One Team, Working Together -

from recruitment to retention - developing a high performing

Clinical Commissioning Group


NHS Eastern Cheshire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) is looking to ensure that its workforce, clinical leaders and Governing Body are supported with their ongoing development needs so as to ensure that the CCG continues to be a high performing resilient organisation that is capable of meeting its current statutory duties, future responsibilities and is able to achieve its corporate ambitions around transforming care services for the population of Eastern Cheshire.

The CCG is inviting external agencies to submit their offer of support to the requirements as outlined throughout this document.


NHS Eastern Cheshire Clinical Commissioning Group is a membership organisation of 23 GP Practices working within five town based locality peer groups.

The main purpose of the CCG is to commission (buy) the highest quality of health care services within available funds, and monitor the quality of these services for the 204,000 people of Eastern Cheshire. We are responsible for commissioning health services to meet all the reasonable requirements of our local population, with the exception of certain services commissioned directly by NHS England, health improvement services commissioned by Cheshire East Council, and health protection and promotion services provided by Public Health England.

The CCG currently employs over 40 staff who work within three directorates – Corporate, Commissioning and Transformation – and who work alongside the clinicians and staff of the 23 GP practices to commission, plan and monitor health services. Figure One outlines the structure of the CCG.

The overarching role of the Governing Body of the CCG is to ensure that the CCG has appropriate arrangements in place to exercise its functions effectively, efficiently and economically and in accordance with generally accepted principles of good governance and the constitution of the CCG. The Governing Body meets monthly to ensure that the CCG is effectively delivering on its duties as a statutory NHS organisation. Further detail about the membership, role and responsibilities of the CCG Governing Body can be found at:

For further information about the CCG please refer to our website:

Key relationships

There are a number of key relationships that will be important for the successful bidder to engage and work closely with throughout the contract period:

·  CCG Chief Officer

·  CCG GP Chair

·  CCG Governing Body Members

·  CCG Executive Directors

·  CCG Corporate Services Manager

·  CCG Workforce Committee members

·  CCG HR Associate support from Commissioning Support Services

Specific requirements of the contract

There are two phases of work required within this contract and the CCG requires bidders to clearly articulate how they feel they would be able to deliver the requirements of both phases.

Phase One:

The service provider will be required to support the CCG to:

·  re-assess the CCG vision, values and principles so as to:

o  determine whether they reflect the organisational way of working that the CCG aspires to and is required to be

o  determine whether they form the organisational foundations to enable/direct the CCG towards achieving its seven ambitions

·  refresh the CCG vision, values and principles if necessary

·  refresh and update its current Organisational Development Plan,[1] so that it:

o  reflects the structural and strategic development of the CCG over the last two years

o  reflects the CCG’s increased commissioning and statutory responsibilities since authorisation

o  reflects and supports the delivery of the existing (or new) CCG vision, values and principles and its ambitions for the transformation of local health and care services

o  articulates how the CCG plans to support the development of its staff, clinician and Governing Body to enable delivery of its responsibilities going forward

o  articulates the process of how the CCG will deliver its recruitment, talent management and retention policy, covering the identification of appropriate assessments against banding/responsibilities during the recruitment process and as part of a recruited roles personal ongoing development,

o  articulates how the CCG Personal Development Plan (PDP) process will ensure that each member of staff has a meaningful PDP, access to developmental training, manage talent, and how the PDP process is aligned to the both the development and succession planning needs of the individual and organisation

o  covers the period 2015 - 2017

·  develop a CCG recruitment, talent management and retention policy

·  undertake a CCG wide skills and training needs analysis

·  develop a robust CCG succession plan for key posts within the organisation

·  develop a CCG training and development framework, mapping in all available accredited and endorsed coaching, training and development courses/opportunities available to CCG staff, Governing Body members and clinical leaders. From this framework, two key products are required to be developed:

o  a comprehensive CCG Governing Body member coaching and development programme, drawing on available support/training and courses, based on national and regional best practice and reflective of the recommendations outlined in recent audits reports to the CCG

o  an aspiring and emerging CCG clinical leader and Governing Body members training, development and recruitment programme outline

·  support the Governing Body development programme, develop the existing CCG PDP process to reflect the roles and remit of Governing Body members

·  produce a paper for the CCG Governing Body outlining key recommendations, proposals for consideration and adoption, and a refreshed Organisational Development Plan for approval.

