September 2011 by Suzanna, sponsored by the Gethsemane Olivet [Prayer] Fellowship.


[As I've said before, if these understandings are different from yours, which I respect, please excuse me.]

Some Background Notes.

1. If you look back to the 'Interim July '11 N/L, you will see I suggested my writing of an interim N/L was because of the terrible situation in SYRIA (and other M.E. Nations). Sadly nothing has really changed. Oh yes, various sanctions have been applied to Leaders in Syria, some encouragement to the Opposition Leaders, and fine words from H. Clinton and others, but above all, people are dying on the streets, houses being wrecked and refugees are trying to flee to Turkey... and Christians are coming under more pressure! Things could hardly get more cruel and serious for all - families especially!

2. In recent months ~ my time was largely been taken up with a careful study of main Scriptures about 'Worldwide, Future Earthquakes and SkySigns', (by the way they are written). It took a lot of prayer and time ~ [between our own local Earthquakes] and intensive study (and pages)! I started in 2010.

Yet the utter seriousness of these alone - really shook me. Other events like those associated with many descriptions, in Isaiah 13, and Revelation were left aside, to concentrate on just the 7 main descriptions of the Worldwide Earthquakes, and sky signs! Having lived through recent severe Earthquakes in Christchurch, N.Z. and knowing about even more devastating Quakes and Tsunamis in Japan, gave me a tiny awareness of how even those were mild in comparison with Major Quakes God that will allow later!

Surely there has never yet been a worldwide Earthquake, involving themoon and the stars, has there?

Believe me - they will bring very great Judgement on millions of people!

I was excited to find, that it is possible that 4 descriptions are synonymous with Armageddon and the actual Return of Jesus ~ also just when all Believers, of all time will be resurrected to meet Him in the air!

Yet all these events together, spell out God's dealings with the Evil Powers who He "gives powerto", if you read Revelation 6, about the Breaking of the first 4 Seals by the nail-pierced Hands of the Lamb of God, and the 'Horsemen of the Apocalypse' (as they are called). Even ch.7 refers to the angels who would be "given power" to harm the land and the sea. The Angels that sound the Trumpet blasts in Ch. 8 initiating, huge horrific events of disaster, with millions dying as a result. Yet even worse it seems in ch. 9, with the 5th Trumpet - the opposite effect; "They were NOT given power to kill them", (all the people with the Beast's mark) for 5 terrifying months... And so it continues throughout the book of Revelation, especially. [As this is not actually a Bible study I'm not giving the full Scriptures - Refs. only.]

3. So my serious conclusion about present 'disasters' is: that they are 'only' the "Birth Pains" before the actual time of Tribulation under the 'Beastly Anti-christ Leaders'.

This is not to deminish their seriousness, or the heart-breaking effects for thousands all over the world in loss of homes, businesses, family members and individual lives, whether in disasters or persecution...

a) All the awful signs: wars, disasters, famines, fires, floods, mine disasters, train and other crashes, and tornadoes and earthquakes, false prophets, and huge increase in wickedness with loss of love by hundreds, if not thousands of Christians ~ yet the spread of the Gospel and persecution ~

These are all events we should accept - WILL happen... BUT we still need to pray about...

b) First, I plead that they will not derail or diminish the faith of millions of Christians, but give opportunity to help to spread the Gospel, which hurting people need so much, and so hasten "the End".

c) We CAN know some facts and even progression of events, clearly foretold by Jesus and even Prophets of the Tanakh! God has NOT left us as orphans in the dark! Studying the 7 main Earthquakes of the End times, and writing carefully about them, has given me even greater joy in the Glorious Return of our Lord Jesus just as He on the one hand raptures all Believers up to meet Him in the air, in the first part of Rev. 19, butsimultaneously in the second part of Rev. 19 deals with all the Evil forces, back on Earth ~ intending to fight against God and His People at 'Ha Megiddo' ~ but destroyed by the authority of the One whose tongue is a sword. So Armageddon is God's last act of judgement - Cp Rev 16: 16 - 21!

4. Taking it all in, and wondering how we should react, is a very real practical problem for most of us.

Just living life each day, where we are, in the circumstances we know God has allotted to us can be very demanding whatever age or stage of life we are in. You do not need me to spell these problems out.



When it comes to "prophetic words" we need Holy Spirit understanding. Every word must be based on Scripture, and the honour of our God, and the ultimate blessing of all God's true People, Jew or Gentile.

False dates of 'the End' are so sad, and dishonouring to God and His WORD, another item for prayer!


