Discussion Rubric Sample I

Online Discussion Guidelines

You will be expected to participate in the class online discussion forum every week. This will include reading assignments and participating actively in asynchronous online discussions. You will be required to respond to the discussion question and respond two other student's postings each week. A quality messages is one in which you cite the book and other resources as requested. The instructor will assign discussion questions or topics to discuss for each week.

Each response posted by participants must clearly tie back to the reading materials and/or course content. Students are encouraged to discuss personal or professional experiences. Participants should be able to make their arguments, describe experiences, or discuss alternative perspectives within the context of the reading materials. Therefore, each comment should explicitly connect with some aspect of the readings.

Guidelines: For the online discussion forums, each response should be no more than three paragraphs or one computer screen. It may be helpful to create an outline or to plan responses before writing them. Jotting down some notes or writing responses on a word processor may assist participants in including all of the important points. When replying to messages, participants MUST refer to the topic or paragraph they are replying to by either including the quote or referring to the topic in the message.

Original Post / Feedback Post #1 / Feedback Post #2
4 Points: Response clearly addressed questions asked and utilized information (readings, previous class discussions) that was addressed in some aspect of the class, examples were pertinent and matched with the content. Response showed original thought and creative application and was not just reiterated from the book or other materials.
3 Points: Response mostly addressed questions asked and utilized at least some information (reading, previous class discussions) that was addressed in some aspect of the class, and examples were pertinent and matched with the content. Response showed some original thought and creative application although some seemed reiterated from the book or other materials. / 3 Points: Thought-provoking response in either agreement or disagreement, with clearly stated rationale citing course resources. / 3 Points: Thought-provoking response in either agreement or disagreement, with clearly stated rationale citing course resources.

Discussion Rubric Sample I – pg 2

2 Point: Response somewhat addressed questions asked and utilized at least some information (research, reading, previous class discussions) that was addressed in some aspect of the class. Examples were marginally connected to the content. Response showed little original thought. / 2 Points: Good response in either agreement or disagreement, with rationale citing course resources. / 2 Points: Good response in either agreement or disagreement, with rationale citing course resources.
1 Points: Response did not address questions asked. Little or no class information (readings, previous class discussions) was addressed and had few or poor examples. / 1 Point: Somewhat interesting response in either agreement or disagreement, with some rationale, but little connection to unit topic. / 1 Point: Somewhat interesting response in either agreement or disagreement, with some rationale, but little connection to unit topic.
0 Points: Not submitted on time or does not provide a clear response using course resources. / 0 Points: Not submitted on time or does not provide a clear response using course resources. / 0 Points: Not submitted on time or does not provide a clear response using course resources.
Discussion Posts (based on above rubric) / Points possible / Points earned
Initial Post / 4
1st response Post: / 3
2nd response Post / 3
TOTAL / 10

Instructor feedback

Discussion Rubric Sample 2: Debate


For this performance assessment you will participate in a debate with a peer about [TOPIC]. The debate will be performed before an audience of classmates.
1. Begin by studying the history of the problem to be debated. State the point of view you will advocate. Decide the relevant issues you intend to present. Determine which arguments you will use as evidence to support your point.
2. Gather facts and figures, details, examples, quotations, and specifics as evidence to support your arguments. You must cite every reference used, including web sites. This list must be turned in via the dropbox. (You must use at least three sources.)
3. Try to identify the major arguments your opponents are likely to use. Then find data with which to rebut these arguments.
1. The debate will begin with each learner posting three to four paragraphs to present his/her point of view, arguments, or supporting evidence.
2. A rebuttal post of at least two paragraphs will follow.
The debates will be assessed using the scoring guide. Submit a sheet citing all of the references you used in preparing your debate via the dropbox.

Directions to Evaluator

This assessment can be completed as a team or small group assignment. You might compile a list of resources for learners to use in researching their topics.

Discussion Rubric Sample 2: Debate – pg 2


Scoring Standard

You must achieve a rating of at least "1" or "yes" on each criterion to demonstrate competence.

Rating Scale

0Little effort put forth, incomplete, poor organization

1Adequate, mostly complete, fairly organized

2Thorough, complete, high quality, well organized

Scoring Guide

Criteria / Ratings
1. you state your position / 2 1 0
2. you present complete, relevant evidence needed to support the position / 2 1 0
3. you present accurate information / 2 1 0
4. you present the information in an organized manner / 2 1 0
5. your rebuttal is specific to arguments made by the opposing side / 2 1 0
6. you use relevant evidence in the rebuttal / 2 1 0
7. you cite all references appropriately / 2 1 0
8. you show respect for the opposing side throughout the debate / yes no

Total Points ______



Discussion Rubric Sample 3


For this performance assessment you will make a post to the discussion board on [TOPIC].
Follow these directions when completing your post. [DIRECTIONS]

Directions to Evaluator

This performance assessment is designed to provide a generic scoring guide for a discussion post. Customize the directions and scoring guide to fit your specific assessment.

Discussion Post

Scoring Standard

You must achieve a rating of at least "2" on each criterion to demonstrate competence.

