For non-mobility seating and pressure cushions,refer to the Clinical Criteria for Alternative Positioning and/or Pressure Cushions for Stationary Seated Surfaces
Included accessories or modifications / Clinical Criteria / Eligible Prescriber / Aditional Information
Pelvic belt – 2 point
Standard foam, gel or static air pressure reducing cushion
Standard Tray
Standard head rest
Pre-contoured seat base/cushion / Provided on request / Registered occupational therapist or registered physiotherapist *
Provided on customised manual and power wheelchairs
Gel; combination; and static air pressure relieving cushion / Plus meets at least 1 of the criteria below:
- Ongoing clinical need for pressure relieving cushion
- History of pressure injury
Additional pelvic positioning
components e.g. hip blocks, obliquity
wedges, sacral pad, added to customise
a cushion / Contouring of cushion alone isinsufficient to position pelvis due to pelvic obliquity, tilt or rotation
Non-standard pelvic belt or stabilisers
e.g. - 4 point pelvic belt orpelvic keepers/ rigid devices / Meets at least 1 of the criteria below:
- Standard pelvic belt is not sufficientto secure pelvis
- Increased muscle tone, extensor
Headrest - customized:
Off set mounting, non-standard head rests without anterior head or neck support / Meets all criteria below:
- Standard options trialled and not suitable
- Required for postural control, safety or security during mobility, communication and/or activities of daily living
Thigh positioning:
Abductor/ leg divider/ pommel/adduction block/ thigh guides / Meets all criteria below:
- Adduction/abduction or wind sweeping is present
- Contouring of cushion alone isinsufficient to position upper leg
Foot positioning supports
Ankle huggers, foot straps or toe straps
Not provided to address behaviour issues / Meets at least 1 of the criteria below:
- Foot/ankle position needs correction
- Legsand feet in danger of injury due to movemetn disorder
- Stability required for functional tasks
Thoracic supports/ lateral supports / Meets at least 1 of the criteria below:
- Person uses a wheelchair for positioning for functional activities as person is unable to sit independently
- Person requires additional trunk support to optimize independent mobility or to complete activities of daily living.
Contoured back support / Standard options trialled and not suitable
Plus meets at least 1 of the criteria below:
- Person uses a wheelchair for positioning for functional activities as person is unable to sit independently
- Person requires accomodation of body shape or additional support to optimize independent mobility or to complete activities of daily living.
Harness – H style
Harness – backpack style
Shoulder keepers – rigid supports
Not provided as an alternative to a vehicle restraint or to address behaviour issues / Meets all criteria below:
- A pelvic belt or pelvic stabiliser is fitted
- Sufficient lateral support is available to ensure airway protection
- Style of harness is compatible with harness safety guidelines
- Harness is required to provide additional anterior support to the trunk
Custom tray / Meets at least 1 of the criteria below:
- Core ADL’s (such as mealtimes)
- Used to mount communication device; power wheelchair controller or environment control units (ECU)
- Additional postural support for thetrunk is needed. (prop with upper
Two trays – 1 x soft and 1 x hard / Meets all criteria below:
- Additional anterior support is required during transport
- Soft tray can not be used for functional activities due to the need to mount a communciation device, power wheelchair controller or environmental control system (ECU) on tray
Custom arm rests / Standard armrests have been trialled not able to provide sufficient support
Gel padding / History of pressure injuries that are atributable to wheelchair componentary
Custom moulded backrests / Meets all criteria below:
- Customised and off the shelf options have been trialled and not suitable
- Body shape or asymmetries requires more lateral and postural support to maintian a sitting posture than can be provided with the use of laterals and/or tilt in order that a person is participate in ADLs
- Mat evaluation has been completed
- Consideration has been given to how system will accommodate any further or changes
List members of team in ERF
Seat Base:
Custom moulded / Customised and off the shelf options have been trialled and do not meet needs due to at least 1 of the criteria below:
- Complex postural needs present
- Fixed postural deformity or nonstandard
- size
- High risk or history of recurrent pressure injuries
- Pelvic obliquity, tilt and/or rotation present
Specialised Head Restsproviding
- anterior support
- head and shoulder support
the seating system that support the head
and neck anteriorly / Meets all criteria below:
- Head cannot be supported upright against gravity
- Seating system provides stability to pelvis and trunk and includes well-fitting pelvic belt and thoracic support.
- Other options have been trialled and unsuccessful, including tilt and recline.
- Risks from injury to the head and
- Plan for training person and carers is in place
Ventilator trays or mounting for respiratory equipment
Additional battery or power connections for ventilator through PWC are not provided / Meets all criteria below:
- Person requires fulltime need for respiratory support
- Bags and other forms of mounting are not suitable
- Type of ventilator and mounting required has been confirmed with respiratory team
Excluded accessories or modifications /
- Second covers for cushions, backrests or headrests
- Head rests with included chinor neck supports
- Hi-lo/indoor bases for wheelchairs
Glossary / Seating systems – seat and back support surfaces and their attachment hardware, plus those accessories deemednecessary (RESNA)
Off the shelf seating:- commercial positioning or pressure relief equipment for use in a wheelchair, varying in size and composition, available for purchase from a supplier.
Customized seating:- commercial equipment selected, positioned, adjusted or modified to suit individual need asdirected by a therapist.
Custom made seating:- seating fabricated by a technician to provide positioning and /or pressure relief as guided by a therapist.
Identification Of
**Previous prescriptions do not need to be for EnableNSW funding
EnableNSW Seated Mobility Appendix C Seatiing and Accessories and modificationsAugust 2016