1. This is where I take special notice of the last 2 paragraphs or LANCE LAMBERT'S 2011, prophetic word of GOD. "Shortly also, I will bring more serious judgement on the Western Nations. I will bring them to nothing; I will turn them upside down; I will grind them to powder. They will not know what has hit them. It will seems as if there is nothing left of what once I worked in those nations, especially that 'Super-Power'. I will bring it to weakness; she will no longer be 'super' but a pity of the Nations. Hear this Word of Mine, I call you to intercede for those who belong to Me in those nations; that they may be saved from it! HEAR THIS CRY. My heart yearns for those who belong to me, that they might be clear in their understanding; clear in the way they are to walk in the midst of all this. DO HEAR ME! For I speak to you who love Me, and remember me. I do not desire judgement,

But judgement of the most serious and devastating kind WILL fall on those nations.

Hear this call from Me, and obey My call to intercession!"



It seems this was from a godly Russian orthodox Priest to a Christian Nun before she went to live in Jerusalem, in the Community House on the Mount of Olives in 1918. [You may have read it? Now true!]

"Tell the women they must belong absolutely to God. They must believe in the great things that are happening and that God is doing on the Earth. They must prepare their souls, their children, their husbands, and they will have very much work to do for God.

Oh, what a great work they will have to do in the End Time and the men will follow them.

Not one country will be without a trial - do not be frightened of anything you will hear. An evil will shortly take Russia and wherever this Evil comes, rivers of blood will flow. [Emergence of Communism 1918.] This Evil will take the whole world, and wherever it goes, rivers of blood will flow because if it. [eg. China.] It is not the Russian soul, but an imposition ON the Russian soul. It is not an 'ideology' or a 'philosophy' ~ but a spirit from Hell. [How right this Russian Prophet was!]

In the last days, Germany will be divided in two. Francewill just be nothing. Italywill be judged by natural disasters. Britainwill lose her empire and all her Colonies, and almost come to total ruin, but will be saved by praying people. Americawill feed the world, but will finally collapse. Russian and China will destroy each other. Finally Russiawill be free, and from her Believers will go forth and turn many from the Nations to God. [My note -maybe this fits with Isaiah 19: 23 -25 & Joel 2: 28 - 32, Romans 11]



From Luke 21: "Jerusalemwill be trampled on by the Gentiles, until 'the time of the Gentiles has been fulfilled'." [Many believe this was in 1967.] "There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars." [not natural eclipses!] "On Earth nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea. Men will faint from terror, apprehensive at what is coming on the world, for the Heavenly bodies will be shaken... When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near!" [Then Yeshua gave us instructions what to do 34 - 35, "watch & pray."]


Of course you know all these things, as I did, but understanding the difference between the BIG signs, and the 'smaller' - even localised sad events, is a new lesson I feel I learnt, so we know 'the time'.

We still need to be patient to 'occupy' and to serve and even to sow seeds still, for a 'quick' harvest soon!

Along with the realisation of the possible scenario of events, I have been encouraged to see more people with a burden to prepare others for a probable time of suffering in the Tribulation as God directs.

May I recommend 2 websites? , see the directory section]

Also their other site


4. Another aspect, ISAIAH wrote about, (57: 1-2)God is graciously taking wonderful old saints home now! "The righteous perish... devout men are taken away, and no one understands that the righteous are taken away to be spared from evil. Those who walk uprightly..." [Are not raptured yet.] "They find rest as they lie in death". So it is with a mixture of sorrow and joy for some, like a great supporter of this ministry, Clive Stephenson, (father of a missionary wife serving in Egypt) but home before her father's passing!

He is one of many more, we are hearing of who have been faithful Servants for many years. Praise God.



1. This month starts the 'last four' Hebrew Feasts of the LORD, as outlined in Leviticus 23, as 'Sacred Assemblies'. The first three of these were spiritually and physically fulfilled, in the same year, in the Land of Israel, with tremendous blessings in each one! They were 'Passover', (Yeshua's death) First-fruits, (His resurrection) Pentecost/ Shavuot, (the coming of the Holy Spirit on His New Kingdom People.)

The last 4 begins with the Feast of Trumpets, (September 29th) also called 'Rosh Hashanah', though this first day of a new Sacred year, begins 9 'Days of Awe' to seek God's favour to Yom Kippur, (October 8th)

We long to see the Spiritual aspects of these known by today's Jewish People to bring great blessing.

2. September is also the month of the 'Annual General Meeting' of the would-be U.N.O. from 20th.

This year it has taken on a very great significance for ISRAEL, Jewish people, and Christians.

a) The possibility of the P.L.O presenting the Palestinian request - for the areas of the P.A,(under Fatah Party) and Gaza, (under Hamas and other Muslim groups) -tobe unilaterally declared a State.

Here are extracts from J. Post's Herb Keinon.