Rating Scale

0Work is missing, incorrect, or incomplete

1Work does not meet criterion

2Work meets criterion at a basic level of competence

3Work meets and exceeds criterion

Scoring Guide

Criteria / Ratings
1. Discussion Post fulfills a clear purpose / 3 2 1 0
2. Discussion Post reflects accurate analysis of the target audience / 3 2 1 0
3. Discussion Post shows evidence of logical critical thinking / 3 2 1 0
4. Discussion Post follows an effective organizational plan / 3 2 1 0
5. Discussion Post follows prescribed format, meeting criteria for all components / 3 2 1 0
6. Discussion Post exhibits correct and appropriate grammar, punctuation, spelling, syntax, and word usage / 3 2 1 0

Total Points ______



Discussion Rubric Sample 4


The purpose of this discussion is to encourage reflection and sharing of your different knowledge and experiences. For that reason there will be a scheduled, assessed on-line discussion via the Discussion Board in this course.
Using the included Scoring Guide, I will assess your contribution by inspecting:
The frequency of your reading of the discussion
The quality of your contributions, based on facilitation of discussion, insight, contribution to knowledge, etc.
The frequency of your contributions
Using the included Scoring Guide

Discussion Sample I - General Discussion

Scoring Standard

You must achieve a total of at least 12 points.

Rating Scale

Frequency of Reading

0Little or no reading of discussion

1Read 1 time / week

2Read 2 times / week

3Read 3 times / week

4Read 4 times / week

5Read 5 times / week or more

Quality of postings

0Did not contribute

1Made 1 or 2 postings, of poor quality

2Made a few valid contributions

3Made a few good contributions

4Made several good contributions

5Made several good contributions and one or more outstanding contribution

Discussion Rubric Sample 4: Debate – pg 2

Attribution of references

0Cut and paste or absent contributions

1Used ideas/ words of others without attribution

2Sources generally referenced

3Clear referencing of all sources

4Clear referencing of all sources, some relevant

5Clear referencing of well-chosen and highly relevant sources

Evidence of collaboration / facilitation skills


1Little or no recognition of contributions of others

2Basic recognition of contributions of others

3Some evidence of links to contributions of others

4Skill shown in weaving contributions into general discussion or following up on contributions of others

5Skill shown in weaving contributions into general discussion, following up on contributions of others

Scoring Guide

Criteria / Ratings
1. Frequency of Reading / 0 1 2 3 4 5
2. Quality of Postings / 0 1 2 3 4 5
3. Attribution of References / 0 1 2 3 4 5
4. Evidence of Collaboration / Facilitation Skills / 0 1 2 3 4 5

Total Points ______



Discussion Rubric Sample 5


Weekly discussion topics have been established based on the content for each unit. Additional guidelines for discussion posts will be included in the discussion topic itself.
Your discussion posts will be assessed using the included scoring guide.
Discussion postings that meet all criteria for a grade level will receive the highest points possible at that level. Postings that meet mixed levels of criteria will receive a score within the point range of the appropriate levels.
Participation in discussion activities can only be measured by the date on the discussion posting. For example, participating 3 times during the week is measured by postings on 3 different days; there may actually be 5-6 postings, but participation only occurred 3 times during the week.

Scoring Standard

You must achieve at least a "1" rating in all categories to pass. All scores above "0" will be averaged for your final discussion grade.

4 = A3 = B2 = C1 = D0 = F

Rating Scale


4Learner has participated 3 or more times during the week and have posted outstanding information

3Learner has participated at least 2 times during the week and have posted proficient information

2Learner has participated at least 1 time during the week and have posted basic information

1Learner has participated at least 1 time during the week and have posted information that was below expectations

0Learner has not participated at least 1 time during the week


4Postings are made in time for others to read and respond and at lest one posting was made within the first 24 hours

3Postings are made in time for others to read and respond

2Postings may not all be made in time for others to read and respond

1Most postings are not made in time for others to read and respond

0No postings are made, or postings are not made in time for others to read and respond

Discussion Rubric Sample 5 – pg 2


4Postings deliver information that is full of thought, insight, and analysis

3Postings deliver information that shows that thought, insight, and analysis have taken place

2Postings are generally competent, but the actual information they deliver seems thin and commonplace

1Postings are rudimentary and superficial; there is no evidence of insight or analysis

0No postings are made


4Postings make connections to previous or current content or to real-life situations

3Postings make connections to previous or current content or to real-life situations, but the connections are not really clear or are too obvious

2Postings make limited, if any, connections, and those art often cast in the form of vague generalities

1Postings are not connected to previous or current content, or relevant real-life situations

0No postings are made


4Postings contain rich and fully developed new ideas, connections, or applications

3Postings contain new ideas, connections, or applications, but they may lack depth and/or detail

2Postings contain few, if any, new ideas or applications; often are a rehashing or summary of other comments

1Postings may be completely off topic

0No postings are made

Scoring Guide

Criteria / Ratings
1. Discussion posts indicate regular participation / 4 3 2 1 0
2. Discussion posts are made in a timely manner / 4 3 2 1 0
3. Discussion posts demonstrate insight into the topic / 4 3 2 1 0
4. Discussion posts Make connections to content matter or relevant real-life situations / 4 3 2 1 0
5. Discussion posts present new ideas, connections, or applications / 4 3 2 1 0

Total Points ______



Discussion Rubric Sample 6


This scoring guide will be used to assess your participation in the discussion forum. Your instructor will evaluate your participation [NUMBER OF TIMES] during the semester.

