Physical Education / Topic: Baseball
Ambulant Pupils and Pupils with, Muscular Dystrophy & Cerebral Palsy
Lesson number:
5 / Previous experience
None needed as the game is very simple
Key stage:
2/3 / Duration:
40-60 mins / Aim:
*To develop the skill and tactical understanding association with a team game.
*To understand the basic rules and regulations of the game and following them.
Quick description:
Anticipate the flight of the ball / Skills:
Bowling skills
Learning outcomes.
Pupils will:
*Demonstrate an ability to understand basic rules.
*Demonstrate an ability to catch a ball to the best of their ability
*Demonstrate an awareness of specific position.
*Demonstrate throwing & catching techniques.
*Devise a simple game. / Opportunities for assessment:
  • 1, 2 ,3, 4, 5, & 6
  • Ongoing assessment

Equipment and resources needed:
*Large playing area
*Up rite safe tee
*Baseball bat or tennis rackets (larger surface area)
*Tennis balls (soft) or any other soft ball variable sizes
*Baseball caps (optional)
*Base cones (6)
*Coloured bibs / N.C. links
Games: 1, 2,3& 4
Teaching skills focus:
Accuracy, control, concept of target areas and communication
WARM UP (5mins)
* Explanation of lesson objectives
*Each lesson will begin with a warm up with stretches, teacher lead at first but with emphasis on pupils leading over time.
SKILL WORK (20 mins)
Introducing ways of Bowling
*Introducing the correct bowling technique
*The bowling ‘BOX’
the bowler must stand inside two cones
*Introduce bowling
*Get pupils experiment on how stand correctly & bowl (one step)
* Introduce more than one step to bowl
*The bowler must bowl underarm
*Bowl between the chin & knees
*Introduce a back stump behind the batter
* Correct way of running around the bases
  • If the player is unable to hit the ball with the bowler he can use the up rite tee

GAME: (20 mins)
Those who cannot bat will get another player to bat for them.
The object is to get around the hall safely and pass all the bases
COOL DOWN (5 mins)
*Stretches to cool down and deep breathing to help bring the pulse rate back to normal.
*Place pupils in ability groups
*Place cones closer to together with pupils who are having difficulty
* If the pupil is having difficulty using the baseball bat try:
A light weight one
A tennis racket (bigger surface area)
*Emphasise ‘keeping the eye on the ball
*Use larger, brighter balls for pupils who are having difficulty in tracking and catching the ball.
Tips, suggestions, additional resources:
*Pupils in wheelchairs place chair sideways on to the bowler,
* chair facing the way in with they need to go to first base.
*Electric chair must not be switched off (lose valuable time)