Online Registration Now Open for CADCA’s 2010 Mid-Year Training Institute
More than 1,000 drug abuse prevention leaders from across the country will convene in Phoenix, Ariz. on July 26-29, 2010 for Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADCA)’s 2010 Mid-Year Training Institute (link to: CADCA’s Mid-Year Training Institute is the only intensive, coalition-specific training opportunity of its kind, providing in-depth courses specifically designed to address a community leader’s biggest concerns and obstacles. The event will be held at the beautiful JW Marriott Desert Ridge Resort (
CADCA’s Mid-Year is not the typical conference. Participants take part in ½ day, 1-day and 2-day courses on everything from how to run a community anti-drug coalition to how to implement environmental strategies. The format of the training allows for small group work, real practice and knowledge application—the kind of adult learning experience that has been shown to be effective.
The theme this year is “Coalitions Rising: Reaching New Heights,” with the goal to provide community drug abuse prevention practitioners with the knowledge and skills to take their efforts to a higher level so they can make a real dent on their community’s substance abuse problems.
“This will be the 9th year of our Mid-Year Training Institute, and while it has grown in number of attendees over the years the emphasis on high quality professional development and outstanding coalition training remains the same,” said Gen. Arthur T. Dean, CADCA Chairman and CEO. “Participants will walk away with practical tools that can be applied immediately in their community.”
Courses will cover the following topics:
- Evaluation & Research
- Coalition management
- Leadership building
- Comprehensive community initiatives
- Diffusion of innovation
- Management of community resources
- Creating alliances
- Sustainability
- Special “Clinics” on Environmental Strategies and Media Outreach
At this year’s Mid-Year, CADCA will debut a new feature – Drug Specific Panels. During these panels, community leaders and experts will dialogue about evidence-based and promising strategies that have been used successfully to impact drug-specific problems and reduce risk factors. Each of the five panels will focus on the following drugs: tobacco, marijuana, methamphetamine, prescription and over-the-counter drugs and inhalants.
In addition, the Mid-Year will offer Personal Coaching sessions, which provide coalition leaders an opportunity to meet one-on-one with seasoned coalition leaders who have been there and understand the challenges that community work can bring. And of course, The Mid-Year will also offer CADCA’s signature youth leadership building program – the National Youth Leadership Initiative, a unique program that helps coalitions build their capacity to foster youth leadership, so that youth and adults can work together to prevent drug and alcohol use.
Click here ( to register now! Visit the Mid-Year website( to learn more.
For questions about the Mid-Year, send an e-mail to .