Online Course Developer’s Guide

Online Course

Developer’s Guide

New Mexico State University

Las Cruces Campus

______Last edited: 1/2/18 22

Online Course Developer’s Guide

Table of Contents

Table of Contents 2

Support and Resources 3

Introduction 3

Quality Courses 3

Accessibility 4

Vocabulary for Online Instruction 4

Role of Quality Matters 5

Online Course Development Process Graphic 6

Professional Development Workshops for Course Design 7

Online Course Development 8

Checklist for Online Course Development 9

Online Course Development Checklist 9

Quality Matters Self-Review 13

Internal Peer Review Process 13

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 14

Appendix A: Syllabus Template 15

Appendix B: Course Map 23

Appendix C: Homepage Template 25

Appendix D: Getting Started Template 26

Appendix E: Module Introduction/Overview Page 27

Appendix F: Quality Matters Non-Annotated Rubric 28

Appendix G: Principles of Accessible Design 29

Appendix H: Pathway to Quality of Online Courses 30

Support and Resources

NMSU Support and Resources

Academic Technology Support (Canvas) / / 646-3014
Distance Education / / 646-1650
Online Course Improvement Program / / 646-5492
Online Course Improvement Program Resource Wiki (request access) /
Quality Matters at NMSU / / 646-4476

Other Useful Sites

Quality Matters /
Teaching Academy / / 646-2204
WebAim /


This guide is a reference for new online course development or for revision of a current online course. Information concerning quality in online courses, templates, and processes are included in the guide. In May 2017, NMSU adopted 4.69 Academic Rules for Distance Education which states “All NMSU online courses must meet a quality metric, defined by the chief academic officer at each NMSU campus, before being offered.” For NMSU-Las Cruces, the identified quality metric is the Quality Matters Rubric. The role of Quality Matters (QM) and how the QM Rubric is used for course development and evaluation are included.

Quality Courses

Quality courses-

·  have content organized into learning units or modules;

·  have observable, measurable, and clear learning goals with learning experiences that directly support the goals;

·  provide opportunities for learner interactions with content, peers, and the instructor;

·  are consistent in design;

·  provide active learning options through the use of technology;

·  emphasize high expectations; and

·  represent a welcoming learning community respectful of diversity.


Web accessibility means that people with disabilities can use the Web. For the purposes of course development, Web accessibility means that people with disabilities can perceive, understand, navigate, and interact with the content provided for learning. Web accessibility for online course content includes being able to access the content even though a person may have visual, auditory, physical, speech, cognitive, and/or neurological disabilities. It is essential that online content be accessible in order to provide equal access and equal opportunity to people with disabilities. Designing accessible content support is provided in Appendix G

Vocabulary for Online Instruction

APPQMR: Acronym for Applying the Quality Matters Rubric Workshop.

Asynchronous: Web-based learning that happens at different times and places for students and the instructor(s).

Blended Learning: Learning in which full-time classroom face-to-face instruction is combined with web-based learning, in which learners have some control over time, place, path, or pace of their learning.

Course Home Page: The first screen learners view when they log into their course. A course home page should be user-friendly, intuitive, welcoming, and include information on what a learner should do in order to get started with the online courses.

Distance Learning: New Mexico State University refers to the formal process of delivering instruction via electronic or other media regardless of the location of the student or the instructor.

Hybrid learning: Learning that combines face-to-face and web-based learning in synchronous and asynchronous formats, in which face-to-face seat time is replaced by web-based learning (50% or <). See 4.69 Academic Rules for Distance Education Part 1.A.1.

Modules: Sequence of learning activities generally organized by weeks or units of study. Examples of module activities and assignments include readings, discussions, practice exercises, projects, or formative and summative assessments.

Module Introduction Page: The first page a learner views before they begin studying the module. Common elements located inside a module introduction page include a description of the module, topics, learning objectives, and a calendar of assignments.

Online Course: A course which is entirely online and delivered through the use of technology and eliminates geography as a factor in the relationship between the student and institution.

Quality Matters Rubric: Set of standards created to guide the development, enhancement, and evaluation of online courses.

Synchronous: A real-time learning event (webinar, web conference, course) in which a group of students and or an instructor are engaging in learning at the same time be it face-to-face or mediated by technology.

