ATSA BOD Meeting Agenda August 20, 2017 4pm PST APPROVED

Dial(605) 475-4000Access code:1062379

Meeting called to order by 2016 President, Laurie Ball-Gisch

Roll Call: Laurie Ball-Gisch, Heather Carter, Staci Holtby, Gale Johnson, Virginia Scholomiti, Linda Gilkey, Martin Dally

Old Business

  • Unanimous approval of 15 December 2016 Meeting Minutes.
  • Vote tally on searchable database: Total of 3 votes (1 Yes vote, 2 No)
  • Heather Carter would like to see the searchable database moved forward as she continues to have requests for pedigree searches from individual members.
  • Virginia Scholomiti wonders if the association is considering a ram catalog or flockbook?
  • Heather Carter, Registrar publishes the flock book on a 2-year schedule. 2014 and 2015 are available on the ATSA website now.
  • Education bullet point for next newsletter. Laurie Ball-Gisch requested Heather write an article about inquiry issues and solicit input from members in lite of the current situation where there are not new genetics coming from the UK now.
  • Website. Hosting options: Blue Host, Squarespace, Wix. Heather Carter volunteered to prepare a report of host options and quotes for the next meeting.
  • Does the BOD want to entertain registrations back from the TSSNA, other than as foundation animals?
  • Currently ATSA accepts TSSNA registrations that can be traced back to ATSA registered stock (lines unbroken is a stipulation). If an animal cannot be traced back to ATSA stock it goes to the foundation category.
  • UK registered stock may or may not be subject to foundation restrictions
  • Do we want to open it up for stock to be registered not recorded animals from the TSSNA? This would entail a bylaw change. For reference the UK is accepting animals for inclusion that may or may not meet ATSA rules. TSSNA has same requirements as ATSA at this time. UK has opened up criteria. Concern regarding disregard for the pedigree. Discussion regarding the UK ewe of merit status vs an ATSA verification process that would include inspection of the pedigree to meet specific set criteria (i.e.: no color, percentage >X%, etc.). There are animals in the UK flock book now and this could affect the ATSA soon. Currently the ATSA bylaws state that entry into the UK flock book = 100% animal in the ATSA Registry. Does the ATSA want to tighten the bylaws with verification of UK Flockbook entry AND ATSA registrar verification of X % Teeswater prior to making the animal 100%? Virginia Scholomiti offered the history that original the UK came forward and gave criteria and some breeders stepped up for inspection and other breeders looked at the criteria and said, ‘I don’t meet that criteria at this time’. UK allowed animals in the supplemental registry that did not meet original qualifications/criteria. 7 animals met the criteria. Any given ewe of merit in the UK flockbook will have offspring that ATSA would be obligated to register at 100% under current rules. Virginia Scholomiti would like to see the ATSA work with the UK moving forward. Heather Carter made a motion to amend the bylaws. Staci Holtby seconded the motion. 4 yes votes (unanimous)
  • Rack Cards (June 2016 Meeting) tabled 20 August 2017
  • Livestock Conservancy update by Laurie Ball-Gisch. There are a couple of parameters we are unable to meet. American Teeswaters do not fit the Livestock Conservancy description of Heritage. (Heritage = True genetic breed when mated breeds true to type and has been in the USA since 1925.) Their other criteria for admittance is a US population that reciprocates to other world populations. Laurie Ball-Gisch requests this item be dismissed from the agenda in view of the above facts. Virginia Scholomiti updated the BOD that the Wensleydale submitted to the Livestock Conservancy. She pointed out that the Teeswaters in the UK Flock Book may make us eligible for consideration in the future.

New business:

  • Treasurers report by Gale Johnson

Account balance as of the date of this meeting is $3,935.

No expenditures since last report.

  • Secretary report by Staci Holtby
  • 2 New members
  • 12 Current members, 10 voting members
  • ATSA Newsletter status. Board agrees that 3 newsletters a year is sufficient until further need arises
  • 2 BOD positions coming vacant this fall
  • Ballots will be mailed Sept 1, due back Oct 1

Email Dues reminder

  • Registrar report by Heather Carter
  • Since January 2017: 29 animals registered, 5 transfers
  • Flock Book 2014 & 2015 in website!
  • Jan 2018 Heather will update to 2016. She can do a 1-year report if there is interest, it may not be complete as breeders have 2 years to register stock.
  • EPD programs NSIP. Heather will do a newsletter or Email Blast
  • Ewe of merit, elite inscription process
  • Black Sheep Gathering 2017 report by Heather Carter. Joy Dally & Heather Carter showed livestock. Joy Dally, Holly Partridge & Staci Holtby/Gale Johnson entered fleeces in the fleece show. Due to the lack of entries the fleece show was rolled into the larger fleece show. Heather has photos for the newsletter. ATSA may want to look at promoting fiber/fleece shows in other regions. This could mean a fiber display, breeders in attendance to answer questions of viewers, purchasing ATSA ribbons, setting aside a $$ amount to go toward the judge.
  • Annual foundation ram exemption & QR ram exemption for 2018
  • The Fall 2017/2018 UPGRADING GUIDELINES FOR QR Ram exemption were reviewed, motion made & seconded to accept the guideline. Vote passed unanimously.
  • The Fall 2017/2018 UPGRADING GUIDELINES FOR FOUNDATION Ram exemption was reviewed, motion made and seconded to accept the guidelines. Does the BOD want to look at allowing foundation rams and QR rams to the bylaws? Foundation ram for F1

guideline. Vote passed unanimously to move this item forward to a membership vote.

  • Virginia Scholomiti reported ideas to move forward with some sort of ads and/or articles to promote our fiber. She is working on joint advertisement to promote and highlight the breeds. Several members have expressed interest. She would like to see ATSA articles and coordinate and submit on why we have different breeds and why registered stock is important to the fiber consumer. Fiber breeders are cropping up and selling fiber, but it is hybrid in nature. Focus on registered animals and implications to breed improvement.
  • Newletter articles to discuss the value of breeds and REGISTERED stock
  • Martin Dally
  • Shepherds Lane sale of ram issue not resolved from prior BOD. Expressed that he felt the association never tried to address the issue. Twice he spoke w/ current BOD member and was promised the issue would be brought forward and it has not until this date.
  • Martin enlightened the BOD that hiscopywrited photoshave been used by the association without his permission. At the time of this meeting those photos are yet in use. He feels compensation is due for the use of photos without permission.
  • Martin expressed disappointments in the handling of the BSG wool show. He offered constructive feedback. A national wool show should have a steward to help the judges. Ribbons by the association. The teeswaters were combined with other classes due to lack of participation (3 members). The association could help pay for the judge and be more proactive in preparing shows, with banners and booths manned by stewards of the association.
  • Martin expressed concern for the future of this breed as semen is very difficult to import with the given USDA protocol. Martin submitted 3 rams for testing and S McFarland submitted 3 rams for testing. ALL rams failed the protocol. He feels the future of the breed in the USA is precarious is breeders are not diligent to break up their inbreeding co-efficient. (i.e.: use of accepted longwool breeds to breed up and introduce new genetics into the pool)

Annual Membership & BOD meeting October

Meeting Adjourned

Respectfully Submitted,
Staci R Holtby

ATSA Secretary