One Minute Guide: AIM2 Why, What and How. (P.T.O for flowchart)
What is AIM2?AIM stands for Assessment, Intervention & Moving On.
We apply this process when a young person is alleged to have caused sexual harm to another. We utilise the AIM2 process to determine the level of risks they pose and what might be the most useful levels of intervention to help them, where possible, to move on.
What is classed as sexually harmful behaviour?
The definition of harmful sexual behaviour by children / young people is the same as for adults who sexually abuse and is often characterised by a lack of true consent, the presence of power imbalance and exploitation.
“Sexual abuse involves forcing or enticing a child or young person to take part in sexual activities, not necessarily involving a high level of violence, whether or not the child is aware of what is happening. The activities may involve physical contact, including assault by penetration (e.g. rape, or oral sex) or non penetrative acts such as masturbation, kissing, rubbing and touching outside of clothing, They may also include non-contact activities, such as involving children in looking at, or in the production of, sexual online images, watching sexual activities, or encouraging children to behave in sexually inappropriate ways, or grooming a child in preparation for abuse (including via the internet).“
When should I make a referral to AIM?
- Whenever an allegation of sexually harmful behaviour is made.
- We do NOT need to wait for the outcome of any police investigation. We are assessing risk in terms of future similar behaviours and identifying ways to manage those risks.
- If in doubt, make the referral and the strategy meeting will determine the next steps.
- The Brooks Traffic Light Tool affords a good guide as to the difference between sexually inappropriate behaviours and sexually harmful behaviours, but if you need to discuss ring Pam Vedhara or Gary Bell.
What is the AIM meeting process?
The process is very simple-
- Social worker fills in a referral form requesting an AIM2 strategy meeting
- Strategy meeting determines whether or not the young person meets the criteria for an AIM2 assessment (may be either Stage 1or Stage 2)
- Social worker and YJS Officer (one or both of whom must be AIM2 trained) jointly complete Assessment within 20 working days
- The lead (also the report writer) is determined by the entry route. For criminal cases (i.e. where the concern has come from the police) it is the YJS Officer, for welfare (where the concern has come from another agency) it is the Social Worker. See flowchart overleaf
- A review meeting is convened to look at the findings of the assessment and its recommendations plus an action to either end the process at that point or progress to stage 2 assessment.
- If the case progresses to stage 2 then, after the assessment is completed (15 working days), a further meeting is convened to explore the implications of the findings.
Who should attend the meetings?
- At the strategy meeting it should be the referring social worker; a YJS Officer; police; business support and Chair. If the referral to social serviceshas initially come via a partner agency (such as school)then the social worker may wish to ensure they are also invited.
- At further meetings, the social worker who completed the assessment should also attend. The outcomes of the assessment will identifyanyone else who needs to attend. For example if the assessors feel that specialist intervention is required from the NSPCC- then they should be invited.
What information should I bring to the meetings?
- SocialWorkers- If you fill in your referral formcarefully, then everything that’s required at the strategy meeting will be on it and that, plus the discussion,will be sufficient to determine whether or not to progress.
- Police- overview of previous relevant concerns
- YJS- if it’s an open case then details of current offence and disposal
- At review meetings, we need the assessment, report and, where relevant, anything extra that has come to light since the assessment was completed.
Who organises the meetings?
- YJS Business Support staff will organise the meetings. They are based at Laygate and contactable on 4272850.
- REMEMBER -It is the joint responsibility of the assessors to ensure that they have asked for the right people to be invited to meetings to discuss the findings of their assessment.
Police at the meetings?
The responsibility for police attendance at these meetings has now moved to PC Clare Mallinson and PC Amanda Smith -so you don’t need to do anything.
AIM Process Flowchart