Phase Two

·  provide short term on-site support to the CCG to implement the recommendations, proposals, processes and programmes as agreed by the Governing Body following the presentation of the Phase One Governing Body report

Key Products

·  Vision, values and principles assessment exercise and findings/recommendations report to CCG Executive Team

·  Skills and training needs analysis

·  CCG Organisational Development Plan

·  Recruitment, Talent Management and Retention Policy

·  CCG Succession Plan

·  Training and Development Framework for the CCG

·  Governing Body member coaching and development programme

·  Aspiring and emerging CCG clinical leaders and Governing Body members programme

·  Governing Body Member PDP process

·  Governing Body paper

Key timelines:

·  5th December 2014 – submission closing date of offers of support to the CCG

·  16th December 2014 – interviews of shortlisted organisations

·  19th December 2014 – notification of contract award to successful bidder

·  5th January 2015 – start of Phase One

·  25th March 2015 – completion of Phase One and presentation to CCG Governing Body

·  6th April 2015 – start of Phase Two Implementation

Working arrangements

The service provider will be accountable to the Corporate Service Manager as contract holder. The service provider will be required to provide all of their own equipment but hot-desking facilities will be available in the offices of NHS Eastern Cheshire CCG.

Evaluation criteria

Proposals will be assessed according to how well they demonstrate:

·  Understanding of our requirements: bids should demonstrate a clear understanding of the purpose/objectives of this work, and the current and future pressures on CCG’s which will require developmental support

·  Access to accredited and NHS endorsed training and development opportunities: bids should demonstrate a robust understanding of the various training and development offers currently available to CCG clinical and non-clinical staff and Governing Body members

·  Assurance that the individual/organisation has the capacity to undertake the work in line with contract requirements: confirmation should be provided that the bidder is able to commence and complete the programme of work within the identified timeframes and has sufficient capacity and experience to fulfil the contract

·  Affordability and value for money: the total price of the contract should not exceed the maximum budget set at £25,000 (contract price inclusive of VAT). We require a full breakdown of costs, indicating where VAT is applicable. Bidders must include proposals and prices for additional recommended or suggested activities that could supplement the required services and deliverables, but must clearly indicate these as separate from the core bid. The CCG would also welcome submissions where alternative sources of funding or support can be identified and secured by the bidder to support either phase of this work.

Intellectual property and data protection

The successful bidder providing the support outlined in this document must agree that any intellectual property arising out of or developed in connection with or related to the services for this contract shall lie with NHS Eastern Cheshire CCG. All data delivered to the supplier for the purpose of facilitating this programme of work will remain the property of the supplying organisation. The appointed supplier must provide assurances that this data will be used in compliance with the Data Protection Act and that adequate security measures are taken to protect this data.


A copy of the offer of support proposal (Appendix A) should be submitted to:

Matthew Cunningham

Corporate Services Manager

NHS Eastern Cheshire Clinical Commissioning Group

1st Floor,New Alderley Building, Macclesfield,Cheshire,SK10 3BL

Tel: 01625 663339

Mob:07584 522220

Closing date: 5pm on 5th DECEMBER 2014

NHS Eastern Cheshire Clinical Commissioning Group reserves the right not to consider any Bidder that does not meet the submission deadline or who does not submit the required documentation as outlined in Appendix A.

Appendix A

Outline of Offer of Support Submission

Potential Bidders must submit a completed Offer of Support submission using the template below.

Organisation Name
Organisation Type / Government Organisation
Independent Sector
Voluntary Sector
Social Enterprise
NHS Organisation
Organisation Address
Authorised Contact Name
Authorised Contact Position
Authorised Contact Telephone Number
Authorised Contact E-Mail Address
Outline approach to completing Phase One
Action Plan for completion of requirements of Phase One
Please include an action plan incorporating key timelines towards completion of key products and contract requirements
Breakdown of estimated costs to deliver completion of Phase One work
Please include a full breakdown of costs, indicating where VAT is applicable.
Outline approach to completing Phase Two
Action Plan for completion of requirements of Phase Two
Please include an action plan incorporating key timelines towards completion of key products and contract requirements
Breakdown of estimated costs to deliver completion of Phase Two work
Please include a full breakdown of costs, indicating where VAT is applicable.
Please confirm the following
I/my organisation have/has the existing resource to provide on-site support to the CCG
I/my organisation have/has the existing resource and capacity to commence support at and meet the key timelines as outlined in this document
I can provide evidence of Public Liability Insurance
Supporting information (e.g. skills, past experience of delivering similar work)
Please provide 2 references from organisations/agencies/individuals that have received a similar service.

Note: All correspondence relating to this process will be addressed to the Bidders’ Authorised Contact. The Authorised Contact must have full authority to represent the Bidder and attend any meetings on the Bidder’s behalf.

Deadline for submissions:
5pm on 5th December 2014
Please send an electronic copy of your Offer of Support submission to:
Matthew Cunningham
Corporate Services Manager
NHS Eastern Cheshire Clinical Commissioning Group

NHS Eastern Cheshire Clinical Commissioning Group reserves the right not to consider any Bidder that does not meet the submission deadline or who does not submit the required documentation
Compliant submission checklist – failure to confirm or submit any of the required documentation/information causes automatic disqualification
þ Completed Offer of Support
þ Proof of Public Liability Insurance
þ Confirmation of available resource / þ Confirmation of being able to meet identified timelines
þ Two References
þ Signed Conflict of Interest form
1. / Conflict of Interest Template /
