecological practices can be lost
The income diversity from productive activities on-farm can be diminished
(Agro-ecosystem resilience & Individual capacity dimensions)
Current governmental policies have a favorable vision to future introduction of GMO. / (-) / Jurisdictional: national / I-MA-1
I-RAL-1 / A9- Use of native seed in crops
A9- Use of modern seed in crops / The seed autonomy can be diminished
(Individual capacity dimension)
Current constitutional laws and programs from MAGAP support the legalization of land.However it is also a control mechanism for the collection of taxes. / (+/-) / Jurisdictional: national / I-COM-1
I-ASON-1 / GS4-Land title
A8- Income diversification
A8- Importance of on-farm incomes / The access to public credit can be increased
The incomes can be diminished
(Individual capacity dimension)
Policies from private financial entities condition the access to credit to the use of technology packages. Additionally, national policies from state financial entities do not assign the public budget to production issues related to peasant agriculture. In turn the public budget is focused to the agro-export model. / (-) / Jurisdictional: national - provincial / I-RAL-1
I-NGO-2 / A2- Access to credit
A9- Use of agro-ecological practices (organic control, ethno-veterinary) / The traditional agro-ecological practices can be lost
The access to financial resources can be limited
(Agro-ecosystem resilience & Individual capacity dimensions)
Current municipal policies related to access to markets do not consider the strengthening of free fairs. Now, there are few free fairs. Additionally, there are many conflicts to access markets. This encourages selling through middlemen. / (-) / Jurisdictional: cantonal / I-GADP-1
I-COM-1 / GS5-Access to a retail location in local markets
A8- Income diversification
A8- Importance of on-farm incomes / The incomes from selling agri-food products can be diminished
(Individual capacity dimension)
Regarding the production strategies there is increased use of agrochemicals in the canton of Loja. This may be strengthened by current policies based on technological packages. / (-) / Jurisdictional: local / I- GADM-1 / A9- Use of chemical inputs in crops / The agro-ecosystem resilience can be diminished
The dependence of chemical inputs can be increased
(Agro-ecosystem resilience dimension)
Current local policies do not address the deficit of paved roads. This makes hard the access to city markets. / (-) / Jurisdictional: local / I-ASOR-1
I-ASON-1 / RS4- Access to main roads paved
A8- Income diversification
A8- Importance of on-farm incomes / The frequency of selling can be diminished
The incomes from selling agri-food products can be diminished
(Individual capacity dimension)
Migration (rural to urban areas and/or to foreign countries)
The actual bad economic situation leads to migration to seek jobs. In turn, rural migration affects social organization and culture. Additionally, rural migration compromises the food provision to the city. / (-) / Jurisdictional: national - local / I-MA-1
I-GADM-1 / A2- Indigenous culture
A6- Participation in mingas
A6- Participation in exchanges of services / The peasant and indigenous social organization can be diminished
(Collective capacity dimension)
Social and cultural changes
Self-organization favors the analysis and solutions of common problems. This consolidates a vision and policies supported by local peasants to face the authorities. Currently, the agro-ecological production and stability to access to local markets is linked to the struggle from the social organization of local peasants. / (+) / Jurisdictional: local / I-MA-1
I-ASOR-1 / GS5- Access to a retail location in local markets
GS6- Member of RAL
A9- Use of agro-ecological practices (organic control, ethno-veterinary) / The political advocacy from peasants on agri-food policies can be increased
(Collective capacity dimension)
There are advances in the policies from community organizations to include women in the field of leadership. / (+) / Jurisdictional: national / I-FEN-1
I-MA-1 / GS6- Member of RAL / The equity in peasant leadership can be increased
(Collective capacity dimension)
Political conflicts within the indigenous organizations and communities hinder collective actions. / (-) / Jurisdictional: local / I-COM-1
I- GADP-2 / GS6- Member of comuna
A2- Indigenous culture / The investment activities within indigenous communities can be diminished
(Collective capacity dimension)
Regarding the consumption strategies, consumers have a tendency not to value the local food. This could be strengthened by policies focused in the food imports. Now, in local markets there is an increase of conventional and imported products (e.g., fruits). / (-) / Jurisdictional: national - local / I-RAL-1
I-GADP-1 / A8- Importance of traditional foods
A8-Dependence of non-traditional foods / The incomes from farming activities can be diminished
Consumers can be dependent of non-local foods
(Individual capacity dimension)
Environmental changes
Rainfall patterns are changing. Additionally, soil fertility is decreasing. / (-) / Spatial: regions / I-MA-1
I-ASON-1 / RS5- Crop yield
RS9- Mean annual precipitation
RU6-Dietary produced diversity / The food production and diversity produced can be diminished
(Agro-ecosystem resilience & Individual capacity dimensions)
Notes: GMO=Genetically modified organisms. MAGAP=Acronym of Ministry of agriculture, livestock, aquaculture and fisheries. RAL=Acronym of Agro-ecological network Loja.RS=Agro-ecosystem boundaries; RS4=Human-constructed facilities; RS5=Productivity of system; RS9=Location.RU=Agro-ecosystem units;
GS=Agri-food governance system;GS4=Property-rights systems; GS5=Operational-choice rules; GS6=Collective-choice rules.A=Agri-food system actors; A2=Socioeconomic attributes; A8=Importance of resource; A9=Technology used.