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Table 3B: Association between severe respiratory infections before 5 years (SRI), hospitalisation for lung disease before 2 years (HLD) and lung function measurements excluding patients with asthma < 5 years: mixed effects regression model.
Outcome / Difference in the outcome: Coefficient (standard error) / 95% CI / P ValueFEV1 – 1992
SRI <5 years
Crudea / -72 ml (21) / -113 to -32 / <0.001
Adjustedb / -64 ml (19) / -103 to -26 / 0.001
HLD < 2 years
Crudea / -130 ml (40) / -0.209 to -0.051 / 0.001
Adjustedb / -127 ml (39) / -0.203 to -0.052 / 0.001
FVC – 1992
SRI <5 years
Crudea / -51 ml (24) / -99 to -2 / 0.04
Adjustedb / -41 ml (23) / -87 to 4 / 0.07
HLD < 2 years
Crudea / -181 ml (48) / -275 to -87 / <0.001
Adjustedb / -188 ml (45) / -277 to -99 / <0.001
FEV/FVC – 1992
SRI <5 years
Crudea / -0.761% (0.246) / -1.243 to -0.278 / 0.002
Adjustedb / -0.759% (0.251) / -1.251 to -0.266 / 0.003
HLD < 2 years
Crudea / 0.270% (0.475) / -0.660 to 1.200 / 0.5
Adjustedb / 0.449% (0.489) / -0.510 to 1.409 / 0.4
l: litre ml: mille litre
acontrolling for age, height bcontrolling for age, height, sex, maternal smoking, maternal asthma, social class and random effects for centre
Table 4B: Association between severe respiratory infections before 5 years (SRI), hospitalisation for lung disease before 2 years (HLD) and indicators of asthma, excluding patients diagnosed with asthma < 5 years: mixed effects regression model.
Self report asthma
SRI <5 years Yes
No / 133 (14.7)
773 (85.3)
Crude / 1.53 / 1.24 to 1.87 / <0.001
Adjusteda / 1.48 / 1.19 to 1.83 / <0.001
HLD < 2 years Yes
No / 31 (3.13)
958 (96.9)
Crude / 1.52 / 1.02 to 2.26 / <0.001
Adjusteda / 1.49 / 0.99 to 2.25 / <0.001
New self report asthma
SRI <5 years Yes
No / 62 (13.51)
397 (86.49)
Crude / 1.47 / 1.11 to 1.95 / 0.007
Adjusteda / 1.48 / 1.03 to 1.85 / 0.03
HLD < 2 years Yes
No / 16 (3.29)
470 (96.71)
Crude / 1.58 / 0.93 to 2.68 / 0.09
Adjusteda / 1.60 / 0.94 to 2.73 / 0.08
Current Wheeze
SRI <5 years Yes
No / 326 (14.3)
1,954 (85.70)
Crude / 1.69 / 1.46 to 1.97 / <0.001
Adjusteda / 1.67 / 1.43 to 1.95 / <0.001
HLD < 2 years Yes
No / 83 (3.39)
2,366 (96.61)
Crude / 1.76 / 1.30 to 2.36 / <0.001
Adjusteda / 1.68 / 1.24 to 2.27 / <0.001
Persistent Wheeze
SRI <5 years Yes
No / 204 (15.07)
1,150 (84.93)
Crude / 1.19 / 0.92 to 1.53 / 0.01
Adjusteda / 1.17 / 0.91 to 1.53 / 0.03
HLD < 2 years Yes
No / 59 (3.99)
1,420 (96.01)
Crude / 1.82 / 1.09 to 3.00 / 0.001
Adjusteda / 1.91 / 1.13 to 3.23 / 0.001
New Current Wheeze
SRI <5 years Yes
No / 83 (9.85)
760 (90.15)
Crude / 1.14 / 0.88 to 1.46 / 0.11
Adjusteda / 1.17 / 0.91 to 1.51 / 0.09
HLD < 2 years Yes
No / 25 (2.75)
883 (97.25)
Crude / 1.68 / 1.07 to 2.64 / 0.08
Adjusteda / 1.75 / 1.11 to 2.77 / 0.05
acontrolling for age, sex, maternal smoking, maternal asthma, social class and random effects for centre.
Table 3C: Association between severe respiratory infections before 5 years (SRI), hospitalisation for lung disease before 2 years (HLD) and lung function measurements excluding those with self reported asthma and current wheeze in 1992: mixed effects regression model.
Outcome / Difference in the outcome: Coefficient (standard error) / 95% CI / P ValueFEV – 1992
SRI <5 years
Crudea / -73 ml (0.024) / -121 to -26 / 0.002
Adjustedb / -63 ml (0.022) / -106 to -19 / 0.005
HLD < 2 years
Crudea / -80 ml (0.049) / -176 to 16 / 0.10
Adjustedb / -74 ml (0.045) / -163 to 17 / 0.11
FVC – 1992
SRI <5 years
Crudea / -48 ml (0.029) / -105 to 9 / 0.09
Adjustedb / -35 ml (0.027) / -88 to 17 / 0.19
HLD < 2 years
Crudea / -145 ml (0.059) / -261 to -29 / 0.01
Adjustedb / -144 ml (0.055) / -252 to -36 / 0.009
FEV/FVC – 1992
SRI <5 years
Crudea / -0.851% (0.280) / -1.400 to -0.302 / 0.002
Adjustedb / -0.872% (0.284) / -1.431 to -0.314 / 0.002
HLD < 2 years
Crudea / 0.933% (0.568) / -0.181 to 2.047 / 0.10
Adjustedb / 1.040% (0.579) / -0.094 to 2.174 / 0.08
Figure 1: Metaanalysis: Serious respiratory infection < 5 years and self reported asthma
p for heterogeneity= 0.2
Figure 2 Metaanalysis: Serious respiratory infection < 5 years and current wheeze
p for heterogeneity= 0.4