Role of Quality Matters

Course Quality and Standards

NMSU has adopted Quality Matters ( for its peer-review, continuous improvement approach for online and hybrid courses. Quality Matters (QM) is a set of standards based upon current literature, best practices, and national standards for course design and development. These standards can be used as a framework to design, revise, and improve online and hybrid courses. QM started as a research project through the University of Maryland, supported by a Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education (FIPSE) grant from the U.S. Department of Education.

Quality Metric

Per 4.69 Academic Rules for Distance Education, "All NMSU online courses must meet a quality metric, defined by the chief academic officer at each NMSU campus, before being offered." The Las Cruces campus defines the“quality metric” for online courses as meeting the expectations of an internal course review using the Quality Matters Rubric ( ). The internal review is performed by a certified QM Peer Reviewer and follows the continuous improvement approach for online and hybrid courses. See the NMSU Quality Matters webpage ( for more information. The Quality Matters Rubric in its short version can be found in Appendix F.

Basic Online Course Check

The Basic Online Course Check is NOT a Quality Matters course review. The Basic Online Course Check verifies that online courses offered at NMSU are not correspondence courses in compliance with the expectations of the federal government ( Students in distance education are eligible for federal Title V funding while students in correspondence courses are not. Therefore, it is the responsibility of NMSU to ensure that all distance education classes are eligible for federal financial aid. To ensure that online courses are true distance education courses, NMSU uses the Basic Online Course Check on sections that are designated as online (M70–M79). The Basic Online Course Check is NOT a Quality Matters course review and does NOTsatisfythe quality metric requirement described in Policy 4.69.

Online Course Development Process Graphic

Professional Development Workshops for Course Design


Introduction to Canvas / Academic Technology /
Writing an Effective Syllabus / Online Course Improvement Program /

Gathering Resources

Curriculum Mapping / Online Course Improvement Program /
Learning Objectives / Online Course Improvement Program /
Online Syllabus Workshop / Online Course Improvement Program /
Open Resources / Online Course Improvement Program /

Online Preparation

Quality Matters APPQMR / Online Course Improvement Program /
Facilitating Online Learning / Academic Technology /

Course Development

Modules in Canvas / Academic Technology /
Assignments in Canvas / Academic Technology /
Quizzes in Canvas / Academic Technology /
Audio and Video in Canvas / Academic Technology /
Making a Banner / Online Course Improvement Program /
Accessible Video / Academic Technology /
Creating Whiteboard Videos / Online Course Improvement Program /
Using Screencast-o-matic / Online Course Improvement Program /

Other Workshop and Webinar Opportunities

Recorded Webinars / Online Course Improvement Program /

Online Course Development

To get started with course development -

  1. Gather all resources for the online course including files in digital format. Assure you have the following available:

·  Course learning goals. Some learning goals (or standards) may be provided or required by your department. If so, include them in your syllabus or course shell.

·  Resources such as PPTs, handouts, assignments, weblinks, etc. used to deliver your content in digital format.

·  Major assignments or projects in digital format.

·  Assessments in digital format.

·  Move current syllabus to the online syllabus template or Provost Syllabus Tool to assure all online expectations are included. (Appendix A Syllabus Template)

·  Access to publisher content if being used.

  1. Review the Quality Matters non-annotated rubric (Appendix F). Highly recommended: APPQMR Workshop.
  2. Complete a course map (See Appendix B)
  3. Complete a course module/unit planning template providing an overview of each module, materials, activities, assignments, and assessments (See Appendix E).
  4. Request a Canvas development course shell from Academic Technologies.

·  Go to

·  On the top of the screen, click on “Canvas” and then “Canvas Request Forms.

·  Complete the form for a “Development Course.”

·  Begin adding content to the development course shell by adding a home page, modules, module overview, activities, assignments, and assessments.

  1. Use the Online Course Development Checklist to assure you are meeting expectations of the Quality Matters Rubric (See Appendix F)
  2. Complete a self-review using Quality Matters ( Make any revisions that are needed to meet the requirements of a self-review. (See Appendix H for QM Review Process)
  3. Submit your course to OCIP for an Internal Review ( A QM certified peer reviewer will take your course through the review process using the QM Rubric and let you know the results. If changes need to be made you can work with the reviewer to make these.