"Senior officials warns the General Assembly Resolution to recognise the P.A. as a 'Non-member State would create 'unbridgeable gaps' ... and would pushback negotiations for years. If passed the Palestinians would never be willing to negotiate on anything less than what they hope to gain from the UNO.Israel is not willing to negotiate over the language of the Resolution... but Israel was focusing on the Principles. On a certain level the Resolution would complicate matters for the Palestinians, too, as the P.A would replace the PLO and this would complicate the Refugee Issue. Israel's case for them to stay where they are will become stronger. He added "It was an illusion to think that a PalestinianState could go it alone". One example is that without Israel's assistance they could not even collect taxes, to combat Hamas with. Israel is not announcing how it will react if the Resolution is passed, but they are compiling a "basket of options". One that has been mentioned is Israel annexing the JordanValley and the 'Settlements'." [Another possibility aired is that Israel can limit all forms of travel of people and goods to or from...]

b) Aware that thousands of Palestinians could react one of 2 ways, (depending on the outcome of the vote) King Abdullah II of Jordan got AbbasIsrael Defence minister Ehud Barak together in Amman. Israel spelt out clearly their reactions would match the level of violence, or mass efforts to 'invade' Israel.

c) As the annual UN [so-called] 'Human Rights Council' meets to discuss 'Racism' via the 'Durban III' Anti-Racism week' ~ planned to be held just prior to the UNO General Assembly, ~ the Messianic Director "Justice 4 Jerusalem" - Calev Meyer, has joined with a number of Pro-Israel groups to call people to a large demonstration in the Plaza on the steps of the UNO, at 11am on the 21st September.

For those on Internet I urge you to see the excellent presentation on

Let us pray for God's will to prevail, (even if different from what we think), and that peace WILL come!



The word 'changing' is probably the only thing not changing in these turbulent times!

Commentators are hard pressed to keep up with current news and 'guess' what the future possibilities are. This is where we do have to keep on going back to key parts of the Word of God, such as: Isaiah 19 - for Egypt, Jeremiah 49: 35 - 39 for Iran, Ezekiel 38 & 39 (v.29) for Israel, many other well known chapters for Messianic and Christian Believers, Psalm 35 & I Thess 1 for persecuted Believers.

1. YET for ISRAEL, if anything, the needs for prayer and praise-full trust in 'The God of Israel' - grows every week!

a. Do you know any Government that publishes weekly reports of their Cabinet meetings? Israel does!

You will know of the growing protests in Israel regarding the cost of living, housing, education, etc. and that some clued-up young Leaders have emerged to present these to the Government. [However it has been suggested that left-wing, and anti-Netanyahu groups have tried to hi-jack the movement to topple the present Government]. The Government responded by appointing Manuel Trajtenberg to lead a Committee', (using his name) to look at some solutions.

Here are some comments Mr Netanyahu said Sept 4th:

"My Government is committed to carrying out tangible changes in order to ease the cost of living and correct Social distortions. I believe that the public dialogue that has developed, as well as the discussions of the Trajtenberg Committee will offer us a unique opportunity to implement genuine and responsible changes in this sphere. The Trajtenberg Committee will submit its recommendation to me in approx. 2 weeks. Israel has never had a committee that has begun such an open and serious dialogue with thousands of citizens... The Committee will present serious recommendations. I intend to act quickly... and maintain the correct balance between social sensitivity, and responsible economics..."So we have 2 weeks to pray for this situation to honour God and bless people!

b. 'Gaza War narrowly averted - for now.' This was an arresting headline and the following article explained some details. Those on e-mail may remember I sent out a prayer request for real wisdom for Netanyahu, following the clear discovery that it was [& is] Iran that is now calling the shots in Gaza.

They have even managed to sideline the official Hamas government and work with the very anti-Israel sub- groups; (one of which captured and holds Israeli Soldier Galid Schalit). They organised a 10-man terror group to leave Gaza and enter south Israel via Egypt's SinaiDesert to kill 8 Israelis near Eilat.

The number of missiles and bombs directed at Israel from Gaza, caused Israel to make some clear 'surgical strikes back', even killing a top leader. War against Gaza seemed the only 'solution'...

Even Hamas could not contemplate such an outcome, so offered a "Cease Fire truce" to Israel.

Netanyahu came under criticism for accepting, and only God knows how much prayer counted.

Yet sadly, more and more it looks as if only a war will mean that Ezekiel 38: 8, 11 & 14 happen!

2. LIBYA & Muslim Nations of the M.E. As a Pray-er for one of the amazing Ministries to Persecuted Christians, among many 'hard to read news' items, is the plight of real Christians who have managed to escape from very bad situations and travel to other nations, only to find themselves doubly badly treated now as 'illegal immigrants' and Christians. So I read, "Fighting in Libya has driven 210,000 migrant workers, (many Christians), out of the country, leaving the churches with very few Christians, severely weakened." In Syria, Christian Syrians were threatened for either not joining in the protests or for doing so! Hundreds of Iraqi Christians who had found a measure of safety in Syria have also had to risk returning to their home areas. And so the huge tides of homeless Christians increases everywhere! Egyptis affected too, as many Africans try to go through Egypt, enroute to Europe but are abused badly.