ONLINE MEETING English 22. November 2017

Musik: Youtube: Les Arbre des Lumiere,

Life / Love Life – God – God is everywhere!

Welcome, my dear friends, to our OM this evening, Wednesday, November 22nd, 2017.

I am glad that you have joined us all again and that together we want to receive the power of God.

Please pay attention to your posture – don’t cross arms and legs - and do not think of any illnesses or problems, but get rid of all your bad thoughts and everything that has burdened you, let it go anyway.

These community hours on the internet serve to make us (of course also healthy) but as Bruno Groening said, "it's not just about the healthy part, yes, you have to achieve it, but (like some people saying "Go ahead, get me well, otherwise I do not believe), this way it doesn’t work, no, you have to get rid of everything that has weighed you down and burdened you, also the thoughts of anger, grieve and fear ... "Yes, dear friends, that means, cooperating ACTIVELY and do not let it passively wash over….That is always a danger that one falls into consuming and then one wonders if nothing happens. You need to break the habits, you have to ask God for you to become free, you have to change things that are not good for you. Direct your eyes in another way and ask the SUPREME for support ....

These OMs are primarily meant to get us into a higher vibration, to be confident, to get forward to our spiritual path, to be receptive in HERE AND NOW and to connect with the divine energy. That's the essence of these OMs. Of course, the healings and cures are a wonderful besides effect and we will hear even today of healings that are wonderful and strengthening in faith.

(Slide) So let us start with Eileen Caddy’s daily guidance from her precious book: Opening doors within:

16. November

The most important lesson to learn in life is to love. Love is so strong that it is indestructible, yet you can’t touch it. You can know about it, you can feel it, but yet you can not hold it, for as soon as you try, it will slip away like mercury. One cannot possess love, it is as free as the wind and goes where it wants. Go with love. Love is unity and wholeness. Love knows no limits, no barriers. Love is accompanied by freedom. It is fear that binds and limits a soul, it is love that liberates everything and cuts through all fetters. Love opens all doors, changes lives and melts the hardest heart. Love is creative, it builds by creating beauty, harmony and oneness. She works for everything, not against it. Love brings such joy that it can’t be suppressed. She sings and dances through life. Is love in your heart? Love for each other? It starts in you and continues to look outward.

22. November

Always see the bright side of life. Expect only the very best to come about, and see it do so. Never blame anyone else for the negative state you are in. You are your own master; it is up to you to reverse the picture and see what is on the other side. If you choose to see the gloomy side of life, do not expect to draw to you those souls who know the joy of true freedom, for like attracts like; you will draw to you only those souls who are in the same state. When you are on top of the world and live it flowing freely from you, you will draw all, for everyone enjoys a joyful soul. Learn to lift a person or a situation, and never allow yourself to be dragged down into the depths of despair by anyone else's attitude. You are here to create peace, harmony, beauty and perfection, all the very best in life, so get on and do something about it!

Text above is from Opening Doors Within, published by Findhorn Press and currently available in 16 languages.

Here now a video full of love with Bruno Gröning, which love for us people can’t be described.

Youtube: Video–BG – Messenger of God

Yes, dear ones, I hope you can feel the LOVE that Bruno Gröning had for us humans and still has for us. It is a small expression of the love vibration that we ought to encourage, to absorb and to transmit in ourselves, as much and as often as possible.

(Slide) Today we want to review some of our historical documents in our extensive program. I have selected a booklet that you will also find in (in German language)the archive of the Bruno Gröning Foundation. This booklet is written by Gaston de Vaire.

Here, too, of course, we must cut back on the truth and the expression of this booklet. Nevertheless, this brochure is one of the few that is 90% positive and therefore I would like to share it with you. Today, we will only create about a 30 % of the brochure and then continue next time it fits the content.



From week to week the interest in the healing of the sick by Bruno Gröning is rising. When his name is heard, many ears are open wide. Also outside of Germany people are following the destiny by the so called “doctor of miracles”.

(Slide) Who is Bruno Gröning? One knows about him and wants to get to know more about him. His beneficial actions have got thousands of sick growing joyful again.

(Slide) Health – recovery for body and mind – in these words not only the greatest hope lays in it, the final aim of mankind, but also the way to this aim. By designating these words, the earth starts to blossom, the vaults of heaven gets bright and sunny, we do not only feel the worth of life, we do not only recognize the meaning of life, we are getting filled up with something unspeakable, which makes us happy.

Who regains his health and recovers again his divine faith, himself has become a healer of the world.

