Oneight Confirmation Program
The following is a list of certain pieces which make-up The Journey Confirmation program. These pieces are intended to help you, the Confirmation candidate make decisions which prepare you for the spiritual formation that lies ahead.
1. Oneight Sessions
Almost weekly we will gather for fellowship, catechesis, prayer and praise. Catechists will present the Teaching for each session on various topics approved and mandated by The Archdiocese of Santa Fe. After the teaching, Confirmation Candidates will participate in a variety of activities. The sessions will take place on Sunday mornings and begin at 9:45 am. They will end by 11:45 am.
Confirmation date as yet has not been announced.
For each session, the Confirmation Sponsor and/or a Parent will attend with their Candidate. The first session of the first retreat, the parent must attend. . The second session, the sponsor must attend. All other sessions can be attended by either or both.
There will be 14 Oneight sessions, one 2-day overnight retreat and one 3-day overnight retreat. Candidates are expected to attend ALLOneight Sessions. Absences are permitted only for medical reasons. In the event of an absence, a 2 page typed report must be turned in by the student regarding the subject matter of the class missed.More than 2 absences will be reason for a candidate to return for a second year of formation.
2. At Home Studies
Each Confirmation student will choose one of the following at home study assignments:
A)Weekly Journal
- Study the scripture for Sunday mass each week
- Journal your thoughts.
- Bring your journal to class each week.
B)Book Reports
- Read and provide a 3-page report on “Rediscover Catholicism” by Matthew Kelly
- Read and provide a 3-page report on another book from the list as provided by the program director.Books will be provided.
3. Service and Outreach
Candidates are expected to accept their share of the responsibility to serve others. This year we are requiring that all confirmation candidates participate in various service and outreach opportunities for a minimum of 24 hours. You will see that service and outreach opportunities have been calendared at various times throughout the year in order for you to serve in a variety of situations and organizations. Parents and sponsors are encouraged to work with their teen to complete the community service. Without your support the projects will be impossible to facilitate and complete.Service hours must be complete and affidavits need to be turned in by March 16th.
4. Liturgy
At the center of the Catholic Christian faith is the celebration of the Eucharist, the real presence of Christ in the bread, wine and the people who eat His body and blood. It is at Mass, at Liturgy, where we come together with all of our Catholic Christian friends to celebrate as one church. It is only fitting for the people of our parish community to celebrate and walk with you on your journey toward being a full member. You are required to attend mass every Sunday. If you do not attend the noon mass at St. Therese, you will be required to present a signed bulletin from the mass you attend.
5. Adoration/ XLT
As Catholics we see the Eucharist as the source and summit of our faith. It isonly proper to also seek the Eucharist outside of mass in Adoration. This is anopportunity to adore and worship the Real Presence of Christ. All candidatesare required to spend 8 hours in adoration during the confirmation year.Candidates may choose to go to our adoration on Friday at the parish from 8:00am– 5:00pm, or another parish that has adoration. We will provide XLT nights where you will receive credit for one hour of adoration each time you attend. Attending all provided XLT nights will complete this obligation. Adoration affidavit is due March 30th.
The appropriate ways to show reverence during adoration are:
- Kneel, making the Sign of the Cross, upon entering the chapel.
- Kneel or sit in silence while in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament
- During your time in adoration you may find it helpful to meditate on scripture, recite the rosary, write in a prayer journal, reflect on the life of the Saints, examination ofconscience, etc.
- It is not appropriate to talk, joke around, make distractions or loud noises, eat,and/or chew gum, etc. during adoration.
6. Retreat
Retreats are such an important part of the Confirmation process; they are even important in life. How many times do we look forward to a vacation from school or from our everyday lives? We “get away” and recharge our batteries.
Retreats are intended to do the same. They give people the chance to “get away” from things that prevent them from focusing on our Lord. Retreats allow candidates to go away to have fun, relax, but more importantly, to recharge the spiritual battery. When you return from retreat, you can be guaranteed that your life will be changed.
Candidates will experience a 2-day overnight retreat and a 3-day overnight retreat. See the calendar in the Registration Packet for exact dates and times.
The RETREATS are MANDATORY for Candidates choosing to be Confirmed.If you are unable to attend the retreats, please notify the program director immediately to discuss the situation.
7. Life Teen
We feel your journey in faith during the high school years will not be easy and Life Teen will help give you a more complete experience. Confirmation sessions focus primarily on faith and religious formation. Life Teen is designed to create a place where teens can support each other and grow in faith and friendship while learning how to apply your Catholic values and beliefs into your daily life. Life Teenalso sponsors many social activities so you can start to meet others whose faith is important to them.
Life Teen meets every Sunday right after the Noon Youth Mass. Lunch is served before the program begins.
8. Parent/Sponsor Involvement
There is absolutely no reason parents should not be involved in the Confirmation Program in some way. This program relies totally on the volunteers to make it possible. With that in mind, we ask that you consider where your talents and time can be used to make the Oneight Confirmation Program the best!
Documentation - These volunteers take attendance and collect all necessary documents from students and parents such as permission slips, sponsor forms, baptismal certificates, etc.
Breakfast - Breakfast is served for each class. Most often it is simply coffee, juice, donuts, and fruit. Occasionally it will be based on the theme for the class. This entails purchase, set-up, and clean-up. We have a budget for this if donations are not available.
Service Projects - Throughout the year we will offer service projects for our students to do. We will need parents to organize the project and organize the kids to do these projects.
Retreats - For the retreat, we get as many parents and sponsors as possible involved either by bringing something or signing up for night patrol. We need parents to organize the parents.
But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, throughout Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.