Online Image Requesting(OIR) User Manual

Since GD HQ had centralized the POD copy, many branches having problem when they need the POD image for verification. This system specially designed for branches to request consignment note’s digital image from HQ.

This manual consists of 3 chapters:

  1. How to access Image Requesting System
  2. Image Requesting Process
  3. View Requested Records

1. How to access Image Requesting system.

The system is located in the GD Intranet. User can directly access to GD Intranet through

Or, user can visit to GD Express website at . Then click on the

to access the GD Intranet.

Before user can access to the GD Intranet, they are required to enter their username and password. For user who does not have their own username and password, they can apply from IT Department at GDEX HQ.

After click on the link of the GD Intranet, a login page will be prompted out to let the user to enter their username and password. Then, click on the Login button to login.

Once user successfully login to GD Intranet, user will see the main menu of the GD Intranet as next page.

* Usersare required to click “Log Out” link if they wish to leave the system in order to ensure the security of the system.

Click on the link S.E.C.Don the left column then select the Image Requesting. User will be redirected to the main menu of the Image Requesting system.

2. Image Requesting Process

Once user click the POD & Billing Image Request Entry, a screen as below will appear. User only allow to key in 10 consignment notes number per submission. If user needs to request more, then they have to submit another batch of numbers. User is allows to key in the remarks at the field to remind the administrator at HQ.

After user key in the consignment notes, just click on the Submit button to proceed.

A notification will appear saying that your request had been submitted. Just click the Close button to end the request process.

3. View Requested Record

View Status of Requestis a link that enables the user to view the requested records which have previously submitted. Once user clicks the link, it will redirect the user to page as below:

User has to select the date range and what status they want to view. After decided the choice, click on the Submit button. A list of records according user needs will list out.

At the request status list, user can see the basic information of the record, but if the user needs to see more detail, click on the Detail link, detail information for the entire record will show up.

In this page, beside user can see the details of the request, user also allow to update any remarks for that particular request.

Type the remarks into the field and click on the Add button to update. Remarks can be update at anytime and it’s unlimited. When the administrator at HQ feedback to user’s remarks, the feedback from the administrator will show in the Remarks field.


Online Stationery Requisition System