Scoring Standard

You must achieve an average rating of "2" on all categories

Rating Scale

0No posting




Scoring Guide

Criteria / Ratings
1. Discussion post is focused on the topic / 0 1 2 3
2. Discussion post contains organized ideas/thoughts / 0 1 2 3
3. Learner shows evidence of critical thinking in the discussion post / 0 1 2 3
4. Discussion post correlates to assigned readings / 0 1 2 3
5. Learner uses outside resources/ citations in the discussion post / 0 1 2 3
6. Learner demonstrates thoughtfulness in discussion post interactions / 0 1 2 3
7. Learner responds to others / 0 1 2 3
8. Discussion post demonstrates use of correct grammar / mechanics / 0 1 2 3
9. Discussion post is made in a timely manner according to the course schedule / 0 1 2 3

Total Points ______



Discussion Rubric Sample 7

Online Discussions

You will be expected to participate in the class online discussion forum every week. This will include reading assignments and participating actively in asynchronous online discussions. You will be required to post two to four (exact number will be noted in each module) quality messages per week. A quality messages is one in which you cite the book and other resources as requested. The instructor will assign discussion questions or topics to discuss for each module.

Each response posted by participants must clearly tie back to the reading materials and/or course content. Students are encouraged to discuss personal or professional experiences. Participants should be able to make their arguments, describe experiences, or discuss alternative perspectives within the context of the reading materials. Therefore, each comment should explicitly connect with some aspect of the readings.

Grading Criteria for Online Discussions

The grading of the online discussion activity will be based on your critical thinking demonstrated.

Grading Criteria / Points
Critical Thinking (Demonstrate evidence of dynamic reorganization of knowledge in meaningful and usable ways)
Analysis: Identify main ideas in readings; differentiate core ideas from supporting information; and detail and language demonstrate an understanding of the major concepts. (5 points)
Evaluation: Assess information for its reliability and usefulness; discriminate between relevant and irrelevant information; determine how information can be applied in real-life; and recognize fallacies and errors in reasoning (vagueness, untruths, etc.). (5 points)
Connection: Compare/contrast similarities and differences between concepts; infer unknown generalizations or principles from information or observations; use generalizations and principles to infer unstated conclusions about specific information or situations; identify causal relationships between events or objects. (5 points)
For the online discussion forums, each response should be no more than three paragraphs or one computer screen. It may be helpful to create an outline or to plan responses before writing them. Jotting down some notes or writing responses on a word processor (e.g., MS Word) may assist participants in including all of the important points. When replying to messages, participants MUST refer to the topic or paragraph they are replying to by either including the quote or referring to the topic in the message. / 5

Discussion Rubric Sample 7 – pg 2

Online Discussions

The course is divided into modules during which specific readings are assigned. You will be expected to complete reading assignments and participate actively in online discussions.

You will be required to post at least three (quality) messages per week. For each online discussion module, two class members will be assigned specific roles to facilitate discussion and to summarize discussions. Roles will be assigned at the first class meeting for the entire semester. These roles include:

Facilitator: As the facilitator, you are responsible for initiating the discussion with one or two questions from the readings. As class members respond to your questions, the facilitator extends the discussion by posing new questions on issues that arise out of the discussion. Additionally, the facilitator may refer back to the readings to initiate discussion on another aspect of the topic. Facilitators are responsible for selecting discussion topics based on the readings, setting an agenda for the length of the discussion period, providing brief summaries during the discussion and initiating new topics, and keeping an active and involved discussion going throughout the specified online discussion dates.

Summarizer: As the presenter of the summary, you are responsible for summarizing the discussion and providing all members with a brief review of the main issues, key points that participants made, and any conclusions that the group made. This summary should be posted in the group’s conference on the last day of the module period and should be no more than two to three paragraphs in length.

Contributor: During online discussions, you are required to respond to questions posted by your group members, as well as review and comment on the responses of others through the Blackboard Discussion Board indicating the name of your group. These online discussions will provide an opportunity for you to analyze some of the main concepts in the readings and other current literature and extend your knowledge through interaction with your group.

NOTE:Each response must clearly tie back to the reading materials and/or course content. Participants post comments in a variety of different formats. Some introduce scholarly references from other sources to support or highlight their perspectives. Others discuss personal experiences, while still others bring in professional experiences. Any of these formats are acceptable, but each response must refer back to a point or points in the material. Participants should be able to make their arguments, describe experiences, or discuss alternative perspectives within the context of the material. Therefore, each comment should explicitly connect with some aspect of the readings.

Helpful hints for posting:

  1. Use names
  2. Repeat what others say to indicate understanding (online empathy?)
  3. Admit trouble or lack of understanding, if that is the case
  4. Ask questions
  5. Sign your posting

Discussion Rubric Sample 7 – pg 3