Once you meet your QM Internal Review, your course is ready for student enrollments. Congratulations! As a possible next step, you may want to submit your course for a QM Formal Review.

Checklist for Online Course Development

The checklist for online course development is based on the Quality Matters Rubric. (See Appendix F)

Review each item below, noting as “Yes” “No” or “Need Support”.

For any item marked “No” the course developer will need to add or revise.

For all items marked, “Need Support,” contact the Online Course Improvement Team or Academic Technologies Team for assistance.

Online Course Development Checklist

QM1: Course Overview and Introduction

Standard & NMSU Expectation / Yes / No / Need Support
Syllabus is made using the syllabus template or the Provost syllabus tool. (See Appendix A: Syllabus Template)
Course home page includes information from the home page template. (See Appendix C: Homepage Template).
Course specific orientation activities are present (i.e. guide to course, online course scavenger hunt, orientation quiz).
Getting Started information is provided including what to do first, second, etc. (See Appendix D: Getting Started Template).
First-week “getting started” course activities include student and instructor introductions. (See Appendix D: Getting Started Template).

QM2: Learning Objectives

Standard & NMSU Expectation / Yes / No / Need Support
Course level objectives are measurable.
Measurable and observable module or unit level objectives are included for each module using the module overview template. (See Appendix E: Module Overview Template).
Module learning objectives are clearly aligned to the course level objectives. (See Appendix B: Course Map Template).
*Relationship between activities, assignments and learning objectives is clear. (See Appendix B: Course Map Template).

QM3: Assessment

Standard & NMSU Expectation / Yes / No / Need Support
Graded activities, assignments, or assessments contain clear instructions for the learner with noted connection to the module’s objectives.
Students have access to rubrics or grading criteria for any graded activity, assignment, or assessment such as discussion boards, quizzes, projects, etc.
Assignments have due dates and point values.

QM4: Instructional Material

Standard & NMSU Expectation / Yes / No / Need Support
All course resources adhere to educational copyright laws and include proper copyright attribution.
*Instructional materials contribute to meeting the learning objectives.

QM5: Course Activities and Learner Interaction

Standard & NMSU Expectation / Yes / No / Need Support
*Activities and assignments promote achievement of the learning goals and encourage interaction and active learning.
Instructor’s response time for grading is shared. (See Appendix A: Syllabus Template)
Learner interaction expectation is explained.

QM6: Course Technology

Standard & NMSU Expectation / Yes / No / Need Support
*Technology is used to support the learning goals of the course.
Course tools are used to increase engagement and interaction.
*Technology is current.
*If external technology is used, links to privacy policies are shared. (See Appendix A: Syllabus Template)

QM7: Learner Support

Standard & NMSU Expectation / Yes / No / Need Support
Technology, student, academic, and accessibility support are included in the syllabus. (See Appendix A: Syllabus Template)

QM8: Accessibility and Usability

Standard & NMSU Expectation / Yes / No / Need Support
Left-hand course navigational menu only includes buttons that students are expected to use. (See Canvas Help Guide)
*The course is easy to navigate- it is clear and consistent.
*Accessibility information of technology is shared. (See Appendix A: Syllabus Template)
Text content follows accessibility guidelines. (See Appendix G: Accessibility)
Images are easy to read.
Video has clear audio and visuals.
*Course material is provided in alternative, accessible formats.

*QM Standard Reprinted with permission.Copyright©2014 by Maryland Online, Inc.

Quality Matters Self-Review

Follow these steps to prepare for an Internal Review by completing a Self-Review.

  1. Complete a Self-Review using Quality Matters self-review tool found at Quality Matters.
  2. Log into, click on MyQM, click on the Higher Education tab at the top of the screen, choose My Tools on the menu, click Course Review System, click Self Review to begin.
  3. The Self Review tool will help you determine if your course is ready for an Internal Review. The tool lists each Specific Review Standard with links to the Annotations. Review all annotations to assure the course meets the expectations of each Specific Review Standard.
  4. Once your course is ready by using the suggestions in this guide and by meeting all requirements of the Self Review, contact your mentor or the Quality Matters system coordinator for next step directions.

Internal Peer Review Process