May this document illumine the beneficial ministry of a simple chaste soul. You too, dear reader, move also closer to him.You will find a friend within him, as he wants to be a friend to all people -of good will

Gaston de Vaire

(Slide) A riddle and his interpretation

Undoubtedly there are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamed of in our philosophy (Shakespeare).The well known healing success and already approved by pundits are belonging to those not measurable and ponderable riddles, which cannot be figured out by human intellect.

It should not be the sense and the task of this document, to give a psychoanalytic, academic interpretation of the phenomenon “Gröning”; we will dedicate the judgement of the healing activity of Gröning to the pundits. Thereby we suspect the pundits won't bring their opinions to a common thread.

(Slide)In this document only the activities and life of Gröning shall be illustrated in a most thinkable sober way, for the reader can make his own view and judgement. Therefore it is basically renounced on any seek of sensation, so it is only represented, what indeed could be really proved. Only the cases, which could be verified are mentioned here.

Prof. Fischer has himself detailed engaged with Gröning. A detailed assessment is expected. The Heidelberg examinations will be the base for the judgement of the scientists. The questions will be answered, which of Grönings healing -methods has to be taken seriously, and for which cases Grönings healing-methods could be utilised. Prof. Fischer tried to examine the “symptom Gröning”the from the psychotherapeutic point of view. By doing that, he had created a platform on which the conventional medicine ad psychotherapy has to explore, that the sicknesses, which are also mental induced in follow of a stroke of fate has rises in the past years in a dimension, which none considered as possible. This also has touched those social classes, which their natural lives before hadn't been touched by those mental infections. Here it is clearly said,which tasks we have to solve: conventional medicine and psychotherapy have to overcome this threatening situation in common. And as Prof. Fischer also says, the case Gröning is just a symptom in this context.

(Slide) Gröning has started the big ball rolling. Conventional medicine and psychotherapy have to expand their methods and, correctly measured out, connect to each other. Because it can't be, that chronically sick, running from doctor to doctor, and sink into despair with the diagnosis “incurable”, and at least, magnetically getattracted by any kind of “miracle – doctor” looking out for their only way out from their disease. Those endless people, which suffering could be healed through mental influence, will follow the efforts and the discussion, which has been flared with a burning interest upon his person.

It isn’t that easy as Prof Dr. Bumke, a medical capacity, judges on Gröning. Prof. Bumke said:” What Gröning does, we already do for 70 years. We don’t need him.” It shouldn't be denied, that our medicine has had outstanding results and still achieves it daily. Many of them use the psychotherapy and also have success, which are certainly not put into the spotlight of journalism. But it’s wrong to reject the phenomenon of Gröning as Prof.Bumke did. It reminds us to well-known paragons of the past. Let us remember how Columbus has been laughed at, before he went for his discovery journey; that even Luther has seen this tremendous act as a folly; how Lavoisier has been looked at as a fool by the science, because he had claimed, that the air is made of two gases, oxygen and nitrogen, and therefore it is no element. Robert Mayers discovery about the conservation of energy was mocked by the scientists in a way, that he in despair jumped out of the window. The numbers of these examples could be continued and Prof Bumke should be careful with his utterances. Anyway it is enjoyable to read from the already mentioned and well known Prof Dr. Fischer, that definitively could be find a way to lead Grönings talent into orderly pathways, and this way let him work for the benefit of suffering man.

So, who strives to interpret the riddle Gröning, won't have difficulties to find the key of his acting.


Bruno Gröning was the fourth child of the foreman Grönkowsky (1936 they change the name into Gröning) and is born on the 30th of May in 1906 in Danzig. The father was a rough and harsh man. As a child, that barely could speak, he often liked to escape into the loneliness. The pets of his neighbour he liked more than his brothers and sisters. When he grow up, he discovered the big forest, near his family home. For him the forest was a secret world.

(Slide) Little Bruno was a misfit between all those working-class children, which hadn`t been seen before in the Ludolfinger Street in Danzig (Am Hasenwinkel 19).Often he was missed for days. No one knew of what he was living.Because of the rule in his home, that if someone was late for dinner, wouldn't get anything,he often had to starve for a long time. Neighbours often saw him, lying under a bush, studying grasses and flowers prayerful.With animals he had a dearly relationship.

(Slide)Also at school he rested being a misfit and gave many riddles to his teachers. It was reported many times, that he had clairvoyant abilities, even already as a pupil.When school ended, he again disappeared into his forests. He made many experiments with sick animals. The animals simply followed him. It was as if he would force them to his will. When they lied sick, they followed him into the forest. Because his siblings were playing tricks of him, and made him responsible for, he draw back himself more and more intrinsically.

(Slide)So Bruno Gröning got 8 years old. It was the summer before the First World War (1914). Filled-up with a busy activity, he ran errands and overtook little works for the neighbours. But for this courtesy – and that was the peculiar- he didn't let himself get paid with money for it, but with bread. This earned bread he dried secretly. And if he would get money, he bought himself also bread from it, dried it and stored it in a shed.

(Slide) He didn’t tell anyone about this. But his siblings came behind that and called him a real fool. But however he went on collecting and drying bread. Has he foreseen and felt the coming need and the disaster of the First World War? Because when the first food ration coupons for bread appeared, he came to his mother with his stocks, and gave it to her. “She doesn't have to worry, he has made provisions”. That time she was frightened about her own child, because the signs of the mystical, which adheres to him, would increase by that.

(Slide) This event followed him for a long time. In the year 1915 he got sick from bloody flux, had fever for weeks and was already given up by the doctor. But Bruno Gröning overcame the sickness and got healthy again.For those, who follows the life of BG in all it's stages, the thought arises, that these months of sickness with their aloofness of the world and the life at the source of death could be an important step in the early development to his special abilities.

Years of apprenticeship and marriage

(Folie) Prematurely Bruno Gröning left school. A life full of changes and movements started. He was given to commercial apprenticeship, but couldn't bear the countinghouse and learned carpentry. Here he was skilful and already in his third year of learning he became a foreman.

(Folie) But even as a carpenter, he didn't get satisfaction. He was always seeking for a new field of activity. So he changed from profession to profession. He was waiter, film conductor and confectioner, yes, even as a deliveryman for telegrams. It was, as if he now would like to get to know his surrounding after he had lived a long time in a loneliness. He everywhere fits in, but didn't find calmness. The whole surrounding looked at him as an exceptionable human with a phenomenal empathy, because on any field he convinced with superior skills.

He hadn't any relationship to women since then. May be it was his special kind, which doesn't allow him to get into a relationship with a woman. He still lived with his parents. But the relation to his siblings and in special to his father wasn't well. So it was understandable, that it was his entreaty to leave.

(Slide)With very modest means, he started a carpentery and got self-employed. There he thought he has to marry now. It was simply the urge to get a home of his own. In the age of twenty-one, not experienced with women, he married a girl who hasn't any relation to him. The marriage was more an accidental coming together of a boy, tapping and searching in the world without knowing, only presaging about his abilities and a simple woman, a woman who has no understanding for Gröning and looked at his abilities as quirk and laughed at him and offended him.

(Slide) Gröning felt himself misunderstood. He had escaped from his parents, but also hadn't won a home of his own. He would have liked to get rid off this marriage, but then in 1931, a son was born, Harald, which saved the marriage from outside.

Of course one would ask now, why could have died his children, in spite of he could help so many severe sick ones? The relationship to his wife was especially wound up during the sickness of the first child. She hated the abilities of her husband and with her fussy jealousy, she withdraw the boy, because she didn't want her child to deliver to his “magic”, and brought him to a hospital in Danzig, where it died. Maybe at that time he maybe had to recognize, that he always was helpless, where people do not long for his help from out of themselves.

We don't want to go into every bagatelle of his life and in no way to get under suspicious, to glorify bagatelles, which belongs to human daily life.

(Slide)During the Second World War, he got into war imprisonment, but stayed healthy and got free in 1946. Then he turned to Western Germany, and brought into life an emergency association for the refugees. He followed the call of the Herford family Hülsmann, who had heard about his healing abilities. Here, in Herford, Wilhelmsplace 7, BG came into the limelight of the public.

In the focus of the day

(Slide) In Spring of 1949, when Bruno Gröning appeared in the small Westphalian county town of Herford without publicity, no one could have guessed that his undoubtedly mystical personality was accepted and respected not only in Germany, but in the whole world to a degree that was fantastic in the 20 Century.

Gröning's face looked skinny and ascetic. The facial features could reflect great tension, but also total immersion. Gröning was able to discuss tremendously temperamental; but he could lose all interest in a discussion in the middle of a conversation. Then he just said he works, and "the diagnoses will continue". Aware of being a "transformer" for the emanations of human suffering and even sending out his healing powers, he was quite sure. Very striking were his eyes. They were of a strong blue, attentive but always distant.